
You Know You are Addicted to Windstones When…….

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    I tit would be fun if all the forum members share their funny notes about being addicted to Windstones. So please chime in with the crazy things you do for Windstones!

    You know you are addicted to Windstones when you rush home at 5 pm so you can out snipe other Windstone collectors for an Ebay auction ending at 5:30 pm, and you skip going to the grocery store because of it (even though you are out of milk and almost out of toilet paper).



      you know you are addicted when you have dreams of a brown boxed package ariving at your door with a new dragon………and in the dream you take it into your room and you clean and re-arange your room to match your new dragon.


      You know you are addicted when you are moving house and tossing all kinds of things into the Goodwill pile . . . but absolutely insist that every single Windstone will go to the new house, no exceptions. When you spend more time and trouble packing your Windstones–in boxes that could withstand a stampede–than you do in packing the tools of your trade. When you just can’t stand to let the moving van carry ALL of your Windstones, and insist on keeping back your two Old Warriors to transport yourself, in a car already crammed to the roof with other stuff. When, right before leaving town, you make one last trip to the single shop that carries Windstones, to buy one last Windstone that you already had one of, just because it was retired and you had a gift certificate for twenty bucks.

      I’m either addicted or barking insane. Don’t know which. 😛


      you know your addicted to windstone when you keep making excuses about going to the dentist just so you can go to your favorite store to buy them out of all their windstones (yes i have done this>.>)


      Barrdwing wrote:

      You know you are addicted when you are moving house and tossing all kinds of things into the Goodwill pile . . . but absolutely insist that every single Windstone will go to the new house, no exceptions. When you spend more time and trouble packing your Windstones–in boxes that could withstand a stampede–than you do in packing the tools of your trade. When you just can’t stand to let the moving van carry ALL of your Windstones, and insist on keeping back your two Old Warriors to transport yourself, in a car already crammed to the roof with other stuff. When, right before leaving town, you make one last trip to the single shop that carries Windstones, to buy one last Windstone that you already had one of, just because it was retired and you had a gift certificate for twenty bucks.

      I’m either addicted or barking insane. Don’t know which. 😛
      Oh please don’t talk about moving. I think I’d have to start about two months ahead of moving, pack them up, put them in storage then move each and every one alone so that nothing gets broken. (That and I don’t have a car so that would be however many bus trips.) I have nightmares about moving. It took me all day to move in here and if I move out I think it’ll take a few days to a week.


      you know you are addicted when you promise your bf and your therapist to quit buying them, when really you will not. 🙁


      You know you’re addicted when you skip your bills and buy Windstones instead.



      You know you’re addicted when everytime you get paid you have to seperate your money into bill and Windstone money. Then, just as you pick up your paycheck, you are already thinking of the next one and how much you can take out of it.
      Also, you know you’re addicted when you pray that nothing new comes out so you can catch up on the 15 or 20 pieces you want out of this series of production pieces, before the next thing you KNOW you’re gonna want comes out in limited production. 😯


        gryphondreamer wrote:

        you know you are addicted when you promise your bf and your therapist to quit buying them, when really you will not. 🙁

        and your therapist??? 😀


        KoishiiKitty wrote:

        gryphondreamer wrote:

        you know you are addicted when you promise your bf and your therapist to quit buying them, when really you will not. 🙁

        and your therapist??? 😀

        i have every entention of stopping, until i start reading this forum again…:(


          gryphondreamer wrote:

          KoishiiKitty wrote:

          gryphondreamer wrote:

          you know you are addicted when you promise your bf and your therapist to quit buying them, when really you will not. 🙁

          and your therapist??? 😀

          i have every entention of stopping, until i start reading this forum again…:(

          awww….yeah, we are bad influences.
          it has not gotten that bad for me……yet >.>


          im doing ok so far, just getting pyo’s, no ‘official’ windstones…yet. 😀


            gryphondreamer wrote:

            im doing ok so far, just getting pyo’s, no ‘official’ windstones…yet. 😀

            I am buying pyo’s
            to sell pyo’s
            to buy WINDSTONES!!!!



            You know you are addicted when you buy an $800 Windstone on Ebay (because it is #23 OW BEP) and you tell your husband you just got a “Great Deal” on a new Windstone and it is comming in soon. 🙂

            I always tell my husband how much I saved on each piece….hehehe

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