This is the little gargoyle that I am thinking about making as a Paint your own, if you guys would like it…?
We have never produced this one.
He is about the size of the little Happy cat and Spirit Wolf gargolyes, which is about 5″ tall, so he’s the right size for a pyo.
I found this one dusty casting, but I don’t know where the master is.
He is actually kinda cute in a gargoyle-y way, and does have some feathers and leafy things on him that might look nice painted with metallic colors.
He is kinda cute (for a gargoyle) I’d give him a shot as pyo.
I would love a gargoyle PYO!
Might be a little while yet before I can afford to buy one, but I would love the chance at some colorful gargoyles!
I like him!!
Heck yes Melody!! This would be awesome to see as a PYO!!
Yep, I’d take a shot on one 🙂
For sure! He’s adorable! I’d love to add him to my robust gargoyle collection. 🙂
Sure this is a great option to add to the PYO list of choices. I think it could make for a great project.
I think he’d make a great addition to my collection!
I’d totally paint one! Or two or three!
It would make a totally different type of PYO. Go for it!
I think one of these would make for a lovely pyo to add to my gargoyles that watch over the rest of my windstones and books. 🙂
I would love to paint him (her? Hard to tell with Gargoyles!) I also put in a request for PYO flapcats…..I have two cats who would look ABSOLUTELY adorable painted as flapcats. 🙂