Which should I get? edit: Got him!! Pic pg. 4!!!

Home Forums Windstone Editions General Windstone Which should I get? edit: Got him!! Pic pg. 4!!!

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    Of the three, I’d say emerald, if you can find one. Otherwise, it depends on whether you want a warm or cool color. But hey, a Windstone’s a Windstone… 😀


    I wonder how hard it’d be to find one… is there anyone on here that doesn’t want theirs? (I guess I could ask in the flea market.) There’s one on ebay, but it’s a little overpriced I think, and they’ve got a $40 shipping price on top of that. O_o;


    How about this guy? The picture even makes him look a bit jade.


    O__O *never seen that site before* but I can’t afford him yeeet. T_T *prods people to buy her stuff on ebay and livejournal*


    It’s a cool site, and that’s not a bad price. Good luck!


    …I don’t suppose someone can buy him for me and I can pay you what I have now with Paypal and the rest when I get it (should be soon)? XD;


    I’d offer, but my CC is already booked for this month. 😕 Besides, it’s kind of hard from overseas.


    It’s okay~ <3

    I’d ask my dad but he’d laugh and smite me. 😆


    That’d be okay if he’d hand you the money afterwards.


    XD well both my parents think it’s ridiculous to spend so much money on something like that. But.. blah, as long as I sell crap and get enough money in payapl they don’t bitch.

    I really wish I could get a job. T_T


    A jab from who?


    lmfao I meant job XDDD;

    Well now I could probably use a jab from a few people too. 😆


    I know you meant job. I was just being chattery. 😆


    XD; yeah sorry I’m a little braindead at the moment… it’s almost 1:30am and I need to go watch something on TV in a few minutes and then go to bed (maybe).


      PaperCut wrote:

      XD well both my parents think it’s ridiculous to spend so much money on something like that. But.. blah, as long as I sell crap and get enough money in payapl they don’t bitch.

      My husband is the exact same way. He thinks it’s stupid that I spend the kind of money I do on Windstones. 🙄 He says that if I can pay for the majority with Paypal money from stuff I’ve sold though… he doesn’t have a problem with it. Which is probably a good thing so I don’t rack up my cc to it’s limit again!

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