Forum Replies Created
PM’d you!
Y’all are too funny!!! 😆 😆
I think she’s talking about Feline Infectious peritinitis (spelling?) it’s a fatal mouth disease.
Okay, before I vote, what is Cheesecake? Is it cake? or maybe pie? it’s technically a custard…sooo I don’t know. And what about marzipan? is that considered candy? I get all gooey over marzipan.
I put viniger and bacon bits and all types of spices in my tuna fish, which squicks my mother out. My husband makes this unholy dish called “Zack Suprise” it’s made of hot dogs, bbq sauce, sweet and sour sauce, pasta and some other goo. The suprise is that if you eat it you puke! He’s not allowed to make it if I’m home, only when I go to my parents house, and the dishes have to be washed, and the candle burning, cause it smells like baby poop.
LOL at Snap, and at Ski for the B Dub, that had me giggling!!! I voted veggie, cause of the variety and I LUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRVVVVVVVVV veggies, especially artichokes and asparagus and cabbage, etc… I thought about Pizza, but I have pancreatitis and would actually DIE if that was all I ate, I think my intestines would explode, seriously!! This was a fun poll! and I’d love to see a dessert one!
*Edit~ note to self, check rest of posts before typing! ddin’t see the dessert one!
Thanks! It was just the turqouise that was throwing me, I like the color on this one though, nice and dark.
thanks pegasi!
That was great!!! 😆
something about the coloration ans the huge turquoise splotches seems weird, I know DM can’t see, I’ll try and get a picture upThis is a mess, hopefully we can find out what happened!
LOL, I love clingy girlfriend!
Oh!!! You looked beautiful! and such a handsome husband! Congratulations and Best Wishes!!!
February 8, 2008 at 5:24 am in reply to: HAPPY EARLY BIRTHDAY KYRIN OUR WINDSTONE DOCTOR!! 2-8 #662934HAPPY BIRTHDAY DR. KYRIN!!