What did you Give for Christmas?

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      I gave everyone books and got books from almost everyone! We’re a family of big readers! Even my step-mother who only joined the family about 15 years ago πŸ˜€


      Nambroth wrote:

      the red husky pyo wolf quote]

      Did your family love the wolf?


      I will have to add to my list. I gave my friend the gargoyle egg with eyes, a Nightwish back patch, and rasberry dark chocolate sticks.


      Nambroth wrote:

      sunhawk wrote:


      a usb powered lava lamp

      Whoa, where did you find that!? And those are AWESOME gifts!! πŸ˜€


      And yes, Vantid got dolphin tattoos in addition to her plush koi and random wooden koi… πŸ˜‰

      That’s a cool site! What colour did you get? πŸ™‚


        KMD4me wrote:

        I gave my little cousin a pet hermit crab, and i gave everyone else in my family a gift from the dollar store! πŸ˜€

        Aww, hermit crabs are sooo cute:) I wish you could buy everything at the dollar store – it would rule! πŸ˜€


          ddvm wrote:

          Nambroth wrote:

          the red husky pyo wolf

          Did your family love the wolf?

          They seemed to like it! πŸ˜€

          Sunhawk, I got a blue one! πŸ™‚

          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
          My art: featherdust.com

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