While DM is gone…

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    Here is the link to my scroll- I think. Im still new at all these actions:

    I abandoned my white bred egg b/c I dont want another white. Having revealed the fog (thanks for the help), the abandoned egg I picked up is orange as you can see! Yay! Color! Hope I have time for it to hatch since it was unknowingly hidden for a day or so. I didnt know I had control over it!


      I bet what happened is the person who had the egg originally had it shrouded in fog and it stayed shrouded after you picked it up.


      Why would anyone want their egg hidden? Wouldnt it just die then?


        If the egg had gotten a lot of views, but not clicks they could be worried that the overexposure would kill the egg. I’ve read on the dragon cave forum that some members had problems with their eggs being auto refreshed on. The hiding gives the egg a way to protect the egg. Also you don’t want your egg to get too many views on the first day or so as it could potentially kill the egg.


        Girl, you oughta write Dragon Cave For Dummies or something! I dont know any of this and it took me forever to get signed up properly to even get an egg. Didnt like my AOL addy so I had to use Yahoo in order to click the verification link. When I click on Dragon Cave in my Favorites, it keeps me logged in. I dont go to the forums though. This one is enough!


          Nah I don’t know that much about it really. The hiding feature was one that was just recently added and several people brought it up asking what it was. I get bored so I spend way too much time on the computer browsing the forums.


          Wow, I didn’t know that there are females for all of the dragons!


          Congrats BarrdWing and Keplilly on your grown dragons!! 😀


            eaglefeather831 wrote:

            Wow, I didn’t know that there are females for all of the dragons!

            It’s looking like something new that was added during the fog. I’ve also seen reports of dragons having “sex changes” during the fog. 😆


            pegasi1978 wrote:

            eaglefeather831 wrote:

            Wow, I didn’t know that there are females for all of the dragons!

            It’s looking like something new that was added during the fog. I’ve also seen reports of dragons having “sex changes” during the fog. 😆

            Haha…who knew! 😆


            You don’t have to join or post on their forum to read the topics. Most of the answers you need can be found by going to forum and than help and reading the pinned topics. The News section is also good



            I can read the info topics in their forum but I clicked on someones Dragon Cave link in here that lead to the forum and topic and it told me I didnt have permission to view that topic. I was signed in; it stays signed in.

            But I only ever wanted to read the basics; not be a chatter.


            I finally got a golden egg Whoo hoo!! I also found out that my latest Blue, Ocean Fyre, is a female. Never even thought to look until PT mentioned she had a green female 🙄 😆 Guess I better go check my other adults since rumor has it some may have switched sexs during the fog. Some fish and reptiles do that so why not dragons? 😆

            New Eggs


            Hmm yesterday and today I tried to name my dragons but it says something about the ink disappearing so I should go try to do something else


            I think if the ink fades away that means the name you picked is already taken…..

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