What do you think this is? – baby bird poop apparently!

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      So, I was sitting out in our back yard, watching the birds, and a grackle came flying down and dropped something in the birdbath, before splashing around and then leaving. I went over to see what it was, and there were three of them in there…he/she had obviously been at this for a while. I thought maybe it was some kind of cocoon or something he was trying to soften up to eat later, but when I scooped it out with a little shovel and poked at it, it was soft. It’s pretty slimy, and one of them had burst open…the inside looked like poop or something. Pretty nasty. I can’t figure out what it is/where he got it…any ideas? Here’s a link to a picture – I didn’t want to resize it for the forum and lose any detail. I got as close as I could; the shiny things around it are sunflower seed shells, for an idea as to size.


      Edit : The answer has been found! It’s baby bird poop! 😆



          Wow! No clue. I’ve never seen anything like this.

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          It looks like an egg of some sort? I’ve never seen anything like that. Grackles are notorious for taking over other birds nests.. I hope it wasn’t anything like that! That’s really creepy, though. Looks like something out of the Aliens movies.. lol.


            Well, I don’t think it’s an egg…the insides looked all wrong 6.6 And it didn’t have that leathery feel a new egg would…it was more like…well, I guess it reminded me of a lot of spiderweb made into a cocoon, which is what made me think it was one. But I can’t figure out what that brown poop inside is. It doesn’t appear to be some kind of larva. >.>; I’ve seen spider eggs before, too…and if that brown crap was eggs, they were microscopic to the point that they just looked like mud. But who knows! There is a koi pond in our neighbor’s yard…maybe something he stole out of there? But it doesn’t look like a fish egg to me. x_x; I posted it on Yahoo Answers too, but I don’t have high hopes…usually all I get on there is people who want to comment and give themselves points. 9_9;;


              Interesting. It could be an egg sack (whether or not the contects are intact are debateable), a wrapped up critter of some sort after being wrapped up by a spider or something, or a cocoon of some sort (my guesses) 🙂 . I’ll ask my dad if he has seen anything like this, when he gets home from the hospital in a few days (so I can show him the image).


              I hate to be the one to ask, but…erm… did you smell it?


                I was thinking spider egg sack too


                  Thanks siberakh =) I look forward to your Dad’s opinion! I considered maybe some digested food a spider was saving…but do they do that? I thought they just wrapped it up whole and saved it to suck dry later. >.>;…Srsly, it looks like something some creature pooped out/laid to me. There’s even like a little…trailing end. *barf* I guess that could be where it was attached to whatever the grackle picked it off of though.

                  And no, I did not smell it! :0 Gross me out~ It was hard enough to look at it…especially the one that had burst open. I almost gagged. >.>; Well, they’re probably still going to be sitting in the flowerpot I dropped them in when I fished them out of the birdbath tomorrow…maybe I can find some sucker to sniff it for me. 😀


                  kitsunelady wrote:

                  Thanks siberakh =) I look forward to your Dad’s opinion! I considered maybe some digested food a spider was saving…but do they do that? I thought they just wrapped it up whole and saved it to suck dry later. >.>;…Srsly, it looks like something some creature pooped out/laid to me. There’s even like a little…trailing end. *barf* I guess that could be where it was attached to whatever the grackle picked it off of though.

                  And no, I did not smell it! :0 Gross me out~ It was hard enough to look at it…especially the one that had burst open. I almost gagged. >.>; Well, they’re probably still going to be sitting in the flowerpot I dropped them in when I fished them out of the birdbath tomorrow…maybe I can find some sucker to sniff it for me. 😀

                  Haha!!! Man, I’m one of those weird (read: dumb) people that does crap like that.. I totally would have smelled it. Probably would have heaved a little, but I would have done it. 😆


                    I believe that would be baby bird poop. It’s contained in a sack so that the parents can dispose of it outside of the nest.

                    Link: http://www.learner.org/jnorth/tm/spring/FecalSacs.html


                      Skylover wrote:

                      I believe that would be baby bird poop. It’s contained in a sack so that the parents can dispose of it outside of the nest.

                      Link: http://www.learner.org/jnorth/tm/spring/FecalSacs.html

                      ROFLMAO!!! omg – I just read the really really REALLY sad story of the attempted save of the bird covered in oil, and was crying and blowing my nose. Then I read this thread, my eyes still blurry from having been crying – and I am like – crying and laughing at the same time………..

                      Thank you so much Skylover; I was actually going to say it was bird poop too – I think so, yes yes

                      The year is obe dernt (also known as time before time). The carbon units are searching for matter to consume, they grow weak. There is a tiny slimy white sack washed ashore; one unit plucks it between finger and thumb quickly before the others can get to it and in one fluid gulp, swallows it whole. Satisfied, kitsunegirl walks along the shoreline, searching for more.

                      The year is 2010, kitsunelady is glad to be of this century in time, and knows what not to eat.

                      lol it’s just so funny, which was much needed.


                        Skylover wrote:

                        I believe that would be baby bird poop. It’s contained in a sack so that the parents can dispose of it outside of the nest.

                        Link: http://www.learner.org/jnorth/tm/spring/FecalSacs.html
                        Sounds like the winner to me!!!


                        I was gonna say it looked like fungus of some sort…Until…Oh aggg! Bird poop! 😮 :puke:
                        I hope you had gloves on for your opening festivities! 😉


                          Poems wrote:

                          Skylover wrote:

                          I believe that would be baby bird poop. It’s contained in a sack so that the parents can dispose of it outside of the nest.

                          Link: http://www.learner.org/jnorth/tm/spring/FecalSacs.html

                          ROFLMAO!!! omg – I just read the really really REALLY sad story of the attempted save of the bird covered in oil, and was crying and blowing my nose. Then I read this thread, my eyes still blurry from having been crying – and I am like – crying and laughing at the same time………..

                          Thank you so much Skylover; I was actually going to say it was bird poop too – I think so, yes yes

                          The year is obe dernt (also known as time before time). The carbon units are searching for matter to consume, they grow weak. There is a tiny slimy white sack washed ashore; one unit plucks it between finger and thumb quickly before the others can get to it and in one fluid gulp, swallows it whole. Satisfied, kitsunegirl walks along the shoreline, searching for more.

                          The year is 2010, kitsunelady is glad to be of this century in time, and knows what not to eat.

                          lol it’s just so funny, which was much needed.

                          Haha…Always glad to provide enrichment to the forum. XD

                          And now you know…though some may wish they still didn’t.

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