Winged Wolf on page….. 5? I can't remember

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    WolfenMachine wrote:

    purpledragonclaw wrote:

    Wow, I never thought what I wrote would get such a response!

    That’s what we folks at the forum are for: Empathy 😀 Try being 20, or even 18 and collecting My Little Ponies. It never ended.

    Ah, Wolfen, that MLP shrine of yours is just a pile of money waiting to be turned into Windstones and a fancy car… no? 😆


    My mother worships every week religiously. She told me it was time to grow up too. Now, at 35 I have 3 times as many Windstones in my living room than 4 years ago when she really looked them over and told me they were…ah, not satanic exactly, but un-christian. WTH?! 😯 I don’t tell her she worships a God created by man now do I? 😕 It annoys me when someone tells me I am childish because of what I collect. Or when they don’t know the difference between satanism, catholosism, or fantasy art. 🙄
    *Grumbles “Tell me I am immature.”* 👿

    I like the Ki-Rin. Maybe add the darker grey to the muzzle. Or perhaps paint the nose and muzzle black and go over (Drybrush) with the light silver? It would leave a darker outline around it. I dunno, I am not standing right over him. And, it is hard for me to judge others peices until they are done…Which most times I like them then anyway (Or want them)! LOL 😳


    I’m thinking of sticking with the ghost koirin thing but, I’m now thinking of changing it to a golden one…… like this one.


      Oooh that’s a pretty fish!


        Wow, beautiful fish!


        What a beautiful koi!! I think a kirin painted in those colors would be gorgeous, especially if you could place some iridescence on him somewhere, like the fins on the koi… 😉


        Beautifl fish! Sounds like a fine idea to me – or make two kirins.


        pegasi1978 wrote:

        dragonmedley wrote:

        emerald212 wrote:

        pegasi1978 wrote:

        purpledragonclaw wrote:

        Evil and satanic? I haven’t heard that kind of language about dragons and such in some time.

        I actually had my mother ask me recently ask me when I was going to grow up and let the fantasy critters go. 🙄 I’m nearly 30 (birthday’s in June), a wife and mother, and she asks me when I’m going to grow up.

        I hate that people think that fantasy and even science fiction is just for kids. I’ve read plenty of fantasy books that are decidedly NOT for kids. People should find out about something before they make a judgement like that. Grr! 👿

        I agree. Another thing that’s “for kids” are… comic books! Yeah, I’ll give the Sandman or Preacher to read to my daughter… As if!

        Very much so. How about the Anita Blake and Merry Gentry series. No way would I give those to a child to read.

        Or how about Anime? So many series have adult themes but since it’s animated people treat it like it’s a cartoon. Um no. There are a lot of anime out there that are not appropriate for children. I’ve never seen it, but I’ve heard a series called “La Blue Girl” is basically anime porn.

        Oghhh I love Anita Blake ;)))
        Yah my family thinks I live in my own little world…
        Ohh well I am happy 😉

        PS: I wasn’t allowed to watch Smurfs as a kid ;p


          dkomenda wrote:

          PS: I wasn’t allowed to watch Smurfs as a kid ;p

          I hope you’re trying to make up for it now!!! Those little Blue Dudes are awesome, and what Khym & the Guest of Honour looked like at His first Kids (His 1 year old cousin) 😀 😀 😀 Her cake was a “Finding Nemo” Cake, bath toys on a sea of Blue. I think we finally got it all off him, but I think she’s still blue!!! 😯 Side Note it was also his first piece of cake and the little bugger didn’t leave much behind!!


          Lupin wrote:

          dkomenda wrote:

          PS: I wasn’t allowed to watch Smurfs as a kid ;p

          I hope you’re trying to make up for it now!!! Those little Blue Dudes are awesome, and what Khym & the Guest of Honour looked like at His first Kids (His 1 year old cousin) 😀 😀 😀 Her cake was a “Finding Nemo” Cake, bath toys on a sea of Blue. I think we finally got it all off him, but I think she’s still blue!!! 😯 Side Note it was also his first piece of cake and the little bugger didn’t leave much behind!!
          OOhhh you know I am!!!! * evil grin*


          Greater Basilisk wrote:

          Beautifl fish! Sounds like a fine idea to me – or make two kirins.

          You’re right two is a better idea…..


            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            Ah, Wolfen, that MLP shrine of yours is just a pile of money waiting to be turned into Windstones and a fancy car… no? 😆

            SSSHHH, GB! Don’t tempt me! I’ve been day dreaming of a black eclipse spyder(convertable) lately, so SHHHH!! 😛 heheh oh by the way, Stan says HI!


            Well, I think I may just be finally finished with this one. I’m still not sure about the hooves, but, that won’t take long to fix.

            So what do you think?

            Saddly because of the bad weather I can’t get the colours to come up properly. There is interference red edging the side scales… I’m hoping for sun soon (tomorrow?) so that I can finally get a good picture of it.

            So is it good enough to sell for fund raising?


            My vote would be yes! He looks gorgeous! And I can see the red on his scales! 😀


              “Good enough for fund raising?” Uh, let me think…. YES! 😀 It’s absolutely gorgeous!

              twindragonsmum 😀


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