Why did your Fuzzy travel with your Windstone?

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    Well, the Fuzzy that came home with my Armadillo today told me he was looking for his brother…Guess he wasn’t here, but he did find 2 of his cousins! XD


    i suspect with my sweet grape fuzzy he was pursuing a grape jellybean that the armadillo had and they both got stuck and shipped out

    now they clean up after the kids candy


      I asked for my fuzzy before my order got shipped. I guess it had nothing else to do! 🙂


        my Fuzzies are all in the case and have indicated to me that they are plotting to take over the Emperor Empire I have built. They are going to infeltrate dragon intelligence and ultimately take over the world.
        AND if that does not work I’m at least now closer to Disneyland then the new factory!!ROFLMAO!!


          My fuzzies are very content-but oddly enough they seem to migrate to my brown OW. It took me a while to establish communication with the fuzzies keeping my OW warm. Once I did, the feeling of victory was short lived. It seems that when the fuzzy and the Windstone are bonded, they are so happy, it almost puts them in a comatose and dream like state. Luckily I was able to communicate with 2 of the newest members of the fuzzy clan and ask them why they came. They said that certain fuzzies prefer certain Windstones. It is more of a matter of personal preference, like humans have favorite colors-and when they hear that a home has a certain sculpt, they are very eager to join. It seems the fuzzies know which home has their most coveted sculpt, and that is how they decide amogst themselves who goes. It seems most of my fuzzies are Old Warrior fuzzies-although I do have a few others as well, who prefered to remain in the boxes with their chosen Windstone.


            I finally unpacked my PYO boxes and placed my new fuzzy with all my PYO sculpts, both painted and unpainted. The moment I turned around and sat at my art desk I heard faint little angry squeaks. It seems my two PYO fuzzies were squabbling over something. From what I could make out, these two fuzzies (my first one-white and the new one-black) were arguing over which was the better fuzzy for traveling with PYOs!

            It was a little difficult at first to understand what was being said. There was a lot of fast squeaking and bristling of fuzzy fur. I opened my desk drawer and pulled out a square of chocolate (note to self – hide in new location). I broke it in half and gave each one a piece. It calmed them down some, at least enough for me to understand the situation.

            In the fuzzy world, it seems some fuzzies believe that unpainted PYOs do not have an identity yet, and that certain fuzzies are called to travel with these PYOs to protect them from outside influences during shipping or until they are painted (hey, I’m only repeating what was said here). I wanted to ask if this so-called “calling” was self-appointed… but I decided against it, as they both seemed to take this responsibility seriously.

            The white one said he was better because he purifies any post office negativity that tries to get into the box. The black one said she is the better fuzzy because her powers hide the PYOs and lets them travel undetected. Back and forth they squabbled. Just great, I thought to myself, I have fuzzy fanatics… *rolls eyes*

            I had to think of something, so I told them that – while both wonderfully great by themselves – imagine what they could do together. To drive the point home, I pulled out a picture of the Taijitu symbol (yin-yang). I didn’t have to say a word. They looked at the picture and then each other, and it seems the little fuzzy light bulbs went off. Now they are best friends… and have apparently decided to name themselves Yin and Yang.

            Heaven help me if I get a 3rd PYO fuzzy…


            Aww, I love that Bayoudragon! 😆


            My fuzzies seem particularly fond of one of my OW’s too! He is very patient about letting them crawl all over him. 😀


            My first fuzzy came along with my brown crouching griffin chick…but I think the real reason it snuck in that box was because it knew an emerald peacock male dragon resided at my house…and this little girl fuzzy seems to have a “thing” for Tao, or maybe she just REALLY like purple. See a picture in my other thread! LOL 😀

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