Which should I get? edit: Got him!! Pic pg. 4!!!

Home Forums Windstone Editions General Windstone Which should I get? edit: Got him!! Pic pg. 4!!!

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      All of those are nice options. The white scratchers are the prettiest IMO, but out of the three you listed I would lean toward the Em Pea. I must say that the peacock scratcher is also very nice in person. Let us know what you decide to go for.


        Gold. He is really pretty.


        I say the Emerald πŸ˜€


        …you know, I just realized my father owes me $1500 from when he cashed a couple of the bonds my grandmother got me when I was a baby to put a deposit on this house a couple months ago. πŸ˜† I could get about half of my want list with that!


        I say it’s collection time ^^


        lol but if I “remind” him he’ll just laugh. *flail*


        hmm…if you tell him you need it for christmas presents…just don’t tell him the presents are for you πŸ˜€


        Pssh yeah right, that won’t work. πŸ˜† Besides I have no one to give presents to. XD



        I bought an emerald scratcher!!!

        *crosses fingers that he gets here okay*


        YAY Congrats I hope he arrives safe and sound ^^


        Grats! πŸ˜€


          Congrats! Good choice πŸ˜€


            Well, if you happen to buy any more, the em-pea is beautiful. I have him and the special gold which is also beautiful. Oh well hell! I love the scratcher so I love all the colors! I recommend them ALL!!!!!! πŸ˜€


              Congrats on the purchase. I know you will LOVE him


              PaperCut wrote:

              …you know, I just realized my father owes me $1500 from when he cashed a couple of the bonds my grandmother got me when I was a baby to put a deposit on this house a couple months ago. πŸ˜† I could get about half of my want list with that!

              What a thing to forget, PaperCut. πŸ˜†

              Congrats on the scratcher. Post pics when he reaches you, please!

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