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- This topic has 46 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 17 years, 11 months ago by WolfenMachine.
March 17, 2007 at 12:49 am #552324
I’ve never had mine taken out, but I need to. They get infected from time to time and cause me agonizing pain for weeks before they get better. I have health insurance, but not dental, so unless they are impacted, my insurance won’t cover it. I’ll get them removed soon since they are prone to infection.
I hope your removal goes smoothly, Chessapeaka.
March 17, 2007 at 12:57 am #552325I had 2 pulled and 2 surgically removed and no trouble at all on any of the 4. Barely any swelling and just a dull kind of pain that went away with Tylenol. In fact the only trouble I had was a stomach ache from the Ensure that the dentist had me on for a week. Actually only did one day on the stuff, barfed it all up at the end of the day and decided to switch to soup. Everything was fine after that 😀
March 17, 2007 at 1:16 am #552326I had mine out last summer via IV Sedation. Went pretty smoothly, one minute I was waiting for the sedative to take effect and right after that they said “OK, we’re done!” XD Weirdest thing ever.
The days afterwards suck, though. The IV sedation made me a little sick to my stomach at times and there’s only so much food that was good to eat. (I tried to eat some leftover chicken that looked so tasty in the fridge about two days after and immediately regretted it.) I was emailing Melody still and she was preaching the wonders of Jell-O. So don’t be surprised if your mom tries to fill you with Jell-O. XD
Still, I’m not complaining. X)
March 17, 2007 at 1:27 am #552327My experience was much like pegasi1978’s. It was also about 10 years ago when I was 16 years old I think.
It actually worked out well for me, as I had a gap between by two front teeth and other minor ones. They let the wisdom teeth creep up a bit to push the gaps closed, then removed all four before they started pushing too hard. I don’t think they had come out yet, but were getting near the surface.
Anyway, they put me under twilight anesthesia for the removal. I remember counting back as they told me, 100, 99, 98, 9..7.., 9….6…. and then I woke up what I THOUGHT was about 5 min later, wondering where everyone was and having an atrocious amount of cotton in my mouth.
My mom kept me drugged up with codine and my Dad got me Jamba Juices for a couple days, and I had no problems at all. I was real good about using the squirter thing to keep the holes clean. Also, I think they were dissolving stitches so I never needed to go back.
March 17, 2007 at 1:42 am #552328Ah, wisdom teeth.
Believe it or not I had six wisdom teeth, two of which were impacted and of course not covered by insurance. People normally only have about four or fewer I was told. It was so unusual that they brought in quite a few people to observe. They told me all of the possible things that might go wrong and made me sign a waver before going through the procedure.
They put me under anesthesia, so I don’t remember much about the actual process. It honestly felt like it lasted about 10 minutes. I do remember feeling some pounding as they broke the teeth, but I didn’t feel any pain.
After that they gave me some kind of narcotic for the pain. However, even with the narcotic it was extremely painful to even drink water for the next three days. For the next couple months I had to rinse out the holes in the back of my mouth with a syringe.
I’m glad that I got it done because the wisdom teeth caused me a lot of pain. However, I don’t really want to go through anything like that again. I’m taking really good care of my teeth.March 17, 2007 at 1:54 am #552329I have a HORROR story. I had all 4 out during January break from college and it was a disaster!
First, I woke up half way through – don’t know why. The funny thing is that whenever I watched a medical show and the person’s arms were strapped down I would think “why don’t they just pull the arm?” So I wake up still drugged, realized I was strapped down and thought “I can see what happens” and I pulled my right arm free. A minute or so later one of the assistants yells “she free!” and JUMPED on my arm, bruising it. I was awake the rest of the time while the dentist hammered my last 2 teeth out cursing the whole time.
I had a lot of swelling and bruising. Couldn’t eat anything for a week. I was in so much pain (he didn’t give me anything but Tylenol) that I layed in bed and read all the James Herriot books. Do not read them if you can’t eat! I had never realized before how much he talks about food in the books.
After a week my mom and I went sneaker shopping at which time I was still a little swollen and had yellow bruises on my face. The guy helping us kept looking at my face until I finally told him not to worry about it – my Mom only beat me occassionally. I thought she was going to kill me. I did tell him the truth and apologized since child abuse really wasn’t something to joke about. But at the time I was annoyed at my Mom for insisting on having the teeth pulled. But she was right!
So I go back to college and swell up even more and ended up at the student health center with an infection in one side. Trust me, most student health centers are not where you want to go for medical help. The first 2 weeks of the semester I had constant pain plus the infection – I cursed that dentist constantly!
On the other hand, my older sister had 2 of her teeth taken out (by a different dentist – my Mom learned with me) and she went to a rock concert that night! No problems! AND I sent her flowers because I felt so bad she had to go through it. 🙄
March 17, 2007 at 2:05 am #552330I had no problems at all that I could feel. They had me loopy on nitrous oxide and full of novacaine. I didn’t know better and went to work that afternoon. They sent me home. Took one Tylenol 3 at home, slept through the night, and was fine the next morning so I went to class and to work. Plain old regular Tylenol the next day and that was the end of it. Just lucky, or stupid, I guess.
March 17, 2007 at 2:57 am #552331DantheDragon wrote:My experience was much like pegasi1978’s. It was also about 10 years ago when I was 16 years old I think.
It actually worked out well for me, as I had a gap between by two front teeth and other minor ones. They let the wisdom teeth creep up a bit to push the gaps closed, then removed all four before they started pushing too hard. I don’t think they had come out yet, but were getting near the surface.
Anyway, they put me under twilight anesthesia for the removal. I remember counting back as they told me, 100, 99, 98, 9..7.., 9….6…. and then I woke up what I THOUGHT was about 5 min later, wondering where everyone was and having an atrocious amount of cotton in my mouth.
My mom kept me drugged up with codine and my Dad got me Jamba Juices for a couple days, and I had no problems at all. I was real good about using the squirter thing to keep the holes clean. Also, I think they were dissolving stitches so I never needed to go back.
I only made it to 97. When I woke I asked when they were starting, and they told me they were done. All 4, 2 impacted, and I have them in a jar. I want to have a necklace made, so I always have a little bit of wisdom.
March 17, 2007 at 3:31 am #552332I had 4 wisdom teeth taken out many years ago — two were impacted and had to be removed surgically. They gave me an anesthetic, so it was over before I knew it. My dentist was really good too. No pain or swelling, and the next day I was fine except I had to be careful when I was chewing.
So it can be a virtually pain free experience!
March 17, 2007 at 3:37 am #552333I went to see the dentist when my bottoms started coming in…since they hurt as they cut through the gums. So the dentist was like…lets take out all four before they start problems. I just went along with him. So then they took xrays and the guy was showing them to me…and I noticed the top two had fillings. So I asked him…umm are those fillings? Cause i have not had a filling done in like 8 years. Yeah he said..that is what those were. So I asked him, ummm so why do they have to be pulled if I have had them this long with no problems? He just told me because they would not have any bottom teeth to chew with. I said ummmm thanks but no. Leave those in. He refused! So I left and never came back. My bottom ones came in fine as well. Its been another 6 years and no problems with either set.
So….ummm get a second opinion. My new destist says they are fine and he would never have removed them at all.March 17, 2007 at 3:44 am #552334Oh boy.. I remember when I got my wisdom teeth out, they took all four and they had such a FUN TIME trying to get the IV needle in me to give me the sleeping drugs. You see, I have this great combination of veins that are not only small but also deep beneath my skin! So the assistant was GRINDING AROUND in the top of my hand, exclaiming he couldn’t find the vein and I was gritting my teeth and telling him I was pretty sure blood got to my hand somehow seeing as it looked normal like it did! THEN he gave up on that hand and tried the OTHER hand, grinding around again until he FINALLY got it in. Sweet god, I hate needles! LOL
I was out like a light for the operation but I do remember being horribly out of it for more than an hour afterwards as well, I think I am more responsive to sleeping drugs of any kind than most people because I just couldn’t stay awake for very long and that meant I wasn’t putting enough pressure on my gums and thus it took more than 8 hours for me to stop bleeding so I could eat something, ANYTHING! LOL
March 17, 2007 at 7:53 am #552335Ok….So besides the vicodin I do have a story *took me this long to remember it…. 🙄 *
Anyway This isn’t actualy a wisdom tooth story, but when I got my “I” teeth, the canines for those of you animaly inclined….I was 8 years old.
First thing you have to realize is that I am deathly afraid of needles….I can tollerate them now (sort of…I still go into shock when I get shots) but back when I had my teeth pulled, you couldn’t get NEAR me with a needle without 3 grown men holding me down. Anyway, so the anesthetic went fine, they gave me laughing gas and I never saw the needle…but when he was almost done, I woke up and FREAKED out! I mean thrashing and kicking and screaming (as best I could with crap in my mouth) they couldn’t calm me down at all….finaly the doc said “If you don’t settle down NOW I will have to stick you with more needles!” I swear I was like the dead for the next 15 min as he finished up. I didn’t flinch or move a muscle. Period. LoL
I look back and that story is SO funny, but it was scary as hell when it happened. 😯
March 17, 2007 at 9:24 am #552336Anonymous
I cannot tolerate the dentist. Last time I went to have another root canal and 8 fillings done, they gave me 12 mg of ativan and I was still fully alert, that’s how bent out of shape I get.
It’s out, or it’s nothing.
My 4 wisdom and 2 molars were pulled out in dead sleep by a surgeon, I got dissolvable surtures. In and out in an hour, an hour later I was playing in a poker game and eating chicken noodle soup. I work great with anestethic (sp?). I’ve been under three or four times so far (appendix burst, busted hand requiring surgery, teeth out)
Yes, I said 8 fillings, and I still need them. When I can afford to pay the $500 to be knocked out, I’ll get it done. I’m missing about 7 teeth, my front one is busted in half from being punched in grade 1, I have a molar that is half gone right now and really paining, cavities everywhere, but hey…
…I would rather clean the bathroom with my tongue than go to the dentist.
In grade 10 I had my first serious cavity, it was all the way down through my molar and into the nerve. I was chewing on the handle end of a screwdriver to dull the pain. When I chewed through and broke the screwdriver my teacher phoned my mother and I had to go to the dentist… 👿 The dentist had to use two hands, two clamps, and put his foot ON THE CHAIR to pull the tooth out.
The next time that I was crying and punching myself in the face from cavity number two, and finally gave in and went, it was a female dentist and she had to cut the tooth into three different pieces and remove them one by one. I have amazing large and hard teeth, I credit it to living on a dairy farm and drinking insane amounts of milk… also hence the 6’7″ height I figure 😀
So yeah… dentists suck, good luck. I refuse to go again unless I am bleeding copiously from the mouth, in enough pain to cause me to black out, or I can afford the surgery route.
March 17, 2007 at 9:58 am #552337No horror stories. My mouth was hurting soooo bad that I could not eat for about 2 days. I finally went to the dentist (40 min away) and they said they could get me in in a month. I told them No. They got me in the next day, pulled out my wisdom teeth, and sent me home happy. I went home and ATE!
March 18, 2007 at 3:06 am #552338I’m one of the wierd ones also. I only ended up with 3 so far. I had one (top left) pulled 20 years ago because the bottom left was coming in and there was not enough room for both but to this say I still have the top right and bottom left. I can not afford extensive dental work right now but I hope to be able to in a few years to get some thing done in there. No problems and the only pain was when the bottom left one came in.
I wish you the best of luck here -
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