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  • in reply to: Updated art portfolio… (insert shameless plug here) #529842

    Ah ok, I see. Well, my books are all started, to some degree, and I have a tablet, so I guess I’m even further behind considering all that then. ;D

    You can’t likely do much worse than Eragon, at any rate! All it takes is imagination and a little bit of modesty to be able to admit when one’s writing needs more work and effort before being called ‘complete.’ 😉

    I’m interested to see what you’ve got, whenever it’s ready!

    in reply to: Pan's Labyrinth–POSSIBLE SPOILERS #529016

    Check the official site and click “Theatres and Tickets” to see a list of cities it’s currently playing in. They say more cities are to be added starting Jan 26, so it’s sort of staggered and being run in select locations only (even the theatre I saw the preview in won’t be running it regularly yet, it would seem).

    in reply to: New Spammer's Profile XD #520963

    Yeah but, where will I get my access to free adult entertainment material if you kick them off???? 😯

    in reply to: Anyone work with Art Clay or PMC? #524543

    I’ve been fascinated by that metal clay stuff, but can’t find it anywhere in Canada. Well, maybe online, but no craft store seems to carry it.

    It looks like fun stuff, though!

    in reply to: Poor Gryphon *sniff* *sniff* #529873

    mimitrek wrote:

    DigitalDragon wrote:

    The thing that gets me is people hide behind the “I can’t be held responsible for any damage caused by the postal service” clause in these cases.

    Actually, they wouldn’t be able to hide behind that if Lokie chose to dispute it. Improper packaging is the seller’s fault and isn’t covered by insurance as Ski pointed out, and Lokie would be entitled to a full refund in a case like this.

    Ah… well, that’s good to know! But I wonder about all the people I’ve seen complain about this who don’t seem to find a solution with the Seller. Maybe it’s more an issue of people choosing to not pursue it as soon as the Seller says “It’s not my fault, it’s the post office.” Can’t blame them in a way… eBay can be such a hassle. Gets tiresome to have to deal with both Buyers AND Sellers after awhile. 😉

    in reply to: Updated art portfolio… (insert shameless plug here) #529840

    Greater Basilisk wrote:

    Aw, thanks, DD. Yeah, I’m pretty proud of my monogram, but I don’t like most of my sketches. My dragon heads aren’t too bad, but I have such problems with muscles – especially on back legs. I’m trying to fix that with lots of practice. It’s getting better since I started copying models and pictures… (Imagine that. 🙄 )Anyway, one day I want to able to doodle like Akeyla – did you see hers?
    Btw, I do like your color work. Seeing so many people using Painter and Photoshop I really want to get in to digital painting. Gimp is a great program, but I need a digital drawing tablet. I’ve started a project, a big, illustrated book on dragon breeds, that’ll need it. Someday…

    Yeah, anatomy study is paramount. I need to get back into drawing more, and have a lot of study to do to brush up, myself.

    I haven’t used Gimp but I’ve heard it’s great since it’s smaller and runs faster than Photoshop (while offering much the same tools). That’s why I love Painter… such a speedy little program that doesn’t get bloated.

    I do believe I have seen some of Akeyla’s works (her ACEOs). I feel way out of my league compared to some folks here. 0_0

    I know what you mean about having book projects on the go. I have so many unfinished things (writing, drawing, painting, etc) and feel I’ll never get to them all. But the hope that I might is something to keep me going.

    in reply to: Updated art portfolio… (insert shameless plug here) #529839

    Lokie-I’m sure I will become addicted. 😉 I used to do ceramic painting more regularly, but it got too pricey for me (as a student) and I no longer had the room to do it in. But now I’m going to make a corner of my bedroom into a painting area so I can make all the mess I want and leave all the materials out.

    If I can find some of my painted ceramics (most are gone or broken) I’ll post photos in this part of the forum… at least until I get my PYOs done. 😉

    Enchantments-Thank you for the compliments! 🙂

    I could probably do a small, complete personal site for as low as $200 to $300, but probably no lower (it does take time after all, no matter how quickly I try to finish it). Even that’s more than most people can pay for a personal site though, and I understand. It’s usually more for folks who need a fancy site to help generate income. I should look into a way to offer personal site design for less… I’m just reluctant to employ templates in my work (which would be one way to do it).

    And I’m still on the low end of the scale, if you can believe it. Some designers charge a min of $1000 (!!?!?!) for even small, simple sites… which I think is ridiculously unfair. Sure, major industries have that kind of money to toss around for a site, but not the average biz person or author/artist. Mind you… my site probably cost me a few thousand $$ in unbillable hours (and I work fast). 0_0 Glad I don’t have to receive that ‘bill’! *LOL*

    in reply to: Updated art portfolio… (insert shameless plug here) #529835

    By the way, I like your clever integration of letters into your monograms. I never would have noticed it had you not mentioned it in the other post; I simply liked the stylised tattoo-like art. It can be enjoyed on many levels.

    I’m in the process of looking through your other sketch-work now. I like your dragon styles overall (both monogram and non-monogram).

    Edit: *LOL* I see someone ELSE has pages of Calculus, math and science notes littered with sketches and doodles! I have reams of those still on hand. All from when I needed the opportunity to do what I would RATHER be doing. And it didn’t stop after high school either… nope, I was a University student pursuing a sciences degree when I would rather be an artist. Painful, that…

    in reply to: Updated art portfolio… (insert shameless plug here) #529834

    Thank you! ^_^

    I have many more sketches to come, when I have the time for scanning. Took me forever just to get this far though. All in due time…

    I also hope my colour work is appealing! 🙂 It’s something new for me that I’ve been developing; I have hardly any colour pieces to my name (save for some mediocre to just-plain-awful pieces from high school art class). It’s become a favourite new hobby for me (digital painting mainly) since I’ve done so much pencil, pen and ink work over the years. I’m having fun discovering my ‘style’ in the realm of colour.

    in reply to: Grand Unicorn #529271

    Well, ok…. one really BIG Windstone!

    in reply to: Poor Gryphon *sniff* *sniff* #529862

    The thing that gets me is people hide behind the “I can’t be held responsible for any damage caused by the postal service” clause in these cases. I’m sorry, but, failing to take into account the well-known tendency towards carelessness in postal and shipping services when packing a large, heavy and breakable item is tantamount to neglect. Have they never received a broken item before (as well as unbroken ones) and wondered why some arrive intact and others don’t?

    I wish there could be some standard for packaging certain types of items in eBay’s rules. I think everyone could agree that double-boxing is the best (if not only) way to ship such items safely. I’m sure most serious collectors of breakables would be happy to foot the bill for better packaging. And if the Seller fails to provide even somewhat adequate packaging, it’s easier for the Buyer to get compensation for something that was definitely not their fault (especially in this case).

    in reply to: Updated art portfolio… (insert shameless plug here) #529832

    Thank you! 🙂

    I’m rather fond of that one myself, and look forward to working on it some more. It’s going to be an enormous panoramic shot when finished (intended for a poster or book cover). I just keep enlarging the canvas as needed as it ‘grows.’

    in reply to: Grand Unicorn #529269

    But a grand could buy an awful lot of Windstones…

    in reply to: Air Ki-Rin #529764

    Ah right, grey eyes… sorry! Forgot. *sheepish grin*

    I think the colour scheme makes them look more blue to my eye. That and I forgot there were grey ones (and couldn’t visualise the difference between them and the pale blue in my head).

    in reply to: The eBay Notification List #529579

    Done. Thanks for the info!

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