Windstone fakes… Again….

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    pegasi1978 wrote:

    My anti-virus program (McAfee) won’t even let me look at the page. It gives me a warning:
    “ may cause a breach of browser security.
    Why were you redirected to this page? In our tests, this site attempted to make unauthorized changes to our test PC by exploiting a browser security vulnerability. This is a serious security threat which could lead to an infection of your PC.”

    So those of you who have gone to may want to run your anit-virus programs to make sure you didn’t get anything.

    OH GOODY! XD My antivirus program AVG does daily tests but maybe I’ll start today’s early

    ePier looks terrible LOL Talk about stealing the basic coding of Ebay!


      drag0nfeathers wrote:

      Just an update, YUP those young dragons are EXTREAM rip offs! It’s a recast of an original, no doubt about it. The jewel & eyes are part of the material and he kinda looks like he’s on steroids. The Pena logo was sculpted off to and coverd by badly resculpted scales. He weighs about the same as a young dragon though. From the side he’s not completely awful, but from the front he kind of looks like he just had Thanksgiving dinner….like 5 times over, LOL!

      well that is blasted irritating. I was REALLY hoping they would be bad repaints. that is……….uhg…sick.


      hopefully they do not have anything that will affect a mac. 😳


      Those scratcher dragons are horrible. When you send a email to John tell him there might be something that harms his computer.


        I sent the email to him before the viris notice.
        but also for any one who visited, run an anti-spywear or spybot program. most likely that is what it was trying to do is tag the web browser with some spywear.
        my viris scan came up clean.

        John emailed back and siad that he had not seen these ones before.


          I’ve been debating about something for a while and since there are two unicorn gargolyes on eBay right now it got me looking at it again.

          Left Side –
          Right side –
          Back side –
          Front Side –

          I bought this a few years ago at the Georgia Renaissance Faire from a shop that was selling lots of “gargolye” type pieces. My first thoughts when I saw it was “Cool! Windstone Editions made a Pegasus Gargoyle.” I don’t remember the name of the shop and probably won’t be making it to the fair this year so I can’t get the name that way.

          It’s not a fake per say, but you can see the similarities between it and the Unicorn Gargoyle. There are no markings on it at all and I believe it to be made out of resin. It’s about 7.5 inches tall and maybe weighs two pounds.


            That was DEFINATELY Windstone inspired!!

            Does it look to anyone else like some parts are direct molds off of existing windstones? The wings look like they came off the mother griff gargoyle…

            That sculpt actually wouldn’t look half bad if the person had known how to sculpt horse heads and necks.


              I see the resemblence. But it’s still a neat piece. Windstone needs to do a real pegasus gargoyle. How cool would it look to have a Unicorn and pegasus facing each other in front of a fireplace? 🙂


                I’d love to have a Pegasus Gargoyle done by Windstone. Then I could get rid of this one (or put it outside) and try to find a Unicorn Gargoyle I could afford to match it.


                  The wings ARE off of the mother griff gargoyle!


                    Pam Thompson wrote:

                    The wings ARE off of the mother griff gargoyle!

                    Wow didn’t know that. Hmmm makes me wonder even more if I should submit it to John.


                      The tail and parts of the back and haunches also look to be from other windstone gargoyles, but I can’t think of which ones… The roaring sentinal or hyena maybe?? I only have the sentinal, so I am using AstralCastle for comparison. Here is the griff gargoyle:


                        The leafy stand is from the unicorn gargoyle.


                          I just added the unedited (aside from cropping) pics that I shrank down to make the compilation picture. Maybe that will help some.

                          I looked at Astral Castle after you mentioned the mother gargoyle wings and yeah they are really close!


                          pegasi1978 wrote:

                          Pam Thompson wrote:

                          The wings ARE off of the mother griff gargoyle!

                          Wow didn’t know that. Hmmm makes me wonder even more if I should submit it to John.
                          Yes, I would submit it to John…but it would be more helpful if you have the company/person name.

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