Forum Replies Created
purplecat wrote:
Oh, man I just got some sculpey and the texture is SOOOooooo different from oil clay!!!! It doesn’t smell either! I had gotten the mistaken impression that all clay had a smell…of course all I’ve ever worked with is oil clay and play doh and both of those smell…I’ve gotta practice with this stuff for a while…wow…
lol in my opinion its one of the best sculpting materials available 🙂
i emailed them so hopefully i will get a reply soon
azurielle wrote:Dracomancer wrote:those ball jointed dolls are called dollfies and good gods they are expensive as all hell..even ordering them straight from japan will knock you back about $500><
Actually, only the Japanese one from one comapnay are called Super Dollfies, and woe be the person who doesn’t understand that, for in the doll community, they will bite your head off. Not me though. And yes, they are very expensive…and I remeber the good old days when I thought buying my Emerald Emperor was amazingly expensive! 😉
lol i have been wanting a dark elf super dollfie for awhile and my gf wants a few..but when we saw the prices we pretty much had heart failure
Dragon Master wrote:Dracomancer wrote:ouch>< mind you i didnt care about my injury i was justw orried about my OW lol
You did not mention if the OW got hurt in the process??
his horn broke off but it was a clean break and easily repaired by me 🙂 my foot was swollen for a week afterwards lol
Greater Basilisk wrote:Congrats! That’s good news.
yup and it gives me an excuse to not go see my mother for christmas this year! ::cackles::
well somethign good happened to me today for application to a college got accepted meaning i can begin my long trek down the road to becoming involved in veterinary medicine..oh joy lol
is it just me or does this bear a striking resemblence to the peacock colouration? wrote:dragonmedley wrote:Methinks you should have something needing your urgent attention out of town.
I agree, this sounds like it should be just between your sister and mother anyways.
they wish to include me-_- i think them putting me down brings them closer together or something…
dragonmedley wrote:Methinks you should have something needing your urgent attention out of town.
Confront them and tell them off. Then again, from what I read, it just might fall into deaf ear. 🙁
S’wrong with the way you dress? You look just fine & stylish on the show-your-picture thread 😀
they wont buy the out of town excuse again :/ and yeah they never listen to me at all and i know i dress just bloody fine but my mother is a (insert vile words here) and she wants me to be what she wants me to be…i really really dislike them
well my evil mother called me today..turns out my sister is coming out to see her here in ca after 6 years..and this honestly terrifies me..let me fill you in on how both my mother and my sister are so you all understand why i wish i where in hiding right sister in 35 years old..built like an ox and is a cop in toledo ohio and also an EMT..her reasoning for being both..and this is what she said “well if i shoot someone i can patch them up to shoot them again” she also tends to be extremely critical of me and how i live my life and snarky and sarcastic beyond beleife oh and did i forget to mention she tends to just drop by unnanounced at times? during very inoportune moments? mother..she likes to try to rule my life every moment she can..mind you im going to be 25 next month but she still doesnt get the fact i am an adult now..she says im too immature to know what im doing with my life and that i blew my one chance at true happiness and success when i got kicked from the military..not to mention if i dont dress how SHE wants me too she makes me strip at her house and dress in what she deems ” appropriate” also she critisizes me at every damn turn..causing me more stress then i can handle and making me feel guilty about everything i do…now i try to avoide seeing these two banes of my existance as much as possible but i seem to be failing miserably..right now i dont really know what to do besides give in..go see them and pray i dont kill either of them><
oh yeah i see those all the time, they even have male knock offs
goiod gods she sounds like my mother..the one person i REALLY hate being around because she is so snyde, sarcastic and non supportive..hell when i moved ibn with my roommates she thought they where going to sell me into being a sex slave..can we say psycho? yeah you can either tell her straight out how you feel and why you dont want her there..or make a snazzy excuse i personally have done both and they both work on such parrents
August 28, 2007 at 7:25 pm in reply to: Check this site out-Renaissance, Marionettes and more #612547dragonessjade wrote:Yeah, I like the feather hats…the big ones. 😀 I also like the headbands, the beaded berretts..the dragon marionette is cool also.
Good luck with the business Dracomancer. 😉
lol thanks i will need all the luck i can get 😆
August 28, 2007 at 6:09 pm in reply to: Check this site out-Renaissance, Marionettes and more #612545oo i found something for my GF for christmas on there ::evil grin:: and i hope to have a business like that once i get my sculptures going lol(yeah thatl happen in about 8 years :p)
ooo hes pretty..and yeah i like some of the gold my emperor…other pieces like the young i just dispise..i wonder why O_o