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  • in reply to: Oktoberfest #623001

    We might go to Fredricksburg in Texas…it’s like 4 hours away from us…so still up in the air…AND the first weekend of Tex Ren Fair is next weekend, which is much closer, and I can get just as wasted there…so tough call… πŸ™„

    in reply to: Frantically worried… #623019

    Geee…that is scary…are you gonna get her checked out by a doctor? Can’t be too careful. It’s great though that she seems to be doing fine….still a scary mystery… 😯 πŸ˜•

    in reply to: The "I just bought a – " celebration thread #576708

    WolfenMachine wrote:

    Yea, I could help you too, DM πŸ™‚

    WOW, an Estate sale? I’ll bet you were kicking yourself for not going the day before, huh?

    I’m expecting a brown mamma dragon and pearl mamma griffin from Windstone, any day now, and a Gothic Unicorn I’ve been wanting for a while (yay!) and either a gold OW and gold rising spectral from Grandio or maybe something special on ebay. Will have to wait till next week to find out about that. The suspense is already killing me, I want it so bad! 😯

    Yeh…I normally only go on the last day of the estate sales…they discount 50% or more in most cases…but this one I wished I went the day before…

    The sad thing about this sale though is that I think I might know the lady that passed away. She was an employee at one of the Whole Foods we go to, so I’ve seen her before. Had no idea it was her place, but started noticing her pictures, and asked the estate sales people about it. She wasn’t old, just in her mid 40’s. πŸ™

    in reply to: What are you hoping for? #622967

    Brown Rising Spectral…for some reason I really do not like the Spectrals, both rising and sitting…kinda creepy to me…HOWEVER, I do love the brown riser for some feason, so gotta have it! πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Your favorite movie #622731

    Well my ‘guilty pleasure’ would have to be Commando. I’ve watched it well over 50 times for some reason. I’m sure I’d regret the wasted time, lying in my death bed, decades from now…hmmm…sounds so sad… πŸ™

    My favorite classic is Casablanca. For some reason it never gets old for me….

    Here are the rest, in no particular order:

    Princess Bride
    Reign of Fire
    Remains of the Day
    Harry Potter Movies
    Snatch (approaching Commando status, but a much better movie)
    Sixth Sense
    3:10 to Yuma
    Breakfast Club
    Say Anything (story of my life)
    Interview with a Vampire
    Cyrano de Bergerac (new version)
    Romeo & Juliet (with Leonardo)
    Moulin Rogue
    What’s Eating Gilbert Grape
    X-Men 1&2 (I hated the 3rd one)
    Spider-Man 1,2,&3 (best superhero series so far)
    Bat-Man Begins
    13th Warrior
    Underworld 1&2
    Napoleon Dynamite
    The Profesional director’s cut (much better than the released version)
    The Descant director’s cut (totally different ending & is much better)
    Superman Returns
    Godfather 1&2
    Pan’s Labryth
    Pulp Fiction
    Fight Club
    Goodwill Hunting
    Shall We Dance (Japanese version)
    Seven Samurais
    Kung-fu Hustle
    Black Hawk Down
    Blade Runner director’s cut

    I’m sure there’s a tom more & I’ll edit them in….

    in reply to: Which should I get? edit: Got him!! Pic pg. 4!!! #622852

    PaperCut wrote:

    Well I’ve almost got enough money saved for a scratching dragon, but I can’t decide which color to get. my choices are:


    I really like the red eyes on the emerald, they contrast really well with the green body. Do the golds have red eyes?

    Which do you think I should get? I love them all, but I can only have one, lol.

    Yeh, the golds have red eyes also, but I would also get the emralds, because they are retired, and I also think they look better than gold.

    in reply to: Neptune Emperor is UP! #619959

    CONGRATS BTW!!!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜› πŸ˜€ πŸ˜› πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Neptune Emperor is UP! #619957

    WWWOOOOWWW!!! OK I”ll be the first to say it..POST PICS!!! πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Neptune Emperor is UP! #619951

    Blackdesertwind wrote:

    Arlla wrote:

    OMG my hands are shaking SO BAD right now!!!!!!!

    DID you win him?


    in reply to: Wish me luck #622075

    OK…the MRI went well…I’m sending many positive thoughts your way for the doc’s appointment…keep us posted….

    in reply to: Can Someone Verify A Dragon From the 1980's? #622630

    Cool…black dragon, with orange eyes…just in time for Halloween! 😈

    in reply to: Melody, can you show us pictures… #622414

    Like it…except for the green…

    in reply to: Tristen – One Last Time #622790

    COOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!! πŸ˜€ πŸ˜› πŸ˜€ πŸ˜› πŸ˜€ πŸ˜› πŸ˜€ πŸ˜› πŸ˜€ πŸ˜› πŸ˜€ πŸ˜›

    in reply to: Okay, who was it? #621687

    foxfeather wrote:

    That’s one of the things that I like about Windstones. They are all handpainted so no 2 are exactly the same. For collectores it makes it fun to hunt for diffreneces like jade or the dark peacock orientals (personally, I call them sapphire cause they are so blue)

    It would be interesting to see side by side pics of the paint varients….how each color color evolve over time….hmmmmm

    in reply to: The "I just bought a – " celebration thread #576703

    Megani-chan wrote:

    DROGO wrote:

    Not to take anything away from your ebay wins Megani and KDM, but I bought a hatching pegasus, a frog prince, as well as a frog wizard, and a peack hatching dragon for $3 each at an estate sale! πŸ˜€

    The SCARY thing was that this was the final day of the sale and the lady that ran it said they sold a bunch of dragons the day before! 😯 πŸ˜•

    By the way CONGRATS on the great deals!!!! πŸ˜€

    Nifty finds! And no shipping charges, either πŸ™‚ Too bad you just missed the dragons, though…

    Yeh…I wonder how much they went for…I knew one person got them all… well that estate sale find got me back into Windstones, so can’t complain too much… πŸ˜€

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