
Zephyrus – commissioned by starbreeze

Home Forums Windstone Editions Paint-Your-Own Windstone Zephyrus – commissioned by starbreeze

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    I promised star pictures this week. Figures it’s Friday before they get posted. 😕 But around the delays of a weekend in Germany and needing cerulean (not cyrillian 😳 ) blue – actually it turned out I needed primary cyan – he took longer than expected to get done.
    This guy was done for star’s son, who picked the reference bird

    and the name. I did my best to do honor to both. I had to download half a dozen more reference photos, though – and then I still took a lot of artistic liberties.
    I can’t guarantee the quality of pics, taken outside in the summer sun, since my laptop screen is still flecked with red. But I think you’ll get the impression.
    I haven’t put the finish on yet, so I can still make changes if desired.
    But anyway, enough blather. See for yourselves.



    Wow, that must have taken awhile to do. I love his face… the detail and colouration there is exquisite (especially viewed head-on).

    Hee… Zephyrus is the name of a dragon in my stories/artwork. *G* Small world!


      Oh wow! I like this one! I would like to see more blue as its a really pretty shade. I think each one you do gets better. I think this one is your best.


      That’s absolutely GORGEOUS! Great job with the colours! 😀


        That is gorgeous!


        Wow! I love his face. What a cool fella!!


          WOW! That is beautiful. You did a great job capturing all the colors! 😀


          Wow, what a bright griff! He is gorgous!

          While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


          Thanks, everybody. 😀
          DigitalDragon – the name is Greek, from the personification of the gentle west wind. I think it’s the most popular of the wind names.
          Ski – I love the cyan too. I’m definitely going to do a PYO with that as its main color. As for getting better wth every piece, no doubt about that. I think this guy took me about 30 hours. After Laertes’ 40, it seems I’m getting a hang of this. 😆 And personally, I think Zeph is my favorite of my PYOs so far.
          The face seems popular. I think it looks kind of like of a candy cane, but I really like it too. Obviously I didn’t go with the usual white and black, but only because I thought the green looks more fitting.


            That REALLY turned out great! your feather detain and variations of color tones is just awesome~!!


            *G* Yep, my dragon is a Storm Dragon, so I picked Zephyr (shortened at first, Zephyrus for a ‘full’ version) for that reason. 😉 It’s such an awesome name.

            I think the green looks best on the face too. The natural black and white would be alright, but I think I prefer how your paint job turned out. I agree with Ski too… more blue to tie it all together! 😀


            Not meaning to mess with your creativity, but if you’ve got a storm dragon mazbe the wild north wind Boreas would fit better than gentle Zeph? 😆


            Pah. Storms are different everywhere you go. Here we often get drizzle with just a breeze. Very boring. 😉

            I guess I use Storm Dragon (unofficially) since it sounds better than Weather Dragon, mainly. 😆 Good point though! He’s been called that so long I couldn’t bear changing it. His name came somewhat before I developed the more detailed storm/weather aspects of his dragon type (more or less just a wind dragon at first… maybe that term works better!), but as a dragon type, I COULD use other names for other dragons of that type. Never gave others much thought yet. Doesn’t matter anyway… I’ve not gotten around to finalising my writing stuff yet, so it’s all just terms in my head. 😉


            Sounds cool. Will you let me read it when you’re ready?

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