While DM is gone…

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    OMG i’m still really new to this my first one grew up!! And my second hatched! Now to get him to grow up and get the other 3 eggs to hatch! 😀 😀 😀


    How come the past 2 days I can’t name any?


    tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

    How come the past 2 days I can’t name any?

    I’ve named six in the last 5 days (maybe more….) have you tried other names? Or changing the spelling of a name?

    Good luck, sometimes you just have to get really creative when naming them.


    When I click on actions ‘name’ hasn’t been a choice the past 2 days..


    😕 Did you already name them then? My computer is awful today, it won’t let me view dragon cave at all. The only one I have left to name is the egg. But, until it hatches I won’t be able to name it. I’ve got a neat name picked out already so I hope it hatches soon. I’m impatient.


    tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

    When I click on actions ‘name’ hasn’t been a choice the past 2 days..

    Log on to your scroll and bring it up. Than hit F5 on your puter to refresh your screen. If one of the names “took” it should show up.


    There’s no where to even PUT a name lol… I click ‘actions’ and ‘name’ isn’t a choice..


      Go to dragcave.ath.cx/account instead of the link with your scroll number in it. It’ll give you all the options.


      Hmm that is what I was looking at before too… when I click on actions my only choices are kill abandon hide, kill freeze hide. And my adult’s only choices are breed or kill (my first adult) but I guess I can’t breed her until I have a him adult right?


        tatt2dcowgrl wrote:

        Hmm that is what I was looking at before too… when I click on actions my only choices are kill abandon hide, kill freeze hide. And my adult’s only choices are breed or kill (my first adult) but I guess I can’t breed her until I have a him adult right?

        Correct on breeding. Hm… I’m stumped with the naming bit though. You should be able to as long as they’re hatched and the name’s not already taken.


        Congrats BarrdWing on your blue dragon, KepLilly on your plant dragon, Cryptarch on your white dragon, and tatt2dcowgrl on your fog dragon!


        Romeodanny wrote:

        Barring some unfortunate accident I’ve finished my collection of dinos!

        It’s cute how they are all sitting next to one another!


        eaglefeather831 wrote:

        Romeodanny wrote:

        Barring some unfortunate accident I’ve finished my collection of dinos!

        It’s cute how they are all sitting next to one another!

        It is, and they all look like they are looking at the silver thinking “What the heck is that?” 😆 I’d like my red to hatch just to see all of the dino babies side by side.


          I have a new egg!

          While hiding somewhere in my head I'm on the lookout for white oriental dragons! Please let me know if you know of any available. Thank you!


          I’m bad with naming things…I have four that need names >.<

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