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  • in reply to: I have an envelope full of hair… #532546

    Well, I suppose I could try! I might have an old ‘longish hair’ pic to use somewhere. I haven’t had many photos taken of me for years though… 😯 Somehow that strikes me as wrong.

    in reply to: Footed PJ's #532578

    HA! Oh man, there’s an image that does NOT need to stay with me (nothing personal Ski, just… gah!!)! Belongs right alongside my friend tonight who commented on being freshly ‘shorn’ somewhere he won’t tell. *shudder!*

    in reply to: Ready to have kids? #531949

    Ohh ok, now that you describe that skit, I think I remember it! He’s great. I was so mellow as a child though, so I still find it hard to relate anyway… heyyy, maybe I was drugged for my entire childhood?! 😯 That explains so much…

    Yeah I agree with you there, wanting to adopt an older child for that reason. I would feel more willing to care for them and would enjoy it more, and would know I was giving an older child a chance they just might not get.

    That’s the thing… for me to say “I hate children” would be a mistake. I actually have liked kids beyond the baby stage. I used to babysit a group of three kids (aged 4 through 10 I think) for four days a week, and they were really fun to teach stuff to. And they loved me! They were always interested in the things I had to say and always wanted to discuss things to learn more. I never talk down to children; it feels false and they don’t seem to appreciate it as much. Probably why I can tolerate being around older children and not feel out of my comfortable element.

    in reply to: I have an envelope full of hair… #532544

    Aw gee, Ski, t’weren’t nothin’ really… *shuffle shuffle of the feet*

    It seemed like such a logical thing to do. I mean sure, I was kinda hoping for a couple inches less, but I had planned on lopping off a lot anyway. Kinda sad to see it sitting there now, and I can’t stop stroking it or playing with it (so soft… I’ll miss that).

    But, like I said, it WILL be back. It’s getting it to leave that’s the problem… ¬_¬

    in reply to: Ready to have kids? #531947

    Dragon Master wrote:

    well as I said you guys write chapters some times. It took me forever to get thru this post. I would not even watn kids if I was straight. This world is so screwed up that I would not feel right bringing a child into such a mess. I was also adopted and would rather adopt a child tha needs a homw then add one more life in the workd. Not because he or she would not be loved but because there are so many already here that need that same love.
    Sorry just my 2 cents
    I have always wondered who my parents really are and will never find them since all the needed paperwork is not on file with the state of CA

    Sorry about the post lengths there. I seem, at least, to suffer from mass verbosity. 😳

    You make a good point I forgot all about! I think I would prefer to adopt if I were to have a child at all. Now there’s a situation I would feel differently about: a child who’s otherwise not wanted, or worse, will simply be put to death (due to being the ‘wrong’ gender, or other reasons).

    That’s part of my reasoning too; that there are plenty of lives already and it would seem more.. hmm, efficient? noooo! wrong word… practical and logical to relocate unwanted children to good homes. I think it’d be neat to have a kid who’s not from the same culture or nationality even, and then getting to teach them/learn about it as they grow up.

    in reply to: The Koi Dragon #532406

    Well, it’s unusual and unique, for sure. It reminds me a lot of the er… I think it’s the fire dragon in the 2nd series of Todd McFarlane’s DRAGONS action figure line. Instead of koi, I first saw “volcanic ash” dragon in your paint job, which also struck me as a cool concept!

    in reply to: PYO Dragons on Ebay #532485

    OH yes you’re right, that is in there isn’t it?? Pah, slipped my mind completely! Yeah he seems to say it to try and sucker George into letting him have it or something I think… good book (and movie, I thought).

    But no, I will not be calling my PYO dragon George. Or rubbing his fur the wrong way. 😉

    in reply to: Ready to have kids? #531944

    Snapdragon wrote:

    SilverArrow wrote:

    Right Snap? *holding baseball bat threateningly* 😆

    Ooooh is it playtime already?

    I see you already have one resident masochist… no need for another in that case!

    in reply to: PYO Dragons on Ebay #532483

    Ahh, is that the one? I always forget about that one. I was thinking of the bit with Sylvester and the big cat, Lenny. They spoofed that classic a lot. The other one I remember is “If you don’t get me a little mouse George, I’ll do mean things to you, like stroke your fur the wrong way—like THIS!”

    I can’t even begin to describe his painful-looking demonstration. 😆

    in reply to: I have an envelope full of hair… #532542

    Yeah, you posted a pic of you with your hair down and long that one time and I said to myself “My god, she’s got my hair!” Only yours looks much easier to keep under control. Mine’s so thick and prone to frizz it isn’t funny. ;P

    Kinda wish I had taken a pic of mine before I got it cut. I only had, oh, a whole three weeks to prepare for it! *LOL* Just plain forgot I guess…

    in reply to: PYO Dragons on Ebay #532481

    George IS supposed to be the other guy he refers to all the time, but I think emerald is thinking of one sketch where he does say he will ‘call him George’ too. At least I also vaguely remember it from somewhere…

    in reply to: A New Topic #531169

    He knows it annoys you, maybe. The little bugger. ;D

    Just like cats know I am deathly allergic to them, so of course they love me (good thing I still love cats regardless of my allergy ;).

    By the way, drag0n, I think Bubbas is SO cute! I love that kitty, the little trooper. I don’t think I ever commented on him (just his dragon ;).

    in reply to: I have an envelope full of hair… #532540

    Ah, turns out it was a minimum of 10″, not 8″, or so it says here, and the hairdresser took off 10″. However! Locks of Love says curly hair can be pulled taut to measure straight, and it comes to no less than 15″ that way! Holy crap! *LOL* I had a LOT of hair!

    It wasn’t such a big deal for me. I always used to feel defined as a ‘girl’ by having long hair, and love long hair, but I am occasionally tired of having it all over and in my face. It’s curly and frizzy as hell, so I wanted to try it really short for only the second time in my life. We left enough length to keep it weighted down so I don’t get a ‘fro, though (something kids used to tease me about when I was in school).

    It’s slow to grow out, so it’ll be awhile till it’s tame-able again I’m sure, but it’ll come. And then maybe I’ll just get it cut again! I’ll be a wig factory! ;D

    It does feel a bit alarming to lose a piece of yourself though. The first time it was cut like this, I was 7 (and it was NOT my idea I assure you!), and they just tied it in a braid and lopped it off. That was a bit traumatic at the time. 😯

    in reply to: I have an envelope full of hair… #532539

    Thanks. 😉 I figure, just ’cause I don’t want it anymore doesn’t mean someone else can’t use it! We have cancer somewhere in the family, but luckily neither I nor anyone I know in my immediate relations has had to deal with it. We have plenty of other diseases to contend with. 😛

    I’m repeatedly told how pretty my hair is, so some little girl will probably be thrilled to get a long curly little princess wig out of this stuff, I bet.

    Actually, just noticed Locks of Love is in the U.S. Oh well, that’s fine! Either way, if I donate to either (or split it for both) they’ll give some child or adult a nice do!

    in reply to: A New Topic #531167

    I love the meowing of cats!

    Well, maybe not in the middle of the night. And when they’re in heat… 😉

    Incessantly mewing kittens though, that upsets me because it sounds like they’re starving or hurt or scared or otherwise needing something urgently. It’s like, “I need to do something NOW to make them stop so I know they’re ok!” 😥

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