Will there be PYO Flap Cats ?

Home Forums Windstone Editions Ask Melody Will there be PYO Flap Cats ?

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      Flap cats are my faverite . And I think I read something on this .
      But wanted to be sure .


        I have a new flapcat in the works, but I still haven’t decided if he will be “regular” or a pyo. I am leaning toward “regular”, because he looks just like the other large one but he faces the other way.
        We need new production sculpture badly; on the other hand, we don’t need more stuff to paint.

        I would like to sculpt a series of cats, either flapcats or regular cats, as pyos, but make them a little smaller, the size of the other pyos.


          Sounds cute . I think I saw the facing the other way cat under your gallery .
          They will be nice . And popular .

          Thanks .


            Regular please!!!!!


              As much as I would love to paint him as a pyo, I think he would do better as a production. People love complimenting items and he does compliment the large flapcat you already have very nicely.


                I agree… I think he’d be a good production companion to the existing flap cat. I would prefer a somewhat smaller flap cat as a PYO, anyhow! 🙂 So that we can paint (and afford) lots and lots to look like people’s pets!!

                Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                My art: featherdust.com


                  I agree, something smaller than the large production flapcats if you make a PYO version. e.e About the height of the hatching empress, perhaps. :} Not as small as the small flapcats, but not as big as the large ones, either!


                    I also concur that a smaller sculpt for pyo purposes would be much better, while the larger flapcat would probably fit production needs better. 🙂


                      I will be a major buyer of PYO Flap Cats . Imagine the colors and patterns . And the memorial kitties of beloved pets who have pasted on . Kitties with wings , angel cats .
                      I adore Flapcats .


                        As many times I have squeaked for a PYO flap cat, I’d would’nt object to a companion sculpt to the current one – as long it was a production item. With that said, I really, really, REALLY want a Flap cat in PYO form someday. The current sculpt in question, in my opinion, is a little to large for my taste for a PYO. I find the Keeper sculpt quite unwieldy, and the Large Flap cat is about the same size. Still, I would happily paint them if the sculpt was ultimately made into pyos :).


                          Yay! I searched through about 15 pages of “Ask Melody” because I didn’t want to be a pest and repeat a topic and lo and behold here we are. I have to put my request (here insert “begging”) for a PYO flapcat! Bird and bat winged. I have two beautiful kitty girls and I would absolutely LOVE to paint them in a PYO Flapcat. Any hope that they will be coming soon? I am working on my PYO Griffin and Dragon right now, and when they are done I will post pics. 🙂

                          Thanks for reading and considering!


                            I will be a major buyer of PYO Flap Cats . Imagine the colors and patterns . And the memorial kitties of beloved pets who have pasted on . Kitties with wings , angel cats .
                            I adore Flapcats .

                            I agree completely. Actually…my oldest kitty has lung cancer and will be leaving us soon and I would really love to have a Flap Cat painted like her.. I hope there will be PYOs someday..


                              Poor sweetie . Yes as memorials they will be popular . I know what your going thru too . I had a white cat die of cancer . Misty . She was only a little over 1 year old . The sweetest kitty too .
                              The Good Cat Candle Lamp reminds me of her . Blue eyes . I would even love the Good Cat and Bad Cat Candle Lamps to be PYO .
                              They are beloved companions .


                              Long fur and short fur! 🙂


                                I did the big “no-no” and did a repaint of a production one to memorialize my Lily who passed away suddenly last Christmas. The sculpt was a damaged to start with, and needed to have extensive repairs. It was a bad enough that I doubt I could have restored it to its original form, so I do not feel too bad about repainting it. The act of painting it was also sort of a healing process for me to. But I do hope some day to paint a ‘legit’ pyo Flapper of her and all of my other kitties who have passed. I also really want to paint fantasy colored kitties. But I can wait ;).

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