Forum Replies Created
Somebody is having to sell off their collection. There are some very nice pieces but they all have a reserve. So far 15 have been listed.
If these are being listed by someone in the Forum, I am so sorry that you have to do this and I wish you a better future.
There was Hershey’s Chocolate Factory near where I used to live and that was fun, but Ice Cream sounds much much better!!
Lucky!!I don’t know if I bid too much or not, but it doesn’t matter. Now I have the cutest little Mouse Wizard in peacock to match my old guy in emerald.
Happy Here!!Thank you all, again, But Nam, your definition suits me best! LOL
Thanks for explaining the img button—-now if I could just figure out what the heck is a pixel?
Sellers like that make me laugh! Just trying to scam someone that doesn’t know the product. All they did was waste their listing fees and show their mentality, or lack there of. It just takes 2 seconds to scan current listings in order to get an idea of your product’s average price range.
I sell mostly Breyer horses and that category gets plenty of this type. Earlier this week I spotted a listing for “a rare antique Breyer horse”. The Seller BS’d the description of this “valuable” item and started the listing at $1200.00! Weeeeelllll- It was one of the most common models in bad shape, worth MAYBE $6-$7! I couldn’t resist, I wrote to them, and while laughing my head off, politely explained the discrepancy and they did pull the listing. It takes all kinds! 😆Oh good grief–it takes all kinds! Please leave her Negative Feedback. If this how she handles her first auction, (assuming that since her FB is 0 she hasn’t been to ebay before) then she doesn’t belong on ebay. I, as a Seller would not like to deal with this type.
If you detect an attitude here, you are correct, as I have had to deal several !@#$%^&! over the past few years. 🙄
Also, I agree with everyone who suggested revising your auction policies.
Good Luck!
littleironhorse suggested that I show you my little jade baby dragon. A lot of really nice forum members told me that he is rare. I bought him new from a shop in the Bay Area that is no longer there. He is one of my All Time Favorites just because he is so darn cute! Now that I know about the rare part dusting him is going to make me a nervous wreck!
😀! Here! Ski
Windstone has a great marketing strategy, in my opinion as a collector. LE should mean just that and not like some of these so called “collectibles” that are mass produced, sorry but 1/10,000 isn’t exactly LE. If collectors are willing and able to pay a premium price for a Real and Rare piece of art then so be it.
I was lucky enough to get one of the first OW prototypes and I can gar-un-dam-tee that he is never going to be sold. Since I am pretty sure that I will never be that lucky again, I’ll just wait and watch for the next BIN deals! 🙂Beautiful!! I’ve put a Watch on her!
Thank you all for the info–Silly me, I just thought he was Cute! Well, he is cute and I guess being rare doesn’t hurt either! 😀
wowie-zowie!! She is very pretty!!
Good Grief!! That happened to me once with a Flion. Please pursue the Seller, they owe you for that mess!!
Sure, here you go. Would someone please explain why the special interest in this little guy? Thanks! DM, how sad. Please remember to take care of yourself too. I know this sounds like bunk now, but it will get better. I lost my Mom 29 years ago, on my 24th birthday and I still miss her but it is with warm happy memories.