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- This topic has 51 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 13 years, 8 months ago by Wampus Dragon.
October 30, 2008 at 11:52 pm #688450
I was wondering the same thing…
October 31, 2008 at 12:30 am #688451Let’s see…all of the browns, except for the Emperor, OW, Scratcher and spectrals.
1 Ruby Scratcher
Unicorns, Whites, male, young. Was once black, mare, she is now a paint. Foal, was white, currently black going to be a paint to match the mare. *I know, repaints, eeeek!* Still need a Grand Unicorn…someday.
Pegasi, 2 so far, hatching foal, and foal…still need the other two.
Kirins, all of them…thanks to Laurie! Lurves her kirins and Laurie too!
Griffin, two chicks, one sitting pearl, and one crouching spotted…so cute.
Rainbow curl
Lavender curl w/lav eyesOrientals, Jade, Peacock, and one Emerald young.
We’ve also got most of the gargoyles, but technically they are not mine, but he shares. 🙂
Dragon Inner light candlelamp white
Broken dragons that I own and plan to fix someday, Brown male and female and hatcher, Peacock young, and a white hatcher that was experimented on, I used him to test paint stripper, so he’s nekkid. And a Peacock Emperor who was shattered in a zillion pieces, he’s more or less intact now, but needs a lot of rebuilding.
Winged wolf
1 griffon
1 unicorn
1 keeper
2 dragons
1 kirin w/wingsI unpainted kirin, someday I’ll do something clever with him.
October 31, 2008 at 4:22 pm #688452Jasmine wrote:What are the asterisks for, drag0n??
Oh, I haven’t updated them in a while, but it was supposed to signify that it’s retired* 😀 I never went though the limited production stuff though
Got a busted Windstone?
*OPEN for repairs**SEEKING GRAILS*
Arc-en-ciel Emperor
Siphlophis Male Dragon
Calypso Hatching Empress
Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
Tattoo Mother Kirin
Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry DragonsNovember 1, 2008 at 12:43 am #688453WOW-you guys are so awesome! I can see I have to go a long way to even start to catch up to you guys. I guess the stock market better wake up to feed my old/new habit. All I know is it’s nice to have a place where other people have the same passion!
OLD GREEN-emperor,male.female,old hatching green
WHITE PEGASUS-father,mother,young without necklace,hatching baby
BLACK-male gryphon
BLACK-mother unicorn
RUBY-as of 10/31/08 emperorNovember 1, 2008 at 6:10 am #688454drag0nfeathers wrote:Jasmine wrote:What are the asterisks for, drag0n??
Oh, I haven’t updated them in a while, but it was supposed to signify that it’s retired* 😀 I never went though the limited production stuff though
Ah, I see. My list:
Hatching Emperor
Hatching Empress
Mother coiled with egg
Coiled with crystal ball
Old WarriorGold curl
Violet Flame curl
Red Flame curl
Black Gold curl
Silver curl w/blue eyes
Silver curl w/lavender eyes
Old Green curl
Pink curl
Emerald curl
Em Pea curl
Lavender Pearl curl
Blue Pearl curl
Rainbow curlBlack Violet Peacock Lap
Black Gold Prototype Old Warrior
Intense Violet Em Pea Sitting Spectral
Intense Violet Em Pea Rising SpectralJade Oriental Sun Dragon
Jade Oriental Dragon
Jade Oriental Young DragonBlack Peacock Poad
Silver & White Poad
Blue Pearl Poad #5Black Male Griffin
Black Mother Griffin
Black Griffin Sitting Chick
Black Griffin Crouching ChickPearl Male Griffin
Pearl Mother Griffin
Pearl Griffin Sitting Chick
Pearl Griffin Crouching ChickKi-Rin Father
Ki-Rin Mother
Ki-Rin BabyBlack Baby Unicorn
Large Black & White Flapcat
Large Siamese Flapcat
Small Black & White Birdwing Flapcat
Small Black & White Batwing Flapcat
Small Siamese Birdwing Flapcat
Small Siamese Batwing Flapcat
Small Birman Batwind Flapcat
Small Black & White Spotted Birdwing FlapcatDragon Bookends – Right and Left
Guardian Dragon Gargoyle
Dragon Gargoyle
Hippogrif Candleholder
Grimalkin Candleholder
Trio of Dragons Candleholder
Good Cat Candleholder
Little Happy Cat Gargoyle
Small Winged Spirit Wolf Gargoyle
Egg with Claws
Egg with Eyes
PuffinPeacock Mouse Wizard
Plus some PYOs.
November 1, 2008 at 4:47 pm #688455Peacock
*Old Warrior Dragon
*Scratching Dragon
*Emperor Dragon
*Mother DragonEmerald
*Old Warrior Dragon*Ruby
*Old Warrior Dragon
*Oriental Sun DragonEmerald Peacock
*Old Warrior DragonRainbow
*Male Dragon
*Fledgling Dragon
*Hatching Dragon
*Scratching Dragon
*Mother Dragon
*Hatching Emperor
*Hatching Empress
*Hatching Kinglet
*Young DragonRed Fire
*Old Warrior DragonWhite
*Old WarriorBrown
Old WarriorSpecial
*IVEP Male Dragon
*IVEP Lap Dragon signed by Melody
*BVP Old Warrior Dragon #2
*Special Black Gold Rising Spectral Dragon
*Large White Bird Winged Flap CatCurls
*Gold Curl
*Black Gold Curl
*Violet Flame Curl
*Russet CurlGriffins
*Wolf Female
*Wolf Male
*Black Male**Edited because I can’t remember what all I have unless I’m looking right at them. I’m sure I’m leaving some out too lol**
November 3, 2008 at 10:03 pm #688456Lets see, So far I have
Old Warrior
Male Coiled
Scratching Dragon “For sale or trade”Silver
Lap Dragon “He is for sale/trade”Black Gold
Old Warrior “He is for sale/trade”
Mother Coiled Dragon
Male Coiled “he is for sale/trade”
Lap He is for sale/trade”Oriental Sun Dragons.
Emerald Sun Dragon
Ruby Sun Dragon
Pearl/Gold Sun Dragon by Olimpia only 10 made.Flap cats Large
BlackFlap Cats Small
Test Color White Birdwing with peacock color wings
Siamese Batwing
Siamese Birdwing
Black Batwing
Black Birdwing
Black and White Spotted Birdwing
Black and White Spotted BatwingCat Wizard.
PeacockCandle Lamps.
Wizard Cat
Spirit Wolf
Wizards Retreat
Trio Of dragons
Good Cat
Bad Cat
Inner light stone colorWall Sconces
Winged Cat
Hand Held Left and Right
Leaf CatGargoyles
large Happy CatUnicorns
White Mother
White Baby
White GrandPegasus
White Mother
White Baby No necklace
White Baby with necklace
White Hatching
Black Male rearing up
Black HatchingPYO Unicorns
Rocky Mountain chocolate with flaxen mane/tail
and 2 waiting to be painted.1 PYO Wolf waiting to be painted.
Cat’s Cradle
Bad Cat Electric Bookend
Good Cat Electric BookendHatching Turtle
Blue Super Fuzzy
November 4, 2008 at 12:25 am #688457My collection with links to photos for reference.
Black Gold Lap
Peacock Male
Brown MotherPeacock Coiled Male
Peacock Coiled Mother
Emerald Coiled MotherEmerald Young Oriental
Little Rock Dragon
Egg with Eyes
Guinea PigKirins:
Male Kirin (2)
Female KirinGriffins:
Stripey Brown Male
Brown Sitting Chick
Pearl Sitting ChickPYOs:
2 dragons, 1 wolfNovember 11, 2008 at 10:15 pm #688458So many of my Windstones have been packed away since June, that I forget what I have anymore. I was thrilled today to remember that I have a Silver male, and Hatching Emp, an Emerald coiled and a rainbow mamma 😆
November 13, 2008 at 2:26 am #688459kenziesmommy663 wrote:What dragons do you have? [/b]
Oh, goodness! I always try to count mine, and I always forget somebody… and I don’t even have that big a collection! (Fifty-four? Wow!)
Let’s see:
White: Emperor, Old Warrior, Scratching, Male, Lap, Mother, Young, Fledgling, Hatching Kinglet (still need: Hatching Emperor, Spectral & Rising Spectral)
The rest I’m going to list by sculpt, to make it easier:
Old Warrior: White (already mentioned), Prototype Black Violet-Peacock, Emerald
Lap Dragon: White (already listed), Silver, Ruby, Black Violet-Peacock (still need: Black Gold, Emerald, Gold, Rainbow)
Other Critters: Male Ki-Rin, Gothic Unicorn, Male Griffin (Wolf), Frog Prince (still need: Mother & Baby Ki-Rin, Female Wolf Griffin, Male Black Sunset Griffin, White Mouse Wizard)
So that makes… Let’s see, I count 20! Not all that impressive, is it? 🙂 (But I think the BVP OW ought to count as at least three by himself!)
EDIT: Haha, what did I say about always forgetting somebody? I also have:
Peacock: Oriental Sun, Oriental, Young Oriental
for a total of 23. I *thought* twenty sounded too low when I typed it!
EDIT AGAIN: I tend not to count the PYOs along with the “real” Windstones, but if you do, then my total is actually 27 (one PYO dragon and three PYO griffins, and I’m still not counting the dragon who’s going to be somebody’s Christmas present, since he’s not part of “my” collection.)
Interested in buying or trading for: GB Pebble Sitting Red Fox in dark grey, Lap Dragon Test Paints (Water Sprite, Glacial Pearl, Opulence, Pastel Rainbow, and many others - see my Classifieds ad), Blue Morpho OW, GB Pebble Loaf dragons in blue/aqua/teal, and Griffin Test Paints (Black Rainbow or Frosted Jade).
November 13, 2008 at 4:15 am #688460I’ve only been collecting for a year or two but here’s what I have.
Hatching EmpressEmerald
MotherNovember 13, 2008 at 2:57 pm #688461I think this is all of them. But I could be missing some.
Momma coiled
Male coiled
Hatching Kinglet
Hatching Empress
Hatching Emperor
Sliver Blue eyes
Red Flame
Old Green
Black Gold
Em Pea
Blue Pearl
Lav Pearl
Momma Coiled
MaleOld Green:
OW-old ruby color
Hatching Kinglet
Hatching Empress
Hatching EmperorRainbow:
Hatching Kinglet
Hatching Empress
Hatching Emperor
Brown LapSun Dragons:
Blue Sparkle Sun Dragon
Bronze Sun Dragon
Ruby Sun DragonGraphite OW
Tiger Poad #1
Burnt Sugar Poad #10 (I think)
Blue Tiger Poad
Gold Tiger Poad
Purple Tiger Poad..(I can’t remember the exact name)Griffins:
Bronze Sunburst Male
Gold Spot Male (#3 maybe)w/purple eyes
Purple Wolf female
Gold Spot female #1
Another female (can’t remember the name)
Another male (can’t remember the name)Kirins:
2 babies
Female Silver horned Koi-Rin
Bronze Male Koi-Rin
Black baby koi #1
Brown baby koiLooking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
Sun Dragon Koi #3November 14, 2008 at 1:20 am #688462You got me beat, Fritochick! And I’ve been here a while. 🙄
They’re all packed away for safety/probable pending move, but let’s see…
Old Green: All of them- emperor, male, female, young, hatcher, fledge, curl
Emerald: scratcher, lap, male coil, mother coil, hatching emperor, hatching empress, kinglet
Emerald Peacock: old warrior (prototype)
Jade: scratcher (my only duplicate)
Small dragon PYO: 1 by me
Think that’s all of them!
EDIT to add I did forget 2! My peacock sitting and rising spectrals.
June 29, 2011 at 1:35 am #849538I have the male rainbow dragon which i hear is rare, out of curiosity do u know how much it is wotrth?
June 29, 2011 at 1:53 am #849541THIS THREAD IS NEARLY THREE YEARS OLD!
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