We have been test painting a few dragons in “Lavender Pearl”, like the curlies. What do you think?
We changed the antique color from brown to dark lavender. I think it makes them look better.
We have been test painting a few dragons in “Lavender Pearl”, like the curlies. What do you think?
We changed the antique color from brown to dark lavender. I think it makes them look better.
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Absolutely Gorgeous!
Want want!! =P it is gorgeous, I think I like the change. And I definitely like the color more on the male dragon rather than a curlie
Need this colour on a Lap Dragon, Fledgie, the two new dragons… (runs away before Melody starts throwing tomatoes :p )
Love this color! Would look good on many different pieces.
Ki-rins, Ki-rins, Ki-rins. Need to see it on ki-rins!!!
Wow!!!! Love the color scheme and the darker lavender antiquing is wonderful!!! I think would be even better on the Mother or any of the younger dragons. I think the male would look more striking if he was in a corresponding color scheme based in a dark plum, still with the silver and gold highlights, maybe with a dark purple for the antiquing.
I like the lavender antique over the brown. I LOVE the lavender pearl color scheme! Have both the curlie and coiled in it already and would absolutely ADORE being able to buy more in this color line!!
I also agree I think it would be gorgeous with silver accents too! Might make a nice change from all the color lines with gold…
Yes! Gorgeous!
The male sculpt is my favorite. I love him this color.
I like the idea of the mother dragon being done in lavender with highlights of a plum color. The male could be done in the same lavender, but with more plum coloring added. They’d be in the same color family, but would have a slightly different look. (Hope that makes sense.)
[quote=Vance-and-Marilyn]Wow!!!! Love the color scheme and the darker lavender antiquing is wonderful!!! I think would be even better on the Mother or any of the younger dragons. I think the male would look more striking if he was in a corresponding color scheme based in a dark plum, still with the silver and gold highlights, maybe with a dark purple for the antiquing.[/quote]
I agree! Especially about the male in a dark plum color. This color scheme is quite striking. Though I’m usually fonder of more vivid colors. Still, he’s a very handsome piece, especially with the lavender antique.
NOOOOOOOOO why do you do this to me when I’m broke phhhh
He looks stunning. STUNNING. *runs off to rob a bank*
That is an amazing color combination! I wish my dragon statue had a magic button so it could change colors!
Oooh, that color is absolutely gorgeous!
Lavender antique is definitely better than the brown. Such a dreamy color <3
:love: :love: Would love to see several different pieces in this color scheme! It is magnificent!
All i know is i want one ! I am so glad you changed the antique color. I always thought the brown made them look like they need a bath .lol…. The last pink curlies with the rose antique were beautiful too.
Pretty love him . I’d buy an OW in that color in a heartbeat .
[quote=foxfeather]OMG WANT!!!!
Need this colour on a Lap Dragon, Fledgie, the two new dragons… (runs away before Melody starts throwing tomatoes :p )[/quote] We test painted a fledge a young oriental and a baby dragon in this color. I’ll post pics when they are done.
Always so inspiring to see your work! I LOVE this color! It’s beautiful. Have you thought of switching out the gold for a dark silver? I think the contrast would be very striking.
[quote=Melody][quote=foxfeather]OMG WANT!!!!
Need this colour on a Lap Dragon, Fledgie, the two new dragons… (runs away before Melody starts throwing tomatoes :p )[/quote] We test painted a fledge a young oriental and a baby dragon in this color. I’ll post pics when they are done.[/quote]
Stunning new color! I love it! I hope those fledglings and young orientals will ultimately be limited production or production! Pretty please! :love:
I am in love! No really! Fledgies? Please, please, please, please, please (I could go on, and make the puss in boots eyes too!)
The lavender pearl colour scheme works really well with the male dragon. I would add him to my collection in a heartbeat. Great Work! He’s stunning.
Love it! I actually think the gold looks good with the lavender 🙂
Absolutely stunning! I hope you make this the next production color.
Love this color!! (grabby hands) Can’t wait to see them in the store:)
Oh wow, that color is just beautiful, this would look so awesome on the sun or moon dragon! If this becomes a production (not limited) in the future u can count on me buying one! I vote YES! To this color! Id love to see more dragons in this color! <3
🙂 OMG I need to hit the lotery.
Lovely! I like them better then the Amethyst ^_^ *hint hint*
I really like this colour as well as your light blue and pink pearl colour schemes. I would love to see the young dragons and fledgling dragons in these colours!
I think all the pearl colours would also look good with silver accents as others mentioned too!
Stunning! I have the other Lavender Pearl curled and the difference is astounding. The new one is SOOOOOOO much nicer.
[quote=KelliArmstrong]Always so inspiring to see your work! I LOVE this color! It’s beautiful. Have you thought of switching out the gold for a dark silver? I think the contrast would be very striking.[/quote]Good idea, we might try that!
When most people think about pearls, shiny white pearls are what cross their mind first. These are definitely the most traditional and abundant pearls found on the market, but they are far from being the only choice. Freshwater and saltwater pearls alike come in a glorious rainbow of colors, all unique. One color pearl becoming more popular these days are genuine lavender pearls.
Sell Antiques
This is flipping amazing! Would love to see more of this color scheme.