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  • in reply to: Show your Windstone Collection-Continued #540339

    Hey, I finally have a photo of my meagre collection! Taken on my new (cheap) painting table for my ‘studio’ space. 😉

    My peacock male is pretty beaten up (my mother dropped a glass planter shelf plus giant plant on his head/wings >_<), and the oriental is a little dinged and flea-bitten, and—well, actually, they're all damaged to some degree now that I think of it (except the hatchling, he's flawless). The flap cat is my only 'recent' acquisition from an antiques shop. The rest were gifts I or others gave to people (the male and oriental–but no longer wanted by the recipient -_-) or gifts given to me.

    I also have one each of all the PYOs, still unpainted, and one painted PYO from SPark, which I now have photos of as well (I’ll give them to her and let her post about it on the forum and/or in her gallery since it’s her artwork ;).

    in reply to: Welcome to Fauxbird! #549416

    Welcome to the dark side… 😈

    in reply to: Logo Design #545742

    Oh wow, Jack Daniels eh?! That’s pretty cool. It’s great that you have such a good resource to fall back on. He’s probably pretty psyched to be asked for advice anyway. 😉

    in reply to: Logo Design #545740

    That’s ok, I didn’t think it seemed likely you would make a comment to that effect (no offense meant on my part for even considering that either, I assure you!). I’m not always good at interpreting peoples’ meaning, so I like to ask sometimes foolish questions. 😉

    I wish you much success with your making the transition. 🙂 It was hard enough going from full-time design job to freelance; school to freelance would be a real switch in gears. I can’t say as I miss University myself though. 😉

    Yeah I charge pretty low for logos because I’m used to competing in places with others who charge so little. Not anymore though. Unless it’s a VERY small business or individual with almost no budget who wants some kind of ID for personal use, I have been raising my rates for logo work (I know contemporaries who charge about $600 CAD so your instructor’s suggested rate is more on par with what’s fair for a designer). I don’t get a lot of work for logos though, so I haven’t been too worried about it (I’m more a page layout person).

    in reply to: New Stuffed Dragon & Poll #546980

    That guy is just adorable! I love all the detail you put into this felt plushie. Very nice work. 🙂

    Oh, and I voted griffin because I don’t believe I have ever seen one in plushie form, and think yours would look pretty incredible!

    in reply to: Poads #546649

    wolflodge100 wrote:

    somehow, I just can’t picture an evil poad!

    And that’s the sheer BEAUTY of the plot!

    in reply to: Logo Design #545738

    Rusti wrote:

    Well, soon it’s going to be my living too! Only as a bachelor-degreed pro.

    Actually, on further thought, I am a little confused as to what you meant by this comment, and wonder whether my business/living was taken seriously, or whether my offer of assistance was perhaps not welcome as I don’t possess a degree myself… I had assumed you simply meant that now your living (although already done previously as a student) would be done as a graduate instead.

    I am indeed willing to share from my many years of self-education and work experience, however, if asked.

    in reply to: Was it this week the chicks were supposed to hatch? #546132

    Melody wrote:

    Next week.I think we are waiting on pads for them, that is the ususal hang up for a new piece.

    I could have sworn you typed “waiting on poads for them.”

    Ha ha, poads on the brain! 😆

    …. which is a slightly disturbing literal mental image…

    in reply to: Happy Birthday Romeodanny Feb. 29th #545241

    Late, but… Happy Birthday, fellow Canuck!

    in reply to: HAPPY BIRTHDAY DDVM!!! #546093

    Happy birthday!

    Wow… what can I say except that this ‘Zack’ person’s attitude and behaviour is appalling. As a person, never mind a manager…

    I’m sorry I don’t have much advice to give you. Maybe it’s not so much something ‘wrong’ with you, but that you keep ending up with these kinds of people. What you wrote here is pretty polite considering the circumstances.

    Try and hang in there. And keep us informed!

    in reply to: I failed my first Exam. #545000

    Aww, I’m sorry. :} Yeah I had a few below-averages myself on tests, assignments, labs, etc (maybe not fails, but sometimes close, and still discouraging as hell). You go ahead and have a good drink. Have one for me too. THAT’LL make it alllll go away. ;D

    And yes, final exams are generally so much easier for some reason! I think they try and weed people out with midterms or something…

    History DOES suck anyway. So does Calculus. And Stats. And—— ;D

    in reply to: I failed my first Exam. #544997

    That’s a bummer. I remember failing my first test in my gruelling first-year Physics midterm (made all the worse because it was essentially a repeat of my highschool senior year Physics, which I got high marks in). I normally always got high grades in school too, so I was devestated and demoralised for a good long while.

    Thing is, I had the highest mark by a wide margin out of over 300 students on that test: a painful 48% (almost a bloody pass!). Every other person also had a failing grade in BOTH classes that year, some as low as 13%. Kinda said something about the course, the test, and the professors if the highest mark wasn’t even a passing grade. And yet our prof practically yelled at us because it was ‘all our fault.’ Then again, he was the ‘Angry Boring Man’ (as we liked to call him) who also made us feel like it was our fault someone had decided that there should be 360 degrees in a circle. 🙄

    So try not to feel too bad. Maybe the course material and expectations just weren’t communicated very well. When you normally do well in classes, and a test suddenly pops up that seems to have nothing of what you prepared for, perhaps something else is at work here.

    EDIT: Just thought I’d add… I don’t think I ever failed anything again in University (though I did poorer in some subjects than others more often than in highschool) so don’t feel it means you’ll be doing poorly again because of one test. Might be a one-off!

    in reply to: 2 New Ki-Rins #542793

    Ah ok, I thought you might be on there already. Looks like Jennifer Taylor’s the other ‘top’ artist you mentioned (she does whole books as well as covers). She’s a friend of mine whom I worked with, and she lives just a short distance away. Very nice girl. You and her both do great children’s book illos, and you both deserve all the work you attract on there! Maybe I’ll list there when I get better at colour illustration and have more of an art portfolio to display one day…

    Yeah the alternative mode of life inspires me as well. I have done away with a lot of the ‘needs’ society and media made me feel were important to me. Since I can’t count on a high or consistent income, it’s all for the better anyway. I do feel less stress overall, not always trying to achieve or acquire these ‘things’ that really don’t have meaning to me personally. I look forward to a rural homestead with our own organic garden, energy-self-sufficient home, some chickens, etc. I’m no city person, that’s for sure. 😉

    Actually, speaking of alternative living… Jennifer’s been living in a converted chicken coop on her mother’s property for years, with electricity, water, etc. I’ve never been in it, but apparently it’s a pretty swanky coop! I think I want a hobbit-hole though! That’d be awesome.

    Yes indeed, I’ve seen Jody Bergsma’s kids books (both titles you mentioned)! Her style is so lovely, and dreamlike. I’m also a big fan of Nene Thomas and Amy Brown and have been eyeing their art books too.

    Anyway, I’ve hijacked your ki-rin thread enough! BTW, I adore your black and bronzed ki-rin best I think (though the white makes a lurvely pairing). The blue was a neat idea too. But I keep getting distracted by that black…. so striking.

    in reply to: I could really use some help and advice on this one guys…. #542920

    I agree with everyone else here, those are all wise suggestions.

    If the job really doesn’t matter and you feel confident you could find something else (potentially, something better) at another place, I would go ahead and move if transferring isn’t a much better situation. This could be the opportunity to go someplace where you WILL have the option to move forward in your career. It sounds like this place would be a dead-end for you, ultimately.

    And try to think of quitting/transferring as your decision to leave on your terms, rather than them having the opportunity to potentially fire you for ungrounded cause. What that man thinks of you hardly matters if he comments on your leaving to others, for his opinions and attitudes are clearly those of an immature person. Management shouldn’t be gossiping about others behind their backs and sharing unacceptable comments with people as a means of manipulation.

    One way or another, you will be displaying that you refuse to take that kind of nonsense and will be taking your talents and professionalism elsewhere. Indeed, this kind of thing can damage a business when they hound all their good staff into leaving.

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