Which Photo-sharing Site Should I Use?

Home Forums Miscellany Help & Feedback Which Photo-sharing Site Should I Use?

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      I use photobucket, but I hope to be hosting my own pictures, once I get my own website up soon, for at least things like cosplays and my artwork, like any pyos I’ve painted. I’ll probably still use photobucket for snapshots though, like at my anime conventions, for friends to see, unless I find something better.

      Actually, there has been a virus or two that has come along on Macs, but they are extremely rare. I do know of at least one case where a Unix box picked up a virus because it was running a virtual for xwindows, but, since it was on a Unix box, the virus just sort of ran in a continual loop because it didn’t know what to do. The user just shut down the xwindows session and the virus was stopped cold. 🙂

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