Your Favorites! (Getting to know fellow members)

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  • #495836


        😀 Hi guys!
        I was sitting here thinking about doing something nice for people when I realised that even though we chat on the forum, we don’t really know that much about other fellow members so when you want to do something for them it would be nice if you knew in advance a little about what they like.
        So I’m starting this thread with that intention in mind.

        Your favourite colors (up to 5):

        Your favourite animals (up to 5):

        Your favourite mythical creatures(up to 5):

        Favourite food (that can be mailed)(up to 5):

        Favourite flowers (up to 5):

        Favourite gift (up to 5):

        Favourite collections (up to 5):

        You might also want to look at the Collections? (Other than Windstone) thread:

        We all know how long threads can get when we chat and make comments so I’m asking you to PLEASE just post your favourites and reserve comments on the subject in this other thread:

        Thank you 😉

        PS: I forgot to add if you think of something else along the way please come back and edit your original post so we don’t have to go through all of them again.
        Thanks 😉


        Your favourite colors (up to 5): Yellow, orange, blue, red, black!

        Your favourite animals (up to 5): Cat (any breed, including wildcats), dog, horse, african grey parrot…

        Your favourite mythical creatures(up to 3): Pegasus, Unicorn, Dragon, kirin, and GRIFFINS!

        Favourite food (that can be mailed)(up to 5): I could always use sugar free sweets! Or no sugar added is good too. Chocolate, Dark chocolate especially!

        Favourite flowers (up to 5): Tiger Lily!!!! And forget-me-nots.

        Favourite gift (up to 5): windstones, and swords are my faves, anime and manga.

        Favourite collections (up to 5): See above answer, windstones and swords! Only got 2 really….


          Your favourite colors (up to 5): Green, purple, brown, black, red

          Your favourite animals (up to 5): Bunnies, kitties, songbirds, chipmunks

          Your favourite mythical creatures(up to 5): Griffins, Flap cats, dragons, kirins

          Favourite food (that can be mailed)(up to 5): chocolate, pistachios, and other nuts

          Favourite flowers (up to 5): roses, gerber daisies, peonies, lilacs

          Favourite gift (up to 5): gift cards (they’re easy), books (especially hardcover vintage classics), music, movies

          Favourite collections (up to 5): Windstones, jeweled bird boxes, autographed photos of movie stars (that I get signed by them in person), agates that I found myself, and clothes/shoes.

          I’m sure I’ll be editing this later.


            That’s an awesome idea!

            Your favourite colors (up to 3): Black, turquoise, purples

            Your favourite animals (up to 3): tigers

            Your favourite mythical creatures(up to 3): dragons, centaurs and Windstone has now influenced me with kirins and griffins!

            Favourite food (that can be mailed)(up to 5): milk chocolate: Lindt, Guy Lian and Côte d’Or

            Favourite flowers (up to 5): I have a weakness for roses and lilac

            Favourite gift (up to 3): Windstones and books

            Favourite collections (up to 5): Windstones, books, DVDs

            Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
            I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


              😆 Guess I should fill this out too 😆

              My favourite colors:
              * Rust
              * Green
              * Beige/brown
              * Creme
              * Black

              My favourite animals:
              * Horse
              * Wild cats bobcat/lynx (also domestic -Somali)
              * Wolf
              * Birds (red-tailed hawks, Blackburnian warblers, Strawberry finches…)

              My favourite mythical creatures:
              * Griffins
              * Dragons
              * Pegases
              * Fairies

              Favourite food (that can be mailed):
              * Cheese but forget that 😆
              * Any Nuts NOT peanuts(uh…we are talking about food here)
              * Leaffy greens ( 🙄 I know can’t mail that)
              * Bee pollen

              Favourite flowers:
              * Moss, i know it’s not a flower but I just love moss 😀
              * osteospermum (daisies)
              * Lilly of the valley
              * Iris
              * lilies

              Favourite gift:
              * Card
              * My #1 is when people travel and bring me back a baggy of sand from the beach they were at or earth like the red earth in Arizona or rocks that can mostly be found at that place.
              * Handmade bracelet, pendant (made of stones, brown topaz, wooden beads (natural or tribal styles, don’t like gold preffer silver or copper)
              * Rocks, Minerals, fossils
              * Windstones

              Favourite collections:
              * Windstones
              * Country Artists figurines(mostly birds), Marjolein Bastin, Sandicast,
              * Rocks, Minerals, fossils, Artifacts, seashells
              * Resin horses, Ooak horses, Ooak fairies
              * Fantasy art books (Royo, Boris…Jennifer Miller) and Realistic Wildlife art books (Bateman, C.Brenders, R.Parker, D.Smith…)

              😕 This is harder then I thought…must edit later


              Your favourite colors (up to 3): blue, orange, purple

              Your favourite animals (up to 3): Dog, rat , frogs , crow, monkeys

              Your favourite mythical creatures(up to 3): Rok, black dog, Phoenix

              Favourite food (that can be mailed)(up to 5): apricots, gummy worms, fruit slice candies

              Favourite flowers (up to 5):carnations

              Favourite gift (up to 3): gift card , corpse digging shovel 😛 JK

              Favourite collections (up to 5): DC comics action figures, Starwars, American Civil war Medicine ,Comic books


              Your favourite colors (up to 3): Purple, Pink, Dark Green

              Your favourite animals (up to 3): Cats, Pandas, Horses

              Your favourite mythical creatures(up to 3): Dragons, Pegasus, Griffins

              Favourite food (that can be mailed)(up to 5): Chocolate, Sour Gummies, Jerkey, Werthers Caramels…and er…cat treats-not for me, for the ‘kids’! 😉

              Favourite flowers (up to 5): Can’t say that I have a fav, all are beautiful! Just nothing that’s poisonous to cats!

              Favourite gift (up to 3): Windstones and Blank PYOs, Cat toys/treats, giftcards (Barnes and Noble, Amazon, Walmart), animal themed stationary

              Favourite collections (up to 5):
              Windstones, Dragon Plushies, Geodes and other pretty rocks, Autographs


              Your favourite colors (up to 5): black (not really a colour) purple, orange (Not together lol)

              Your favourite animals (up to 5):cats, dogs, horses, fox, wolves

              Your favourite mythical creatures(up to 5):dragon, unicorn, phoenix….

              Favourite food (that can be mailed)(up to 5): chocolate especially Lindt….

              Favourite flowers (up to 5):Just about anything. Just remember I have allergies, and my cats like to eat plants. So, roses, lilies, daises, orchids, tulips *(never mind, toxic to cats!

              Favourite gift (up to 5):

              Favourite collections (up to 5): Windstones, cats, reindeer, angels specifically seashell or glass, stuffed animals

              I just know I’ll be editing this later. Especially the colours. I’m always changing favorite colours.


                Your favourite colors (up to 5): blues, yellows, greens

                Your favourite animals (up to 5): horses, cats (large and small), dogs

                Your favourite mythical creatures(up to 5): pegasus, griffin, unicorn, dragon

                Favourite food (that can be mailed)(up to 5):

                Favourite flowers (up to 5): roses

                Favourite gift (up to 5):

                Favourite collections (up to 5): windstones, books, movies

                I’m sure I’ll be editing later. I just can’t think of some answers right now.


                  Your favourite colors: Pink, grey, egg plant, peach, and blue.

                  Your favourite animals: Dogs and rabbits.

                  Your favourite mythical creatures: Griffins, flap cats, unicorns, dragons, and perfect men.

                  Favourite food: Chocolate, cookies, and nuts.

                  Favourite flowers: All flowers are pretty. 🙂

                  Favourite gift: Windstones, of course, but I love all gifts… except cheesy dragons.

                  Favourite collections: Windstones, clothes, shoes, and Guiseppe Armani.


                  Your favourite colors (up to 5): All Shades of Purple, blue, and red. Green is nice, same with yellow…so I pretty much mentioned the whole rainbow, huh? 😆

                  Your favourite animals (up to 5): Orcas, dolphins, sea turtles, horses, and elephants!

                  Your favourite mythical creatures(up to 5): Unicorns, Pegasi, Kirins, Griffins, and Dragons.

                  Favourite food (that can be mailed)(up to 5): Uhhh… I love sweets like chocolate and cheesecake. I really love chocolate ice cream, but I don’t think that can be mailed! 😀

                  Favourite flowers (up to 5): Scented flowers!! Roses, lilacs…just as long as they smell pretty! I also love living ones more than a bouquet or clipped flowers because then they live longer.

                  Favourite gift (up to 5): I don’t know? I like things that last for a long time so I can cherish them. Windstones are always good! 😉

                  Favourite collections (up to 5): The only one I have is my Windstone collection.


                    I’m just Dragons, as of now.
                    I like a few pieces here and there but i have trained my brian to NOT fall in LOVE with others
                    I LOVE the final Golds, Emeralds and I think the B/G the best so far of the ones iI have seen in person


                    Your favourite colors (up to 5): olive green, phthalo green, cyan blue, dioxazine purple

                    Your favourite animals (up to 5): eagle, velociraptor/deinonychus, dog, parrot, horse

                    Your favourite mythical creatures(up to 5): dragon, basilisk, chimera, griffin, harpy

                    Favourite food (that can be mailed)(up to 5): Reese’s, chocolate, most anything sweet

                    Favourite flowers (up to 5): wisteria, jasmine, honeysuckle, hydrangea, rose

                    Favourite gift (up to 5): Windstones, Buell merchandise, books

                    Favourite collections (up to 5): guns, Windstones, books, pelts, skulls, horns


                      Your favourite colors (up to 5): Black, Red, Purple, Dark Blue, Dark Grey

                      Your favourite animals (up to 5): Cats, dogs, red-tailed hawks, wildcats, bats

                      Your favourite mythical creatures(up to 5): Flapcats, dragons, Bastet, phoenix, gryphon

                      Favourite food (that can be mailed)(up to 5): Cookies, chocolate, candy

                      Favourite flowers (up to 5): Miniature roses (regular roses die too fast), lilac, lilies, jasmine, orchids

                      Favourite gift (up to 5): Books, Windstone, swords/daggers, art supplies

                      Favourite collections (up to 5): Books, Windstone, swords/daggers, Myth & Magic Pewter Dragons, Egyptian perfume bottles

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