Your Favorites! (Getting to know fellow members)

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      Favorite colors: Greens, stormy blues and greys, Jade tones.

      Favorite animals: Owls!!!, cats, sparrows.

      Favorite mythical creatures: Poads (Hi my name is Ciar and I have a Poad problem, addictive little critters). Foo Dogs, select dragons, gorgons, vampires, banshee.

      Favorite food: Mushrooms, pastas, recipes I haven’t had a chance to try. Can’t beat a recipe card for a family favorite from a new family!

      Favorite flower: Lilacs, cherry blossuos. And I know it’s not flowers but I adore Jade Plants, Pothos, and Philodendron.

      Favorite gift: Windstone of course (Poads)! Anything hand made, vintage glassware in shades of green. Anything odd and unusual. Low budget horror movies.

      Favorite collection: My oddities, some vintage some new. My growing Poad family, green glassware, afghans (some family made and others vintage finds), my plants. Nightmare on Elm Street collectables (the original movies).


        Your favourite colors: blue-green, red

        Your favourite animals: African Wild Hunting Dogs, Red Pandas, Leopards, Okapis, Fennecs, Foxes

        Your favourite mythical creatures: unicorns, pegasi, dragons, griffins, Ki-Rins

        Favourite food (that can be mailed): chocolate, cookies

        Favourite flowers: circus roses

        Favourite gift: Windstones!

        Favourite collections: Windstones, manga, anime, Breyer/Peter Stone Horses

        4 things I'm looking for:
        1. Mother Meerkat
        2. production color Sitting Young Oriental dragons to be made in more colors besides VF, Brimstone would be awesome!
        3. Female Griffin – Siamese with White
        4. September Raffle Prize 2022 AHD Male Griffin


          Your favourite colors (up to 5): Lavender, Marie Antoinette blue, Forest green, spring green, royal purple.

          Your favourite animals (up to 5): Horses, dogs, and Mini donkeys.

          Your favourite mythical creatures(up to 5): Kirin, unicorns, Pegasus’s, mermaids, and Kitsune.

          Favourite food (that can be mailed)(up to 5): I don’t think I have a fav food that can be mailed lol.

          Favourite flowers (up to 5): Hydrangeas, cherry blossoms(sakura) and water lilys.

          Favourite gift (up to 5): Breyer stablemates, Windstone baby pegs/unis/kirins,

          Favourite collections (up to 5): Models horses, Windstone baby hoofers(uni’s, pegs, and kirins)

          *Formerly meowmix101
          Not currently open for PYO commissions.


            This is an old thread but I want to share too!

            Favourite colours:
            pink, aqua/teal, yellow, light purple, light blue

            Favourite animals:
            giraffes, turtles, dolphins, white tigers, leopards

            Favourite mythical creatures:
            unicorns, pegasus, dragons, griffins, phoenixes

            Favourite food (mailed):
            pasta, cookies, chocolate, nuts, fruit and veggies

            Favourite flowers:
            roses, lilies, orchids, gardenias, tropical flowers

            Favourite gifts:
            jewelry, electronics, collectibles, books, globes

            Favourite collections:
            Beanie babies, Hamilton unicorns, African animals, Windstone dragons and other creatures, rocks/gems

            Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


              Can’t believe I never posted here 🙂

              Your favourite colors (up to 5):
              Burnt Sienna, dark teal, alizarin crimson, pthalo green, and…any of those in mtallic, I guess 🙂

              Your favourite animals (up to 5):
              horses, dogs, fossas, kestrels, and pirinchos have a special place in my heart.

              Your favourite mythical creatures(up to 5):
              haha, unicorns, definitely. followed by pegasus, griffins, pookas, and cadejos.

              Favourite food (that can be mailed)(up to 5):
              reeses, candy from outside the U.S.A., dulce de leche, good milk chocolate with toffee, and nutella

              Favourite flowers (up to 5):
              orchids, bromeliads, forget-me-nots, hyacinths, and snow drops

              Favourite gift (up to 5):
              um, anything heartfelt, really. Windstones, of course (who on here doesn’t?) and well loved books.

              Favourite collections (up to 5):
              windstones, of course, breyer horses, coats, scarves, and …I actually have what I call my ‘crow hoard’ full of random trinkets that happen to catch my eye.


              Your favourite colors (up to 5): Browns, Pinks, Oranges, Yellows

              Your favourite mythical creatures(up to 5): Dragons, mermaids, griffins, nymphs, dryads

              Your favourite animals (up to 5): Wildcats, lizards/geckos, birds and fish (the brighter and more colorful for both the better!) I love iridescent bugs or bugs with awesome patterns or bright colors.

              Favourite food (that can be mailed)(up to 5): Anything! I love foods and will try a.n.y.thing

              Favourite flowers (up to 5): Orange or pink Lilys, Roses, any flower that is sweet smelling

              Favourite gift (up to 5): Silver earrings, gemstones/minerals/rocks (anything shiny, sparkly, pretty, or with a cool pattern) fantasy artwork/prints (I love dragons and mermaids and griffins) Sweets/candy/nuts/food, glass beads of any type (blown glass, swarovski, pendants etc.)

              Favourite collections (up to 5):


                It probably won’t matter but what the hey! 😉

                Your favourite colors (up to 5): blue-green, blue, purple, red-copper, gold

                Your favourite animals (up to 5): felines (all kinds be they wild/domestic/prehistoric/fantasy), wolves, fox, horses, snakes

                Your favourite mythical creatures(up to 5): dragons, lycanthropes, nekomata/bakeneko, ennedi tiger, chimera

                Favourite food (that can be mailed)(up to 5): cookies, sweet japanese snacks (i.e pocky, mochi), dried fruit like peaches/apricots

                Favourite flowers (up to 5): rose, wisteria, hibiscus, hydrangea, tea olive (because they smell so good!)

                Favourite gift (up to 5): Windstone gift certificates 😉

                Favourite collections (up to 5): Windstones, Dragonball Z stuff, Manga, Anime, Cat related art (paintings & sculptures)


                Hi everyone! Gotta love this post:

                My favorite colors: Crimson, gold, royal blue, green (#1)

                My favorite animals: Cats, snow leopards, fish, wolves, owls and other birds

                My favorite mythical animals: Gryphons, phoenixes, dragons (#1)

                My favorite food: Homemade kale chips, hummus, parmesan cheese

                My favorite flowers: calla lilies, roses

                My favorite gift: Windstone Editions 😀

                My favorite collection: rock/gemstone collection, dragon collection

                [i]Keeping an eye out for fantasy gryphons and test paint dragons.[/i]


                  Yay for shamelessly bringing life back to old threads! Weeeee!

                  Your favorite colors (up to 5):
                  –steel/charcoal gray
                  –cobalt blue

                  Your favorite animals (up to 5):
                  –snow leopard/clouded leopard (probably safe to say I love a lot of the big cat species)
                  –sand cat
                  –sharks! (and I liked them *before* they were cool); I can’t really pick a favorite because they’re ridiculously diverse (example: compare a Caribbean roughshark to a Japanese wobbegong to a crested bullhead shark to a basking shark to a whale shark…just too much awesome)

                  Your favorite mythical creatures(up to 5):
                  –werewolf (or similar man-beast shapeshifters)
                  –kitsune & nekomata (Japanese mythology has a lot of fun creatures)
                  –demons, especially dream demons (succubi/incubi, nightmares)

                  (Don’t get me wrong, I love dragons, unicorns, and pegasi too–I grew up with My Little Pony as my favorite show for goodness sake!–but my loves have just evolved since then to include other lovelies…)

                  Favorite food (that can be mailed)(up to 5):
                  –uh…truffles? I think those can be mailed

                  To be honest, there’s lots of foods that I like; I’m just not entirely sure what’s shippable or not. If it’s chocolate, or not super spicy, or something yummy and savory (i.e. Hickory Farms smoked meats with mustards), I’m pretty content to eat it.

                  Favorite flowers (up to 5):
                  –orchids (Disa atricapilla; Dendrobium williamsianum; Dendrobium victoria-reginae; and so many more)
                  –lily of the valley

                  Favorite gift (up to 5):
                  –Amazon gift card (new books are so expensive!)
                  –back massages
                  –I guess I can put Windstone gift certificate here now 😉

                  Favorite collections (up to 5):
                  –what remains of my Enchantica collection
                  –old My Little Pony + Rainbow Brite toys (I still have a few somewhere, safely stored away)
                  –Windstone figures (obviously)
                  –my small collection of anime/video game PVC figures


                    I missed this thread completely. Thanks for resurrecting it!

                    Your favourite colors (up to 5):

                    Your favourite animals (up to 5):
                    Snow Leopards

                    Your favourite mythical creatures(up to 5):

                    Favourite food (that can be mailed)(up to 5):
                    Chocolates from abroad
                    Spice Mixes

                    Favourite flowers (up to 5):

                    Favourite gift (up to 5):
                    Halloween Themed anything
                    Amazon/Windstone/Sock Dreams Gift Cards

                    Favourite collections (up to 5):
                    Hannibal Lecter (yes, I’m odd. No, I won’t eat you)
                    UK themed items
                    Once Upon A Time (especially Rumple & Belle)

                    Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
                    ANY Red Eyed Unis
                    ANY Test Paint Bat
                    The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
                    Male- Snow Leopard TP
                    White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
                    Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
                    Mother: Okapi
                    Gothic - Mahogany
                    PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
                    DRAGONS: Male Coyote


                      Favorite Colors(up to 5)

                      Favorite Animals (up to 5)

                      Favorite Mythical creatures(up to 5)
                      I love made up animals OOAK

                      Favorite food-that can be mail(up to 5)

                      Favorite Flowers(up to 5)

                      Favorite gift(up to 5)
                      windstone gift certificates
                      dragon statue
                      home made gifts I really love the one son makes

                      Favorite Collections (up to 5)
                      coffee cups
                      dragon statue
                      bats around Halloween
                      dachshunds items


                        I don’t think I even saw this the first time round, unless the last time it surfaced was before my time!

                        Your favorite colors (up to 5):
                        – Purple
                        – Red
                        – Green
                        – Turquoise

                        Your favorite animals (up to 5):
                        – Wolves
                        – Horses
                        – Domestic Cats (SO CUTE <3)
                        – African Wild Dogs
                        – Cheetahs

                        Your favorite mythical creatures(up to 5):
                        – Dragons
                        – Unicorns
                        – Pegasi

                        Favorite food (that can be mailed)(up to 5):
                        – Chocolate
                        – Kimchi/spicy instant noodles XD (I have a terrible, terrible addiction to them XD)
                        – Oreos (although right now I'm pretty grossed out by them since my BFF gave me like a year's supply of them, yuck XD)

                        Favorite flowers (up to 5):
                        – Lilies
                        – Pansies
                        – Roses
                        – Irises
                        – Columbines

                        Favorite gift (up to 5):
                        – Model horses (Stone, Breyer, Ceramic)
                        – Windstones!
                        – Outdoor equipment
                        – Videogames/Books/Movies
                        – Jewellry

                        Favorite collections (up to 5):
                        – Windstones
                        – Grand Champions (I have over 60 that I collected as a kid)
                        – Model horses
                        – Books
                        – Art

                        And that's it! 🙂

                        Check out my finished artwork at and my sketch/studio blog at



                          FAVORITE COLORS
                          – Green
                          – Blue
                          – Black (Although, black is a mix of all colors.)

                          FAVORITE ANIMALS
                          – Cat
                          – Dog
                          – Lizards
                          – Horses
                          – Owls

                          FAVORITE MYTHICAL CREATURES
                          – Dragons!
                          – Fairies (Not the cutesy ones.)
                          – Gargoyles
                          – Norse & Greek Gods

                          FAVORITE FOODS
                          – Chocolate
                          – Sushi
                          – Peanut Butter
                          – Almonds, Hazelnuts, Macadamias, Peanuts, Pistachios
                          – Berries

                          FAVORITE FLOWERS
                          – Roses
                          – Sunflowers
                          – Magnolias
                          – Tulips
                          – Lilies

                          FAVORITE GIFTS
                          – Art
                          – Fantasy Collectibles
                          – Custom Gifts
                          – Windstones
                          – Music

                          FAVORITE COLLECTIONS
                          – Windstones
                          – Dragon & Fairy Collectibles (Dragonsite, Fairysite, Veronese, Etc.)
                          – Rocks & Fossils
                          – Various Coins
                          – Personal “Favorite Movies Of All Time” Collection


                            Great idea!

                            Your favourite colors (up to 3): Blue, green, silver – I love dusty hues.

                            Your favourite animals (up to 3): Wolves, birds of prey

                            Your favourite mythical creatures(up to 3): Griffins, dragons, pegasai

                            Favourite food (that can be mailed)(up to 5): haribo gummy bears, milk chocolate!

                            Favorite flowers (up to 5): Gerbera daisies, daisies, african violets

                            Favourite gift (up to 3): For me? I love anything hand-made… something I need at that moment (I cried when I was in college and my cousin sent me a Safeway gift card for my birthday – I needed it so badly!), and, of course, Windstones.

                            Favourite collections (up to 5): My Windstones, rocks…I love picking up a little something whenever I travel, so I have a small collection of travel things as well.


                              Since the Holiday Swap Season ™ is upon us, I thought I’d give this a little bump! Plus my entry needed some updating. XD

                            Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 127 total)
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