
You Know You are Addicted to Windstones When…….

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    You know you’re addicted to Windstones when you may out your credit card at $800 every month on more dragons.


      You know you are addicted when you’ve put instructions for their placement and care in you will. πŸ™‚


      Barrdwing wrote:

      You know you are addicted when you are moving house and tossing all kinds of things into the Goodwill pile . . . but absolutely insist that every single Windstone will go to the new house, no exceptions. When you spend more time and trouble packing your Windstones–in boxes that could withstand a stampede–than you do in packing the tools of your trade. When you just can’t stand to let the moving van carry ALL of your Windstones, and insist on keeping back your two Old Warriors to transport yourself, in a car already crammed to the roof with other stuff. When, right before leaving town, you make one last trip to the single shop that carries Windstones, to buy one last Windstone that you already had one of, just because it was retired and you had a gift certificate for twenty bucks.

      I’m either addicted or barking insane. Don’t know which. πŸ˜›

      haha..I did the same thing, without going to buy one last one, but I couldn’t bear for ANYONE to touch my windstones! They had to ride with me, and I had someone in the front seat hold them (I only had two at the time). When he went to place them on the floor, I snapped at him. I probably shouldn’t have, but they are my babies!


      Dragon Master wrote:

      emerald212 wrote:

      Griffiness wrote:

      skigod377 wrote:

      You know you are addicted to Windstones when your vocabulary consists of “OMG I just won a BG OW!” “I love my EM PEA EMP!” or “GB, DM, and WSC… lay off that #1 BVP proto OW. Its MINE!” And everyone on the forum understands you.

      πŸ˜† πŸ˜† hee hee
      You know when i first joined i thought you were all nutters talking like that.

      I started using some of those abbreviations in my emails to Susie, but then had to translate because she didn’t know what I was saying. πŸ˜†
      Well there is another Addiction sign

      Can you translate them for me? I posted on another area about what certain abbreviations mean, but since they are written here…can you translate? Thanks!


        eaglefeather831 wrote:

        Dragon Master wrote:

        emerald212 wrote:

        Griffiness wrote:

        skigod377 wrote:

        You know you are addicted to Windstones when your vocabulary consists of “OMG I just won a BG OW!” “I love my EM PEA EMP!” or “GB, DM, and WSC… lay off that #1 BVP proto OW. Its MINE!” And everyone on the forum understands you.

        πŸ˜† πŸ˜† hee hee
        You know when i first joined i thought you were all nutters talking like that.

        I started using some of those abbreviations in my emails to Susie, but then had to translate because she didn’t know what I was saying. πŸ˜†
        Well there is another Addiction sign

        Can you translate them for me? I posted on another area about what certain abbreviations mean, but since they are written here…can you translate? Thanks!

        “Oh my god I just won a Black Gold Old Warrior! I love my Emerald Peacock Emperor.” or “Greater Basilisk, Dragon Master, and Windstone Collector… lay off that #1 Black Violet Peacock prototype Old Warrior. It’s MINE!”


          You just beat me to it Peg! πŸ˜†


          LOL Star! πŸ˜†


            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            skigod377 wrote:

            You know you are addicted to Windstones when your vocabulary consists of “OMG I just won a BG OW!” “I love my EM PEA EMP!” or “GB, DM, and WSC… lay off that #1 BVP proto OW. Its MINE!” And everyone on the forum understands you.

            πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† That made me laugh out loud.

            Actually at the moment I’m not.. I do have enough money to buy him but I need to keep that money for rent and getting my business started :(… so I have started a SK fund… I’m selling some of my extras and PYOs… maybe I should try to sell my art :P..


            You know you are addicted to Windstones when you come on the forum and tell people to stay away from the items you are bidding on, on ebay….and say things like MINE! MINE! MINE!


              keschete wrote:

              You know you are addicted to Windstones when you come on the forum and tell people to stay away from the items you are bidding on, on ebay….and say things like MINE! MINE! MINE!

              Going back to the “MY precious!!!” ROFLMAO


              You know you are addicted to Windstones when you won’t leave home for any reason until the auction is over. Also, you become adept at not telling your significant other how much you are paying on these auctions. (My money so he doesnt need to know)


              tc_cat333 wrote:

              Greater Basilisk wrote:

              skigod377 wrote:

              You know you are addicted to Windstones when your vocabulary consists of “OMG I just won a BG OW!” “I love my EM PEA EMP!” or “GB, DM, and WSC… lay off that #1 BVP proto OW. Its MINE!” And everyone on the forum understands you.

              πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† That made me laugh out loud.

              Actually at the moment I’m not.. I do have enough money to buy him but I need to keep that money for rent and getting my business started :(… so I have started a SK fund… I’m selling some of my extras and PYOs… maybe I should try to sell my art :P..

              Aw, rent. It always gets in the way. πŸ˜• πŸ˜›


                You know you are an addict when you hide purchases from your sig other… or try to sneak them on the shelves hoping no one will notice and ask, “So, how much did this one cost?”

                You know you are addicted when you are willing to risk life and limb… opening the Windstone boxes in the car cuz you just CANT WAIT till you get home!

                You know you are addicted when you try to convince yourself that you dont need one of every new peice that comes out… and you fail miserably.


                  pegasi1978 wrote:

                  eaglefeather831 wrote:

                  Dragon Master wrote:

                  emerald212 wrote:

                  Griffiness wrote:

                  skigod377 wrote:

                  You know you are addicted to Windstones when your vocabulary consists of “OMG I just won a BG OW!” “I love my EM PEA EMP!” or “GB, DM, and WSC… lay off that #1 BVP proto OW. Its MINE!” And everyone on the forum understands you.

                  πŸ˜† πŸ˜† hee hee
                  You know when i first joined i thought you were all nutters talking like that.

                  I started using some of those abbreviations in my emails to Susie, but then had to translate because she didn’t know what I was saying. πŸ˜†
                  Well there is another Addiction sign

                  Can you translate them for me? I posted on another area about what certain abbreviations mean, but since they are written here…can you translate? Thanks!

                  “Oh my god I just won a Black Gold Old Warrior! I love my Emerald Peacock Emperor.” or “Greater Basilisk, Dragon Master, and Windstone Collector… lay off that #1 Black Violet Peacock prototype Old Warrior. It’s MINE!”
                  You can have it!! I do not want it! Now if it was the Red Gold SK and I had the money all bets would be off!!


                  skigod377 wrote:

                  You know you are addicted when you try to convince yourself that you dont need one of every new peice that comes out… and you fail miserably.

                  That especially. πŸ™„ πŸ˜†

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