What's in a Name?

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      haha funny
      so Norse Miscief theme going on?? I hope it doesn’t resemble your character Lokie (Norse writing: Loki)


        Jasmine wrote:

        My male cat is Loki, he’s my Norse Cat of Mischief 🙂

        Ah, we need to watch out for the mischievous pets! I think my bunny is living up to his name.

        BRoS wrote:

        haha funny
        so Norse Miscief theme going on?? I hope it doesn’t resemble your character Lokie (Norse writing: Loki)

        We will see 😉


        Mine comes from series of books by Robin Hobb that I just absolutely loved. There is a black dragon in the story named Tintaglia.

        Most of my online friends know me as Seamist, which was a druid character that I played in EQ.


          Nirvanacat13 wrote:

          Kujacker wrote:

          Thanks for the link to the thread! No wonder I missed it… it’s a year old 😆 I read the first few pages but a lot of it was just comments to other members XD Kind of turned into a mini search game 😛

          Don’t they all? Especialy when I do….


          Hehe….she couldn’t resist! 😆 😆 😆 😆


            Tintaglia wrote:

            Mine comes from series of books by Robin Hobb that I just absolutely loved. There is a black dragon in the story named Tintaglia.

            Most of my online friends know me as Seamist, which was a druid character that I played in EQ.

            I read Robin Hobb, I loved the Liveship Traders 😀


              Mine comes from being the mother of 11 year old twin boys. Twin dragons (they are as obsessed with dragons as I am) and ‘mum’ instead of ‘mom’ because my family lived in England for a couple years and my brother & his family live in Australia; his kids were born there & their ‘mum’ is Australian by nationality and so mum crept into our family vocabulary. Hence, twindragonsmum. 😀



              Hmmmm…. I probly shouldn’t tell. But here goes, giggle away. When I was in High school, my “friends” and anyone else who knew me, called me Lady Bella, or Mistress Bella, depending on the person. While I may still use the Mistress part, I no longer, hmm.. “fufill the prophecy.” LMAO. My aol name has been xDragonMistressx since H.S. I have a diffrent one that I use for “normal” people, but continue to use my original for all my friends. Go ahead and GIGGLE!!!!! LOL 😳


                DragonMistress wrote:

                Hmmmm…. I probly shouldn’t tell. But here goes, giggle away. When I was in High school, my “friends” and anyone else who knew me, called me Lady Bella, or Mistress Bella, depending on the person. While I may still use the Mistress part, I no longer, hmm.. “fufill the prophecy.” LMAO. My aol name has been xDragonMistressx since H.S. I have a diffrent one that I use for “normal” people, but continue to use my original for all my friends. Go ahead and GIGGLE!!!!! LOL 😳

                ❓ I don’t get it.

                I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
                Engaged to a Weasel


                  My name comes from the fact that I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder about a year ago. It’s also a superhero in The Tick cartoon, but is only seen once. The quote comes from what he says that one time.

                  I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
                  Engaged to a Weasel

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