your favorites…

Home Forums Windstone Editions Ask Melody your favorites…

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      So, Melody – We have this thread posted in Community but don’t have any answers for you… So what are you favorite? Inquiring minds want to know! 😀 😀

      Your favourite colors (up to 5):

      Your favourite animals (up to 5):

      Your favourite mythical creatures(up to 5):

      Favourite food (that can be mailed)(up to 5):

      Favourite flowers (up to 5):

      Favourite gift (up to 5):

      Favourite collections (up to 5):

      twindragonsmum 😀




          So, Melody – We have this thread posted in Community but don’t have any answers for you… So what are you favorite? Inquiring minds want to know! 😀 😀

          Your favourite colors (up to 5):
          violet, aqua blue (or teal) green, ruby red, champagne color.

          Your favourite animals (up to 5): horses cats cattle chickens wild boars rats meerkats jellyfish – oops too many.
          Gad how can I choose a favorite?? I love all animals, except scorpions and leeches. Those two I find interesting, but I can’t say I love them..

          Your favourite mythical creatures(up to 5):LionKirins, kirins, unicorns, Vantids, angels

          Favourite food (that can be mailed)(up to 5): anything. We are pigs.

          Favourite flowers (up to 5): Portulaca, tuberous begonia, daffodils, passion flowers, clematis

          Favourite gift (up to 5): toys, nice plastic animals, rocks , art , live chickens,

          Favourite collections (up to 5): skulls & bones& dead stuff, Kaiyodos, Nekos, rocks & minerals, Oberammergau wooden carvings


            XD XD Yep, live chickens are always nice. 😉


            Leeches are fun to watch in a tank, but scorpions? *shudders* Nothanks.

            What sort of mythical creature is a ‘Vantid’? 😆


              I can’t believe the master at sculpting dragons doesn’t have dragons listed as her favorite mythical creature 😮 😆 are you sick of them?


                NicoleH wrote:

                I can’t believe the master at sculpting dragons doesn’t have dragons listed as her favorite mythical creature 😮 😆 are you sick of them?

                a little


                Melody wrote:

                NicoleH wrote:

                I can’t believe the master at sculpting dragons doesn’t have dragons listed as her favorite mythical creature 😮 😆 are you sick of them?

                a little

                😮 XD XD


                  I just made up the mythical favorites list to sound interesting. I don’t really have favorites, though Kirins are up there because they are so open to interpretation.
                  A Vantid is a blue, wolf headed mermaid with a dolphin tail. A very unusual creature, but definitely one of my favorites… dang I can’t find a pic.


                    I found some Vantid pictures for you…these are the two best ones I found. It’s not a particularly well known fantasy creature.


                      I really like those! See, who says you can’t learn something new on our forums (besides my hubby, that is 😆 )

                      twindragonsmum 😀


                        It’s really hard to mail a live chicken though…just sayin’


                        oooh, vantids sound neat. never heard of them before. thanks for posting those pics purplecat, really cool!


                        Thanks, purplecat! 🙂

                        From brown-eyed cats to Vantids, this place is so interesting! 😆


                          Wow, Vantids are very interesting indeed. Those pictures make them look gorgeous. Since, they are one of your favorites Melody, have you ever considered making and painting one? They would make a great addition to your fantasy collection. I would certainly be interested in one.

                          Melody wrote:

                          a little

                          Astonishing but understandable. After making them for so long, you’re bound to get a little tired of them. Speaking of fantasy creatures, have you ever thought of making and painting angels, demons, mythological gods or any other fantasy type creatures like centaurs or minotaurs?

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