Your Favorites! (Getting to know fellow members)

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  • #714356

    Your favourite colors (up to 5):Blue, Pink, Green

    Your favourite animals (up to 5):Dogs, Elephants, Turtles I like all animals, but those are the 3 I am drawn too.

    Your favourite mythical creatures(up to 5):Dragons, Griffins, Unicorns, Poads (hehe), Ogres

    Favourite food (that can be mailed)(up to 5):Cheese, Chocolate, Teas

    Favourite flowers (up to 5):Orchids, Calla Lilys, But I dont like flower bouquets I find them sad because they are dead 😥

    Favourite gift (up to 5):Windstones, Dog Sculptures, anything really I am way to sentimental

    Favourite collections (up to 5):Windstones, Elephants and 101 Dalmatians are the only 3 things I really still collect. I have a few teddy bears and a bunch of stuffed animals from when I was a kids though.


    Your favourite colors (up to 5): Grey, black, green, blue.

    Your favourite animals (up to 5): Black wolves, snow leopards, felines, birds

    Your favourite mythical creatures(up to 5): griffins, hippocampus, unicorns, pegasus, phoenix

    Favourite food (that can be mailed)(up to 5): Not much that can be mailed…probably just the Puerto Rican candies my aunt sometimes sends me.

    Favourite flowers (up to 5): Lilacs, roses, lilies, any flower that’s blue!

    Favourite gift (up to 5): Gift cards, books, things with black wolves on them, anything that reminds me of my characters in my novels.

    Favourite collections (up to 5): Windstones (especially Poads!) and fantasy books (if that counts!) I’m not really into collecting.



      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
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        This is an interesting idea!

        Your favourite colors (up to 5): Blue (almost all shades), Brown (almost all shades)

        Your favourite animals (up to 5): Horses, Dogs

        Your favourite mythical creatures(up to 5): Dragon, Unicorns, gryphons, pegasi

        Favourite food (that can be mailed)(up to 5): Chocolate! 🙂

        Favourite flowers (up to 5): Roses

        Favourite gift (up to 5): Gift certificates, windstones

        Favourite collections (up to 5): Windstones, Horse Figure collection, Glass figurines, books

        While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


          Your favourite colors: red, black, white, pink, green

          Your favourite animals: all except snakes and reptiles (shudder)

          Your favourite mythical creatures: the phoenix, dragons, faries, Disney characters,

          Favourite food (that can be mailed): cookies, fudge, cake, brownies, candy

          Favourite flowers: orchids, roses, pansies, impatients, tri-color cala lilies

          Favourite gift: Winstone Dragons, books, fudge, plants, somebody cleaning my house for me

          Favorite collections Windstones, porcelain cabbage patch dolls, state quarters, presidential gold dollars, rings


            Great idea!

            Favorite colors (up to 5): Blue – turquoise, sky blue, robin’s egg, Carribean Ocean, glacier, midnight, Wedgewood, etc.
            Most greens, not olive or muddy, spring green, emerald, Pistacchio.
            Pink but not too pale.
            Metallic Gold

            Favorite animals (up to 5): Cats, all sorts; Mice, rodentia in general; Spider Monkeys; Sea Otters; Playpus

            Favorite mythical creatures (up to 5): Griffins, Dragons, Centuars, Fae, Dryads

            Favorite food that can be mailed (up to 5): Divinity candy, chewy caramels, gummy bears, Omaha Steaks (well you asked! 😀 )

            Favorite flowers (up to 5): Pink roses, dark purple lilacs, Stock, Alstromeria, Black pansies, Bleeding heart

            Favorite gifts (up to 5): Anything thoughtfully given by family and/or friends, helium balloons are always fun, Windstones (of course!), Books, irridescent glass

            Favorite collections: Antique Sterling place settings, Orient & Flume art glass, carnival glass, Windstones, Wedgewood china

            That was harder than I thought! 😯



            Your favourite colors (up to 5): Red, blue, green, purple, black

            Your favourite animals (up to 5): dogs, crows, pelicans, bumblebees, tarantulas

            Your favourite mythical creatures(up to 5): dragons, griffins, unicorns, pegasi, fairies

            Favourite food (that can be mailed)(up to 5): cheese

            Favourite flowers (up to 5): roses, tulips, narcissus, jasmine, gardenias

            Favourite gift (up to 5): money, Windstones, books, art supplies, video games

            Favourite collections (up to 5): Windstones, My Little Pony, Transformers, Enchantica, Pocket Dragons

            That was fun!


              Your favourite colors: Purple or black, depending on my mood. Also silver, dark red, and peacock blue.

              Your favourite animals: CATS! And pythons and boas (especially rainbow boas) and horses.

              Your favourite mythical creatures: Vampires, dragons and unicorns. Also kelpies and phoenixes.

              Favourite food: CHOCOLATE! Especially chocolate from the UK, they get all the good stuff. 🙁 Boost bars and Roses and Aeros and mint penguins (I would about kill for a mint penguiin) and so many other things. Mmmmm.

              Favourite flowers: Irises, definitely. I also like roses, but not pink ones.

              Favourite gift: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I like getting anything, really. Right now probably My Little Ponies, old ones, modern ones, fugly looking ones from the 90s, customized ones, plush ones, whatever!

              Favourite collections: My fledgelings. I used to have them all, but now I’m behind. 🙁 (I’m missing the emerald peacock and the red fire.) After that, Windstones in general. After that gemstones and stone spheres! And after that ponies. Though it depends on my mood which collection I like best, really.


              Your favourite colors (up to 5): Blue, green, purple.

              Your favourite animals (up to 5): Horses, cats, dogs, raptors of any kind (hawks, eagles, falcons, owls, etc.)

              Your favourite mythical creatures (up to 5): unicorns, pegasus, dragons, griffins.

              Favourite food (that can be mailed)(up to 5): chocolate, Altoid sours (citrus, tangerine) chocolate covered pretzels.

              Favourite flowers (up to 5): Lavender, lilac, hyacinth, daylilies.

              Favourite gift (up to 5): Barnes and Noble Gift cards, Amazon gift cards

              Favourite collections (up to 5): Windstones, jewelry, glass witch balls.


                Favorite colors — Purple, Green, Blue

                Favorite Animals — cats (small and big), wolves, turtles, Ravens(crows),

                Favorite Mythical Creature — Dragons, Griffins, Fauns, Faries

                Favorite Foods — Chocolate….um, that’s pretty much it 😆 .

                Favorite Flowers — Roses, Lilacs, Lilys

                Favorite Gifts — Gemstone beads, Dragon nick-nacks, Turtle nick-nacks, beading supplies

                Favorite Collections — Windstones, Pewter dragons, Minerals (aka pretty rocks :lol:)

                This is a really cool idea!


                  Your favorite colors (up to 5):black, purple, red, green, blue

                  Your favorite animals (up to 5):wolf, cat, horse

                  Your favorite mythical creatures(up to 5):dragons, unicorn, oh and dragons

                  Favorite food (that can be mailed)(up to 5):candy fruit slices

                  Favorite flowers (up to 5):stargazer lily

                  Favorite gift (up to 5):don’t really have one

                  Favorite collections (up to 5):windstone, mcfarlane dragons


                    This is a great idea BDW… 😉

                    My Favorite Colors: Green, Brown, earth tones.
                    My Favorite Animals: Tigers
                    My Favorite Mythical Creatures: Ki Rins, Dragons, Griffins and Unicorns.
                    My Favorite Foods: Chocolate covered almonds, chocolate with coconut bits or pieces in it, Cheese’s and pastas.
                    My Fovorite Flowers: SnapDragon’s, Lillie’s, Iris’s, Bird Of Paradise and Blue Star’s.
                    My Favorite Gift : Windstone.. :wink:, gift certificates, Cash.
                    My Favorite Collections: Windstones, Country Artist and Sandicast Tigers ( With glass Eyes).



                    Your favourite colors (up to 5): blood red, black, light blue.

                    Your favourite animals (up to 5): wolves, cougars, snakes, lizards.

                    Your favourite mythical creatures(up to 5): dragons, kirins, unicorns.

                    Favourite food (that can be mailed)(up to 5): ehh I don’t like food. Makes me feel gross. ^^;

                    Favourite flowers (up to 5): I’m allergic to most flowers. O.o

                    Favourite gift (up to 5): Windstones :lol:, rocks/crystals… that’s about it.

                    Favourite collections (up to 5): Windstone, wolves, dreamcatchers, rocks/crystals, Bleach (anime/manga) stuff.


                      Your favourite colors (up to 5): Purple, Lavender, Silver, Teal, Green

                      Your favourite animals (up to 5): Cats, Big Cats, Otters, Tasmanian devils

                      Your favourite mythical creatures(up to 5): dragons, fairy dragons, winged cats, griffins, fairies

                      Favourite food (that can be mailed)(up to 5): oatmeal raisin cookies, chocolate chip cookies, fruit-pears, berries, etc.

                      Favourite flowers (up to 5): Lilly of the valley, lilacs, oriental lillies, purple roses,

                      Favourite gift (up to 5): Dragons (plush or windstone), dolls (BJD), food, flowers, pictures (fantasy)

                      Favourite collections (up to 5): Windstone dragons, ABJD, Windstone griffins, lotr weapons, unusual rocks from unusual places

                      Keeper of the Fledgings


                      Your favourite colors (up to 5): purple, teal, royal blue, forest green, golden yellow (not metallic gold)

                      Your favourite animals (up to 5): dogs, cats, horses,

                      Your favourite mythical creatures(up to 5): dragons, kirins, fairies, pegasi, unicorns,

                      Favourite food (that can be mailed)(up to 5): chocolate, almonds, beef jerky, jordan almonds (candy coated nuts)

                      Favourite flowers (up to 5): rose, hibiscus, bearded iris, lavender

                      Favourite gift (up to 5): Most of the time, if someone gives me a gift, the fact that they thought about me is enough to make me cry.

                      Favourite collections (up to 5): Dragons (including Windstones), stuffed animals (some I make), books, event/travel mementos (like taking a vacation and going to Dragoncon)

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