Will there be…

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    More Spooky Grimalkins in the store eventually? I really would like to have one. He reminds me of my Amadeus…I miss him! 🙁 It’s the closest thing I have seen to him that you have made so far. “Black Ice” was the next closest, but I couldn’t afford him. 😕



      WindstoneCollector wrote:

      More Spooky Grimalkins in the store eventually? I really would like to have one. He reminds me of my Amadeus…I miss him! 🙁 It’s the closest thing I have seen to him that you have made so far. “Black Ice” was the next closest, but I couldn’t afford him. 😕

      Oh sure if you want them. They may look slightly different if I paint them from scratch,because the first batch was made out of repainted rescue pieces that didn’t come out well in stone finish.


      I just liked the fact that it had the coppery tinge that alot of the reddish black cats do. Amadeus was a red black but had spots of the bluish jet black color too. Even Scott said the one in the store photo looks just like O.B.. 🙂
      I’m not turned away from rescue pieces anyway! I have have procured/am working on all the Copper Patina’s, missing Lap, and original family members. I only want the Young and Lap in the Western Dragons so far. So no, the fact they are what you call seconds, or abnormal, doesn’t bother me one bit. Because what you guys consider bad, I do not. But then again, with the exceptional quality you put out, I can see why you call them rescues. And, it couldn’t be more perfect since OB was 11 months old when I got him from the shelter he had spent 8 months at in a little 2x3x3 ft cage. He was my rescue kitty. 🙂 My B-day is coming up and I might be able to talk Scott into one. 😉


        I loved all the different colors for the Grimalkins… but when I saw the violet flame one, I fell in LOVE! squeek*

        *cough* store piece *cough* 😳


        I liked the Autumn ones too, just for the hint of green. But the Spooky calls to me… 😉 I’d love a few different colored ones. I already have the Stone finished one. It is one of my favorite candle lamps! How about the lovely ice blue colored with a white kitty and the blue cape? That should be somewhat simple for another store color… squeek*
        I have a lead on a Spooky right now, so no hurry on new ones Mel. Unless you want to do one with different colors for everyone else…Then I may have to try and add one of those too. 😀


          bayoudragon wrote:

          I loved all the different colors for the Grimalkins… but when I saw the violet flame one, I fell in LOVE! squeek*

          *cough* store piece *cough* 😳
          *cough* squeek* squeek* *cough* squeek* . Hmmm, seems to be catchy :scratch: .


            purpleturtle wrote:

            bayoudragon wrote:

            I loved all the different colors for the Grimalkins… but when I saw the violet flame one, I fell in LOVE! squeek*

            *cough* store piece *cough* 😳
            *cough* squeek* squeek* *cough* squeek* . Hmmm, seems to be catchy :scratch: .
            Yup *cough* squeek* *cough* It’s catcing here, too…

            twindragonsmum 😀



              Is *cough* the new squeek?
              We need a *cough* icon.


              How about that tiger Wizard cat in the flamey looking color? Would a limited run of a different color of those for the store be cost efficient? squeek* squeek* I mean *cough cough* XD Even if it was an all white cat or an all black cat with a different “newer” color? A batch of 20 of those may last a while…But then again maybe not. I just love your Wizards, and I hate to see them all retire. 🙁 Especially the Large one and Cat…



                Is *cough* the new squeek?
                We need a *cough* icon.



                Aii! The cat has painted toenails!


                HAHAHA! Pam, aren’t those great for when you don’t want to alter your kitty? 😀
                Not funny with the hairball picture though! That sound can wake me from a dead sleep in this house. :puke: XD


                  I love love the large and small cat wizards. I hope to get a large one someday. I love the idea of a white cat wizard to. I was thinking to it would be cool if the robes on the white cat wizard were done in interference colors. Another words, his robes would be white, but have an interference sheen to them of blue, purple and green. Kinda like how a Peacock hatchling’s egg looks. If you don’t know what I mean take a look right now…
                  Isn’t that cool 😀 ? . (actually I love to see a run of new white dragons done this way to ….)


                    Pam Thompson wrote:


                    Is *cough* the new squeek?
                    We need a *cough* icon.



                    I think its goes… “Heeeeh Heeeeeeh Heeeeeeehhhhhh Heeeeehhhhhhhhhhhhh Yack!”

                    But every kitty is different… I swear I have heard our big cat “bark”….. LOL

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