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  • #688435

      PEACOCK Male, Mama, Scratcher, 2 Fledglings, Hatching Emperor, Hatching Empress, Emperor and 2 Gargolingus Dragons.

      BROWN Curlie, Scratcher, Hatchong Emperor, Hatching Empress, Hatching Kinglet, Risisng Spectral, Lap and Old Warrior Dragons.

      EMERALDPEACOCK Curlie, Fledgling and Emperor Dragon.

      RAINBOW Fledgling and Emperor Dragon.

      VIOLET FLAME Curlie and Fledgling Dragons.

      RUBY Emperor Dragon.

      OLD GREEN Curlie.

      SILVER Curlie with blue and Violet eyes.

      PINK Curlie.

      EMERALD Curlie and Emperor.

      RED FLAME Curlie.

      PEGASUS…. baby without necklace, Black hatching and Black mother.

      UNICORNS….White Male, Black Male, Black Young, Mother and Baby.

      GRIFFINS….Pearl Male, Female, 2 Sitting chicks and 2 Crouching chicks, Black Male, Female, Sitting Chick , Wolf Colored Male, both chicks and Female.

      KI RINS….Male, Female and baby. Male Repaint by Kyrin


      POADS….Metallic Blue, Black Peacock, Burnt Sugar and Silver & White.


      PYO KI RINS….7
      Swap1 by Phoenix
      White tiger commission by Phoenx
      Tiger commission by Phoenix
      Swap2 – Autumn by Skigod377
      Tiger by Kujacker
      Equis by Lokie
      Pinto by Leigha

      PYO DRAGONS….1
      Green by Kujacker

      PYO KEEPER….1
      Ancient Forest by Zym Dragon





      CANDLELAMPS….2 Owls and Hippogriff.



      rainbow mother & hatching emperor
      pink curlie
      emerald scratcher
      peacock (dark) young oriental
      gold old warrior
      emerald peacock male & fledgling
      ruby young
      black gold hatchling & coiled mother

      wolf father
      black sunset chicks (both)

      black peacock Poad
      PYO Kirin (1)
      PYO Wolf (1)
      winged wolf candlelamp
      big happy cat gargoyle
      Roaring Sentinel gargoyle (not with me at the moment)
      smalled winged spirit wolf
      Cat’s Cradle
      Tiger (kitten)
      Healing JourneyStone
      shrine stone 3

      I think that’s it (for now). :3

      edit: forgot my mom’s leaf cat sconce. :3


      Here goes…

      Brown – Riser, coiled mama, curlie, OW, hatching emperor, kinglet
      Green – curlie
      White – coiled male, curlie, Riser, Spectral, OW
      Emerald – curlie, coiled male, coiled mama, Riser, Spectral
      Peacock – male, female, young, feldgling, hatching, scratcher, hatching empress, OW, Riser, Spectral, coiled male, coiled mama
      Ruby – OW, Riser, lap
      Rainbow – fledgling, young, Riser, Spectral
      Black Gold – fledgling, curlie, coiled male, coiled mama
      Gold – OW, curlie, young
      Emerald Peacock – OW, curlie, Riser, Spectral
      Red Fire – OW
      Pink – curlie
      Red Flame – curlie
      Violet Flame – orange-eyed curlie, red-eyed curlie, fledgling
      Silver – lavender-eyed curlie, blue-eyed curlie
      Spring Green – Riser
      Rock Dragon
      Little Rock Dragon

      Black Sunset chicks (both)
      Tan chicks (both)
      Pearl chicks (both)
      Black Peacock chicks (both)

      Roaring Sentinel
      Guardian Dragon
      Hatching Gargoyle
      Egg with eyes
      Egg with claws

      The Critic
      Dragon bookends (both)

      White Inner Light dragon
      Wizard’s Retreat
      Stone Cottage
      Circle of Mushrooms
      Trio of Dragons
      Vampire Bat
      Claw Foot candleholders (all four)

      Brown-eyed Butternut
      Black Peacock


      Gargoyle claw card holder
      Logo card holder

      Gold test paint mermaid

      Kirin baby

      Does that make 98?


        Hmm… it’s kinda cool to see what people have in list form. Pictures are awesome, but it’s hard to see an entire collection (together as a whole, in your head) through multiple pics. Here’s what I have so far:

        Peacock- Emperor, Fledgling, Hatching Emperor, Hatching Empress, Hatching Kinglet, Old Warrior, Coiled Male, Sitting Spectral, Young Oriental (light)
        Emerald- Rising Spectral, Fledgling, Curled, Coiled Male, Oriental, Sun Oriental, Young Oriental
        White- Fledgling, Curled, Coiled Male
        Ruby- Fledgling, Lap, Scratching
        Rainbow- Fledgling, Mother, Male, Rising Spectral, Hatchling, Hatching Emperor, Hatching Empress, Old Warrior, Secret Keeper
        Brown- Old Warrior, Male, Fledgling, Curled
        Green- Emperor, Fledgling, Curled, Young
        Em-Pea- Sitting Spectral, Fledgling, Curled, Male (IVEP)
        Black Gold- Emperor, Fledgling, Curled, Coiled Mother
        Red Fire- Fledgling
        Gold- Fledgling, Curled
        Red Flame- Curled
        Violet Flame- Fledgling, Curled (one from Batch 1 & Batch 2)
        Silver- Curled (w/ lavender eyes), Hatching Kinglet
        Blue Violet Flame- Old Warrior (OOAK)
        Pink- Curled
        Black Violet Peacock- Lap

        Black- Male, Female, Sitting Chick, Crouching Chick
        Brown- Male, Female, Sitting Chick, Crouching Chick
        Black Sunset- Male, Sitting Chick
        Pearl- Male, Female, Sitting Chick, Crouching Chick
        Black & Tan- Crouching Chick (#1)
        Violet Wolf- Male (#8/10), Sitting Chick (#8/10)

        Unicorns (White)- Male, Mother, Young, Baby, Gothic
        Pegasus (Black)- Baby
        Kirins- Male, Female, Baby

        LP- Butternut (w/ green eyes), Metallic Blue Butternut, Black Peacock, Silver & White, Burnt Sugar
        Special- Green Eyed Lace, Purple Tiger (#2)

        Mother Griffin Gargoyle
        Small Winged Spirit Wolf
        Frog Prince
        Small Bat-Winged Flapcat (Siamese)

        PYOS: (by artist)
        Small Dragons- Watergazer (6), tfsculptures (1), KoishiiKitty (1), purplecat (1), Kujacker (1), keeproftheflocks (1), and me (1)
        Wolves- asinnamon (1), bluepony78 (1)
        Griffins- Arlla (1), purplecat (2), mipa (1), hardwired (1)


        I got:

        Emperor (black gold)
        Scratcher (peacock)
        Lap (ruby)
        Sitting Spectral (emerald-peacock)
        Male (emerald)
        Mother (rainbow)
        Young (white)
        Hatching Royalty (all 3 in brown)
        Fledge (peacock)
        Hatcher (emerald)
        Oriental (emerald)
        Oriental Sun (emerald)
        Baby Oriental (emerald)
        4 curlies (pink, silver, old green, blue pearl)

        Ki-Rin family (male, mother, baby)

        both chicks in wolf color

        both small Flap Cats, bird wing and bat wing (both black)
        Little Happy Cat gargoyle
        Purring Cat (brownish-rust color)

        Brown-eyed Butternut

        Cat Wizard lamp
        Mushroom Ring

        Mouse wizard
        Frog wizard
        Small wizard (old blue)
        Wind wizard (emerald)
        Cat wizard (peacock)

        baby unicorn
        hatching pegasus

        Frog Prince
        Guinea Pig
        Sea Jewel mermaid
        baby meerkat
        hatching Galapagos tortoise
        Windstone griffin logostone

        Unicorn with Blackberries
        Leopard, Cheetah, and Jaguar in Profile

        And a total of 7 PYO’s. No idea how many I had before joining, but it wasn’t nearly this many. This forum is a bad, bad influence! πŸ˜† I love it to death.


        Peacock: Mother, Male, Young, Hatching, Male Coiled, Hatching Emp.
        Old Green: Mother, Male, Young, Hatching, Emporer, Fledgling, Curlie.
        Brown: Mother, Male, Young, Hatching, Riser, Fledgling, Curlie.
        White: Male, Male coiled, Emporer, hatching Empress, Hatching Kinglet, Fledgling, Curlie.
        Ruby: Young, Fledgling, Lap, Scratcher.
        Emerald: Male Coiled, Hatching Emp., Hatching Kinglet, Fledgling, curlie, Spectral, OW.
        Rainbow: Fledgling.
        Black Gold: Coiled Male, Fledgling, Curlie, Lap.
        Gold: Fledgling, Curlie, OW.
        EmPea: Fledgling, Curlie.
        Silver: Hatching Kinglet, Curlie(Lav.), Lap.
        Violet Flame: Fledgling, Curlie.
        Pink: Curlie, Lap.
        BEP: Lap, OW(#4).
        Russet Curlie
        Oriental Dragons:Jade & Ruby Sun Dragons, Jade Oriental, Jade Young.
        Ki-Rin: Mother, Male, Baby.
        Griffins: Black – Male, Female, Crouching chick. Brown – Male, Female, Crouching chick. Wolf – Male, Female, Crouching & Sitting chicks.
        Flapcats: Black – Large, Sm. Birdwing, Sm. Batwing. Siamese – Large, Sm. Birdwing, Sm. Batwing.
        Displays: Original, Gothic, Castle(2).
        Castles: Hawks, Merry Ghost, Mariner’s Watchtower, Alchemist’s Tower, Weinburg, Mystery Castle (OOAK First casting form clay original, lacking detailing in the grassy areas.).
        Bookends: Both Eggs, Both Dragons.
        Wizards: Large – Blue, Black, Emerald, White(Non-Pearlescent). Small – Blue, Black, Emerald, White(Pearl), Peacock. Emerald Mouse Wizard. Emerald Wind Wizard #945/1000, Emerald Cat Wizard.
        Poads: Black Peacock, Silver, Butternut(Brown eyes).
        Dinosaurs: Hatching T-Rex, Stegosaur, Triceratops, Hatching Maiasaur, Hatching Velociraptor, Hatching Galopogose Tortoise, Hatching Protoceratops.
        Pegasi: White – Male, Mother, Baby, Hatching.
        Unicorns: White – Grand, Male, Mother, Young, Baby. Black – Male, Mother, Young. Gothic Unicorn in White.
        Boy & Girl Cherubs.
        Frog Prince, Frog Wizard.
        Sconces: Lion, Hand Held Dragon Left & Right, Wolf.
        Gargoyles: Egg with Eyes, Egg with Claws, Gargolingus, Winged Cat, Bat Cat, Unicorn, Hyena, Wizard Woodlore, Guardian Dragon, Panther, Sm. Winged Spirit Wolf, Tiger, Puffin, Cat’s Cradle.
        Candlelamps: Inner Light Dragon Ivory, Bad Cat, Good Cat, Wizard Cat, Circle of cats(Sm), Wizard’s Retreat, Spirit Wolf, Sitting Cat, Wolf Council, Grimalkin, Bear Butt, Bear Back, Bear Feet, Hippogriff, Trio of Dragons, Clawfoot Pillar Holders (3), Griffinfoot Pillar Holder.
        Prints: Colored Wizard with Dragon, Colored Unicorn with Berries, Colored Lion/Tiger/Cat, Black & White Exotic Animals, Lg. Black & White Dragon, Lg. Pegasus, Lg. Colored Unicorn with Girl, Lg. Black & White Prancing Unicorn.
        And 13 PYO’s painted by several artists from the forum.
        Totaling 185 (Actually I have 187, 2 are pending trades.) πŸ˜€ Plus 8 prints…


          errrr……um….alot…I tried counting and lost count at 40…. They’re on the walls, shelves, everywhere, upstairs and down! I think they’re taking over my house!!! πŸ˜†


          Now for the MINI list of Dragon87! LOL

          Peacock: Mother, Young, Emperor (well… not yet)
          Rainbow: Hatchling
          Gold: Young
          Black Gold: Fledgeling, coiled mother
          Other: Inner light candlelamp

          Wolf: Crouching chick

          PYO’s: Ki-rin Tattoo #1

          That’s all that’s mine, that is. My fiancee adds one to that.


            I just saw this thread, so here I go…

            Peacock – Male, Mother, Young, Hatchling, Old Warrior and Fledgling.
            Black Gold – Lap and Coiled Momma
            Rainbow – Scratcher, Old Warrior, Emperor Hatcher and Empress Hatcher
            Pearly Pink – Lap
            Old Green – Male, Mother and Hatchling
            Brown – A VERY old Male, Young, Hatching and Mother

            Cat’s Cradle
            Leafy Cat Sconce
            Galapagos Tortise hatchling
            Crouching and Sitting Brown Griffy Chicks
            Circle of Cats Candleholder
            PYO Keeper
            4 PYO Dragons
            PYO Griffin
            PYO Kirin

            I also have several unpainted PYOs as of now…


              Wow! Is it a bad thing that I already have a list in my computer because I sometimes loose track of what I have? 😯

              Ebay auctions:

              Test Paint Gold Peacock Sunburst Griffin Number 2
              Calico Flap Cat – Limited Number 1 of 15
              Pearl Gold Sun Dragon painted by Olimpia Carapia – Limited Number 1 of 10
              Black Peacock Emerald Old Warrior Dragon – Limited Number 3 of 24
              Black x Tan Sitting Griffin Chick #1 – Limited Edition OOAK by Jennifer Miller
              Paint Your Own Keeper Dragon – Conch Shell Keeper by Jennifer Miller
              Violet Wolf Male Griffin – Limited Edition of 10
              Lavender & Gold Lace Poad – Limited painted by Melody Pena
              Sky Blue Mother Coiled Dragon Number 4 – Limited painted by Olimpia Carapia
              Black & Gold Rising Spectral – Limited Edition of 10
              Black x Tan Crouching Griffin Chick #1 – Limited OOAK by Jennifer Miller
              Gold Sitting Spectral – Limited Edition of 10
              Red Fire Sitting Spectral Dragon – Limited Edition of 10
              Rock Dragon with Purple – Limited Edition of 12
              Lace Poad Number 8 – Limited painted by Melody Pena
              Violet Wolf Crouching Griffin Chick – Limited Edition of 10
              Red Fire Fledgling – Limited Edition of 10

              Limited Edition & Limited Productions:

              Old Warrior Dragon in White
              Rising Spectral Dragon in Brown
              Rising Spectral Dragon in White
              Rising Spectral Dragon in Rainbow
              Pearl Female Mother Griffin
              Pearl Male Griffin
              Scratching Dragon in Rainbow
              Lap Dragon in Rainbow
              Birman Large Flap Cat
              Pearly Pink Lap Dragon
              Black Emerald Peacock Lap Dragon
              Sitting Spectral Dragon in White
              Baby Meerkat
              Brown Mother Griffin (dark stripy version)
              Peacock Mother Griffin
              Black & White Male Griffin
              Black & White Mother Griffin
              Spotted Bird Winged Flap Cat
              Spotted Bat Winged Flap Cat
              Butternut Poad (hazel eyes)
              Blue Butternut Poad (blue eyes)
              Black Peacock Poad (lavender eyes)
              White and Silver Poad (blue eyes)
              Burnt Sugar Poad (number 23)
              Fledgling Dragon in Original Green
              Fledgling Dragon in Gold
              Hatching Emperor Dragon in Rainbow
              Hatching Emperor Dragon in Silver
              Hatching Empress Dragon in Rainbow
              Hatching Empress Dragon in Silver
              Hatching Kinglet Dragon in Original Brown
              Hatching Kinglet Dragon in Rainbow
              Hatching Kinglet Dragon in Silver
              Fledgling Dragon in Violet Flame
              Pearl Sitting Griffin Chick
              Pearl Crouching Griffin Chick
              Russet Curl Dragon
              Emerald Peacock Curl Dragon $60
              White Curl Dragon $60
              Gold Curl Dragon
              Black & Gold Curl Dragon
              Brown Sitting Griffin Chick
              Brown Crouching Griffin Chick
              Peacock Sitting Griffin Chick
              Peacock Crouching Griffin Chick
              Brown Curl Dragon
              Emerald Curl Dragon
              Violet Flame Curl Dragon
              Pearly Pink Curl Dragon
              Silver Curl Dragon (lavender eyes)
              Silver Curl Dragon (blue eyes)
              Green Curl Dragon
              Lavender Pearl Curl Dragon
              Blue Pearl Curl Dragon
              Rainbow Curl Dragon

              Limited Production Silver Dragons: (not signed)

              Silver Emperor
              Silver Male Dragon
              Silver Lap Dragon
              Silver Sitting Spectral Dragon


              SECRET KEEPER
              Emperor Dragon*
              Male Dragon (damaged)*
              Mother Dragon (damaged)*
              Young Dragon (damaged)*
              Hatching Dragon*
              Scratching Dragon*
              Lap Dragon (damaged)*
              Old Warrior Dragon (damaged)
              Sitting Spectral Dragon*
              Rising Spectral Dragon (damaged)*
              Fledgling Dragon*
              Hatching Emperor Dragon*
              Hatching Empress Dragon*
              Hatching Kinglet Dragon*
              Coiled Mother Dragon*
              Oriental Dragon*


              Male Dragon*
              Fledgling Dragon*
              Lap Dragon (damaged)*
              Old Warrior Dragon*
              Rising Spectral Dragon*
              Hatching Empress Dragon*
              Hatching Kinglet Dragon (damaged)*
              Oriental Dragon*
              Young Oriental Dragon*


              Emperor Dragon (damaged)*
              Male Dragon*
              Young Dragon*
              Scratching Dragon*
              Lap Dragon*
              Rising Spectral Dragon*
              Hatching Emperor Dragon*
              Hatching Kinglet Dragon*
              Coiled Dragon*


              Emperor Dragon*
              Male Dragon*
              Mother Dragon*
              Hatching Dragon*
              Fledgling Dragon*
              Old Warrior Dragon*
              Scratching Dragon (damaged)*
              Lap Dragon*
              Rising Spectral Dragon*
              Oriental Sun Dragon*
              Young Oriental Dragon*


              Male Dragon*
              Mother Dragon*
              Young Dragon*
              Fledgling Dragon*

              Black & Gold:

              Emperor Dragon
              Male Dragon
              Mother Dragon
              Fledgling Dragon
              Scratching Dragon
              Coiled Mother Dragon
              Coiled Male Dragon


              Male Dragon
              Rising Spectral Dragon

              Emerald Peacock:

              Male Dragon
              Mother Dragon
              Fledgling Dragon
              Scratching Dragon

              Red Fire:


              Black Sunset Male Griffin
              Black Sunset Female Griffin
              Black Sunset Sitting Chick
              Black Sunset Crouching Chick
              Wolf Male Griffin
              Wolf Female Griffin
              Wolf Sitting Griffin Chick
              Wolf Crouching Griffin Chick
              Black Peacock Male Griffin*
              Tan Male Griffin*

              Other Creatures:

              Large Black & White Flap Cat*
              Large Siamese Flap Cat*
              Male Ki-Rin Unicorn*
              Mother Ki-Rin Unicorn*
              Baby Ki-Rin Unicorn*
              Black Male Unicorn*
              Baby Rock Dragon


              Winged Cat Gargoyle*
              Bat Winged Cat Gargoyle*
              Hyena Gargoyle

              Candle Lamps & Sconces:

              Bad Cat Candle Lamp
              Good Cat Candle Lamp
              Winged Wolf Candle Lamp
              Grimalkin Candle Lamp
              Dragon Wall Sconce (qty 2 – one heavily damaged & repaired)
              Winged Cat Wall Sconce


              Brown Male Dragon*
              Brown Mother Dragon (damaged)*
              Brown Young Dragon*
              Green Male Dragon*
              Green Mother Dragon (damaged)*
              Pena Claw Booklet/Pamphlet Holder*

              Got a busted Windstone?
              *OPEN for repairs*

              *SEEKING GRAILS*
              Arc-en-ciel Emperor
              Siphlophis Male Dragon
              Calypso Hatching Empress
              Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
              Tattoo Mother Kirin
              Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
              Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
              Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
              Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
              Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
              Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


              Oh man, drag0n, that list is so daunting I don’t even want to count the different Windstones. Wow!


                mmm….that’s not even all of them….She got my “Nova” Scratcher repaint as well….from way back when. πŸ™‚

                I was fond of that one. πŸ™‚


                  Oh yea, I didn’t count repaints. If I did I’d have another 5 of those. The Nova Scratcher, a sitting spectral I did, my REALLY old Pink hatching Emperor, the Tribal Poad, and a Male Griffin.

                  I guess it really does seem like a lot, but they realy don’t look like I have that many when I stare at my shelves. πŸ˜†

                  Got a busted Windstone?
                  *OPEN for repairs*

                  *SEEKING GRAILS*
                  Arc-en-ciel Emperor
                  Siphlophis Male Dragon
                  Calypso Hatching Empress
                  Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
                  Tattoo Mother Kirin
                  Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
                  Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
                  Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
                  Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
                  Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
                  Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


                    What are the asterisks for, drag0n??


                      interesting, I had noticed that, but hadn’t thought to actually ask! πŸ™„ πŸ˜†

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