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I had an SK related question so I figured this topic would be a good place to post it.. 😉
Were the few SKs available in the store a test run or are there going to be more made on a regular basis ?
I read one time, Melody was looking to make the SK’s hollow to decrease weight and make them a bit more affordable…were these made like that or is it still something being worked out ?
Thanks ! 😉
Lets see.. things I need but prob won’t get.. new ankle joints,mine are defective.. and 20/20 vision ( come on genetic engineering ! ) )
I did just get myself a gift after saving for all these months.. one of those beautiful rain-smell conjuring, stormy-looking Silver Lap Dragons.. can’t wait to get my claws on her.. 😀
Now to start saving for the RF OW, Rock Dragons and finally an SK in any so if Santa can help with any of those me and my hoard ( which is running low ) would appreciate it… 😉
He will be mine…oh yes..he will be mine… 😈
Must see if there is enough in the hoard to cover him…
Cool… I might get to order one sooner rather than later then… 😀
emerald212 wrote:I just got an email from Susie, saying that the OW in Red Fire is on the way. I should have it next Monday. I’ll put picks up when I get it in. 😀
I’m dying for pics of him…so they found some more of the paint or is it just the one you ordered ?
Greater Basilisk wrote:The RF OWs are back-ordered? They sound like they’re really popular.
Sounded more like they haven’t finished any of them yet… and now the Silver Laps too ?
I know it’s not prudent to buy more things ( paint ) before you move but does tha tmean we will have wait until then to get the Silver laps and/or RF OWs ?
travistie wrote:I’m thinking either silver Laps or new color of curlies!
I would love if they were making rainforest Spectrals… but that’s a long shot! 😆
Silver Laps would be great…I could get one of those if I pick up a RF OW.
If the OG OWs are that limited I’ll never be able to snag one… 🙁
Jennifer wrote:emerald212 wrote:I got the bill for my order today, and it’s back ordered. I guess they are not quite ready. I’m still getting the Lap and Spectral though. I’ll probably get them tomorrow. I’ll put pics on my website when I get them in.
I’ll keep you updated on the status of the OW.
I think they ran out of a vital color of paint! So it may be a little while. 🙁
The bonus is, since they can’t work on those, they are working on other surprises for you collectors… 😉
Noooooooo! That’s a big setback right ? Seems like it would be… 😥
I guess there’s not even 1 done then we can get pics of… 🙁
As long as one of those surprises isn’t an Old Green OW …. not sure I could take that right now… 😯
Awww.. I thought you had a pic.. 🙁
I think Emerald is going to show us a pic later this week when she gets one in..of course if anyone wants to post more pics before then I’d love to see em’…this color just might be my OW color…I just have to love it more than the Lap… so I’m on the fence.
Oh man… I’m just on the verge of getting an RF OW don’t make me think of an OW in this color too… 🙁
Since we know they are being made or have been could someone at Windstone post just one pic of him ? 😉
Greater Basilisk wrote:I’ve already put one on layaway with emerald. I love my dealer! 😀
Are they already in-stock ? 😯
I’d def be up for a Silver or Rainforest Lap… Silver is prob. more of a possibility I’m guessing.
I’ll have to order one online…my nearest dealer is 2 hours away… I NEED to see a pic… 😈
Greater Basilisk wrote:Red Fire OWs are available, emerald says! 😀
Where !!! 😯