What do you got?

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  • #688421

    What dragons do you have? Sometimes, seeing what other people have can point you in the right direction on where to look. I know from experience, I saw someone that had a dragon I was looking for and was able to buy it from her for the right price. So, let us know how big your collection is, you never know, you could find someone with something you want and you may have something they want and it could be a match made in “dragon-heaven”. 😀

    MY COLLECTION: 55 dragons
    Rainbow: young, mother, emperor, all royal hatchers
    Peacock: coiled, rising spectral, scratching, young, spectral, emperor, lap, empress hatcher, male, hatching
    Emerald: hatching, young, kinglet, spectral, fledgling
    Emerald-Peacock: fledgling, hatching (intense), mother (intense), male (intense), young
    Ruby: young, rising spectral, male, emperor, mother, fledgling, lap, hatching
    White: scratching, spectal, hatching
    Curlies: emerald, green, pink, silver, red flame, brown, gold
    Black and Gold: young, mother coiled
    Odds and Ends: brown fledgling, silver royals, gold hatching, green mother, special paint gold warrior, brown empress, violet flame fledgling
    Other Windstone: frog wizard, frog prince, gargoyle, rock dragon, white dragon candle lamp

    THAT IS IT!!! 😆 So, how about you?[/u][/b]



      Impressive collection!

      You should post pics in the “Show your collection” thread.

      Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
      I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


        goodness…it would take to long to figure out what all I have..

        I’d have to dig through 3 different rooms…


        Are you looking to trade?? If so do you have a want list?


        Ooh wanna sell the brown or violet flame fledges!! 😆


          My list! 😀 8)

          Peacock— Male dragon, female dragon, hatchling, young, fledging, and Old warrior.
          Ruby— Rising Spectral
          Gold– Old warrior
          Emerald/ Peacock–Male dragon
          Curlies–white, gold, red flame, black gold, emerald, emerald-peacock, pink, brown, old green, and silver.

          Then I also have a Trio of Dragons candle. :)[/u]

          Author of “Moonlight Walkers” book and artist for the Trail of Painted Ponies Co.
          Follow for updates: twitter.com/cmooreauthor
          Website: courtneymooreauthor.com


          Welcome to the forum! Here’s my list:

          Emperor Dragon in Emerald and Peacock
          Scratching Dragon in White and Peacock
          Male Dragon in Emerald and Peacock
          Mother Dragon in Brown
          Old Warrior Dragon in Ruby
          Spectral Dragon in Peacock
          Rising Spectral Dragon in Peacock
          Guardian Dragon Gargoyle
          Oriental Dragon in Ruby
          Lap Dragon in Ruby

          Those are my dragons! 😀


            Too many to mention
            Brown: Emperor, Male, Mother, Young, Fledgling, Hatchling and Curl
            Green: Emperor, Male, Mother, Young, Fledgling, Hatchling and Curl
            Peacock: Emperor, Male, Mother, Young, Fledgling, and Hatchling
            White: Emperor, Male, Mother, Young, Fledgling, Hatchling and Curl
            Emerald: Emperor, Male, Mother, Young, Fledgling, Hatchling and Curl
            Ruby: Emperor, Male, Mother, Young, Fledgling, and Hatchling
            Rainbow: Emperor, Male, Mother, Young, Fledgling, and Hatchling
            Black/Gold: Emperor, Male, Mother, Young, Fledgling, Hatchling and Curl
            23KT Gold Leaf: Old Warrior, 2 hatching Empress #2 and #3 of 3
            additional Curls: Russett(now red flame) VF1 and VF2 Silver blue eyes and lavender eyes, Gold, Pink and Emerald/Peacock
            4 PYO by my 1 Kyrin, 1 Muse, 1 Young Dragon by Ski 1 Young Dragon in White Gold colors
            3 scones right hand, left hand and middle
            3 SK (Secert Keepers) White, Green Gold and Cinnamon Prototype
            Spectral white with speciil paint (gift from Melody for my birthday july 2007)
            Bears 4 1 Bear Back, 2 Bear Foot and 1 Bear Butt
            1 very special White and Gold Poad
            Rabbits 1 Dexter and 1 Fletcher
            Logo Stones: 2 Claw Logo Stones and 1 Windstone Logo Stone
            1 Sun Dragon #10 of 10 in White Gold
            1 Tigger

            I’m currenty working on my Gold and EmPea collections
            So far I have
            Gold: Young and Hatchling
            Gold Emperor on Layaway
            EmPea: Male, Mother, young and Curl
            I also have a VF Fledgling

            By my count I think I have 91 now but since some are still in boxes I’m not sure how accurate that is
            I have mostly dragons but have been wanting to get a full list to the best of my memory so I hope it was OK to add the rest

            I forgot the Special Emperor dragon from Kyrin Mama


              Here’s mine

              Emerald-Emporer, Mother, Father, young, fledgeling, curled mother, coiled, lap, old warrior, and Hatching Empress
              Rainbow-Emporer, young, fledgeling
              White-Fledgeling, and Hatching Kinglet
              Peacock-Fledgeling, Hatching Emporer
              Violet Flame-Fledgeling
              Black Gold-Fledgeling
              Red Fire-Fledgeling
              Red Flame-Curlie
              Flap cats-Big siamese, both little siamese, “Sylvan” Oct 08 Raffle Prize!
              Unicorns-Black and White young
              Happy Cat Gargoyle
              Dragon Book-ends
              Griffins-sitting wolf, crouching wolf, crouching peacock, sitting peacock crouching sunset, sitting sunset
              Wizard Cat candlelamp
              2 Pyo dragons-silver and lilac

              Can you tell I like fledgelings? Anyone have an Old Green they want to sell me?

              Keeper of the Fledgings


                Alright, what do I have, what do I have…

                Peacock: Male, Mother
                Old Green: Mother, Young, Hatchling
                White: Mother, Hatchling
                Black Gold: Fledgling, Young, Hatchling
                Silver: Male, Mother
                Gold: Curlie
                PYOs: 2 Kirins (1 in transit), 2 Dragons, 1 Griffin, 1 Keeper
                Poads ™: Butternut w/ violet eyes
                Red Fire: Hatchling (with red eyes)
                Brown: (In transit) Male, Mother, Hatchling
                Emerald: Curlie
                Emerald Peacock: Hatchling
                Black Griffins: Male, Female, Crouching and Sitting
                Other: Winged Wolf Gargoyle, repainted scratcher

                I think that’s the updated list! 😯 Less than 2 months on the forum…look what you people have done to me! 😆 😆


                It has only been a little over a year since I got my second Windstone (Feb 07) – so, as you can see, I have spent way too much money on Windstones of late! 😳 I blame only myself, the awesomeness of everything Windstone, and the forum as contributing causes. 😉

                My collection: 47 Windstones

                Coiled Dragon – Peacock, Emerald
                Coiled Mother Dragon – Black Gold
                Curled Dragon – Emerald, Black Gold, Silver (with blue eyes), Silver (with lavender eyes), Gold, Pink, Violet Flame (1st batch – more red), Violet Flame (regular),
                Female Dragon: Gold
                Fledgling Dragon – White, Ruby, Gold, Emerald, Black Gold, Violet Flame, Peacock, Rainbow
                Hatchling Dragon – Green, Emerald Peacock
                Hatching Emperor – Emerald, Silver*
                Hatching Empress – Peacock
                Hatching Kinglet – Rainbow, Silver*
                Oriental Dragon – Emerald
                PYO Dragon – one by purplecat
                Young Dragon – Emerald, Rainbow, Brown
                Young Oriental Dragon – Emerald
                Flap Cat – small Bat-winged Birman, small Bird-winged Birman
                Female Griffin – black with dark beak
                Crouching Griffin chick – pearl, black, brown
                Sitting Griffin chick – pearl, black, brown
                Kirin – baby
                Poads – Metallic Blue, Black Peacock, Silver and White, Burnt Sugar #27

                *in transit from Windstone


                  they’re hiding everywhere at my place….but let me take a shot

                  Male dragons
                  black gold
                  old green, bright version
                  old green, old version
                  earth (my color)
                  royal bronze (ooak)
                  peacock (dark version)

                  Mother dragons

                  Emerald peacock (first batch)
                  silver meadow (ooak)

                  ruby (dark version)
                  em pea
                  violet flame
                  black gold


                  black gold

                  Emperor– only one, my moonsilver emp


                  em peacock
                  royal bronze (ooak)



                  Poads-only one-metallic blue butternut


                  siamese batwing

                  curls and coileds

                  peacock male coiled
                  vf curl
                  old green curl

                  hatching pegasus-(ooak rose tipped)


                  Eyestriped female (ooak)
                  brown male
                  brown sitting chick
                  pearl sitting chick
                  brown croucher


                  cat leaf sconce
                  trio of dragons
                  seafire candle sconce
                  large rock dragon
                  frog prince
                  kirin baby
                  cat’s cradle


                  Chesire wolf (koishii)
                  Fall Fern dragon (koishii)
                  Autumn Kirin (me)
                  Grulla sabino uni (me)

                  Ah…there’s probably more hiding here or there….but at the moment..that’s all I can remember.


                    Black Gold Mother Coiled Dragon, Peacock Fledgling Dragon, Violet Flame 1 Fledgling Dragon

                    Flap Cats
                    Black Bat Winged Flap Cat, Siamese Bird Winged Flap Cat

                    Unicorn Gargoyle, Small Winged Spirit Wolf

                    Black: Crouching Chick, Sitting Chick, Female, Male
                    Brown: Crouching Chick, Sitting Chick, Female, Male

                    Gothic Unicorn
                    Ki-Rin: Baby, Prototype Baby (Koi with Brown Eyes)
                    White Pegasus: Hatching, Baby, Mother, Male
                    Black Unicorns: Baby x 2, Young, Mother, Male
                    White Unicorns: Baby, Young, Mother
                    Medicine Hat Test Paint Young Unicorn
                    Repaired/Repainted Mother Pegasus

                    Dragon x 2, Griffin x 2, Kirin x 2, Unicorn, Wolf x 2

                    Blue Small Wizard, Blue (with red sleeves) Small Wizard

                    To be gifted to friends
                    Hatching Galapagos Tortise, Black with blue accents PYO Dragon


                      I don’t know if I’m going to be able to remember all of them, but here goes.

                      Rainbow: Male, Mother, Young, Hatching
                      Green: Male, Mother, Young, Curl
                      Peacock: Hatching Emperor, Hatching Empress, Hatching Kinglet, Coiled, Coiled Mama
                      Gold: Emperor, Old Warrior, Curl
                      Emerald: Rising Spectral, Lap, Young, Curl, Oriental Sun
                      Jade: Oriental, Scratching, Coiled
                      Black Gold: Coiled, Coiled Mama, Curl
                      Brown: Coiled Mama, Curl
                      White: Coiled, Coiled Mama, Curl
                      Other Curls: Violet Flame, Red Flame/Russet, Emerald Peacock, Silver w/lavender eyes, Blue Pearl, Lavender, and Pink
                      Red Fire: Sitting Spectral
                      Earth Male Dragon (special repaint from Purplecat)

                      Brown Griffins: Male, Female, Crouching Chick, Sitting Chick
                      Brown Stripey Male Griffin
                      Black Griffins: Male, Female, Crouching Chick, Sitting Chick
                      White Griffins: Male, Female, Crouching Chick, Sitting Chick
                      #2 Gold Spot Female Griffin
                      Beagle Griffins: Female, Crouching Chick, Sitting Chick

                      Siamese Flap Cats: Large, Small Bat-wing, Small Bird-wing
                      Black Flap Cats: Large, Small Bat-wing, Small Bird-wing
                      White Large Flap Cat
                      Calico Flap Cat #2/15
                      Birman Flap Cats: Large, Small Bat-wing, Small Bird-wing

                      Butternut Poad/green eyes
                      Silver and White Poad
                      Burnt Sugar Poad

                      Hatching Protoceratops
                      Baby Stegasaurus
                      Baby Triceratops
                      Hatching Turtle

                      Male Kirin
                      Mother Kirin
                      Baby Kirin
                      Gothic Unicorn

                      Griffin Candlelamp
                      Repainted Hippogriff Candlelamp (repainted by unicornlvr)
                      Mushroom Ring CL
                      Claw foot Pillar Holders (5)
                      Griffin foot Pillar Holder
                      Tiger (kitten)
                      Mother Griffin Gargoyle
                      Wizard’s Retreat Candlelamp
                      Logo Business Card Holder
                      Gargoyle Foot Business Card Holder
                      Maya Hill Business Card Holder
                      Creation Journeystone

                      Mariner’s Watchtower
                      Alchemist Tower
                      Castle of the Merry Ghost
                      Castle Weinburg
                      Castle of the Hawks

                      many PYOs, painted by others and myself

                      Small White Wizard
                      Small Peacock Wizard
                      Emerald Mouse Wizard
                      Frog Wizard
                      Frog Prince

                      I think that’s it, but I could be wrong.

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