Who likes the Spectral eyes?

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    I’m just curious, since from the “Baby Spectral” thread I can see some people really hate the eyes while other – myself included – think they’re better than the usual eyes. So I wonder what the proportions on the like/don’t like are.
    I wasn’t going to add the wishy-washy middle option, but for those who can’t make their minds… 😉



      I like em. After we talked about them, I gazed into my Ruby risers eyes and fell in love all over again. They really are cool. The eyes and the wings make the spectral what he is.


      Yeah, that’s another thing I like about the Spectral: His big wing area. That’s really the only thing that bugs me about Melody’s dragons: the wings would never carry the beast. They’re too small and they’d have to attach to the body all the way to the back legs to give the critter enough lift to get off the ground. The Spectral is better in that regard, but he wouldn’t fly either.


        They are not my favorite (personally), but I think they look nice. I can see why many members like them, they’re just not for me.


          I’ve never seen a spectral in person as I haven’t been to a store that carries Windstones in a long time. From the photos though I would have to say no, but that could change if I ever saw one in person. So I’m not going to vote until I see one ‘live’.


            Greater Basilisk wrote:

            Yeah, that’s another thing I like about the Spectral: His big wing area. That’s really the only thing that bugs me about Melody’s dragons: the wings would never carry the beast. They’re too small and they’d have to attach to the body all the way to the back legs to give the critter enough lift to get off the ground. The Spectral is better in that regard, but he wouldn’t fly either.

            The wings are the part of the spectral I kinda dont dig. I like the regular wings better.


            I love the eyes. That is the “spectral” part. But the wings being unfolded is also a part I like. Most of the others are folded or partially folded. I understand the arguement of flying tho. But they would be almost all wings if they were all about flight! 😯


              In real life they would have to have huge wings to get their weight off the ground


                Things without pupils just freak me out x_X


                DantheDragon wrote:

                Things without pupils just freak me out x_X

                haha, that is the reason I don’t like them.


                  Greater Basilisk wrote:

                  Yeah, that’s another thing I like about the Spectral: His big wing area. That’s really the only thing that bugs me about Melody’s dragons: the wings would never carry the beast. They’re too small and they’d have to attach to the body all the way to the back legs to give the critter enough lift to get off the ground. The Spectral is better in that regard, but he wouldn’t fly either.

                  This is true, but it’d be impossible to sculpt wings much larger or spread in different ways without having a lot of breakage. I know Melody would prefer not to have her sculptures so ‘squished’ (and give them ‘normal’ legs!) but she works with the material she’s given. 🙂

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                    I like the notion of unfolded wings, but I think the limitations of the medium have resulted in something a bit… odd. They’re straight! They’re ruler-straight and FLAT! The folded-up wings have more curves to them, which I think looks more natural.

                    And I love the eyes, they’re creepy and weird, and I’m all about creepy and weird.


                    skigod377 wrote:

                    The wings are the part of the spectral I kinda dont dig. I like the regular wings better.

                    Same here. The Spectral is the -only- dragon I own, and I always think I’d like it more if it had wings like the scratching dragons’.


                      The spectrals are unique. If Melody’s creations were all the same, wouldn’t we get tired of them eventually???

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