Who likes the Spectral eyes?

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      Geater Basilisk wrote


      That’s really the only thing that bugs me about Melody’s dragons: the wings would never carry the beast. They’re too small and they’d have to attach to the body all the way to the back legs to give the critter enough lift …

      Aerodynamically the bumble bee can not fly.



        Aerodynamically bumblebees fly just fine. Otherwise they wouldn’t.


          I’ve been bothered by the wing problem before too, in respect to their being able to fly, but using what she does for her sculptures, there’s no WAY Melody could make them much bigger. Plus, even if they’d be more “correct,” I really don’t think they’d be as pretty or graceful or Windstoneish…I see them as dragons who used to fly and evolved back down to living on the ground. Maybe they use their wings in displays now. Show off for each other, get the girl, scare off interlopers…things like that. 😉

          I don’t like the sitting spectrals wings…for some reason, raised wings in that pose look a little funky…like raised hackles or something…but I LOVE the wings on the rising spectral. I love the way they’re painted compared to the other dragons’ wings, too.

          "He that breaks a thing to find out what it is has left the path of wisdom."
          -J R R Tolkien


          I do realize that Melody made the wings as big as she could. The sculptures would lose a lot of detail if the wings were made as big as they’d have to be to lift the dragon. You’d basically see wing and maybe a head. I really like Melody’s dragons – or I wouldn’t be collecting them – I was just pointing out that with all respect to natural-looking beasties, the wings are the least realistic part.
          And about raised hackles – that’s a good comparison! The Spectrals look to alive and alert with their pupil-less eyes and raised wings. That’s why I love them above all the other dragons.


          I love the spectrals eye, you look into them and they seem not to end, and their faces or scowling, like to say just try it bud go ahead. They just would not look right without those eyes.


            Arlla wrote:

            I’ve been bothered by the wing problem before too, in respect to their being able to fly, but using what she does for her sculptures, there’s no WAY Melody could make them much bigger. Plus, even if they’d be more “correct,” I really don’t think they’d be as pretty or graceful or Windstoneish…I see them as dragons who used to fly and evolved back down to living on the ground. Maybe they use their wings in displays now. Show off for each other, get the girl, scare off interlopers…things like that. 😉

            I don’t like the sitting spectrals wings…for some reason, raised wings in that pose look a little funky…like raised hackles or something…but I LOVE the wings on the rising spectral. I love the way they’re painted compared to the other dragons’ wings, too.

            Seconded! I like the display idea- after all, consider some of nature’s most spectacularly colored animals- they usually have display methods to attract mates/scare off predators, etc. And Windstone dragons have much the same flashy color, so why not? 😉
            I love how alert the rising spectral looks too!

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