What did you Give for Christmas?

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    My favorite part of Christmas is giving people thier stuff and trying to find that perfect gift for someone.

    So what did everyone give out this year?



    Ermmm, whole collection of Pixar Cars/Thomas the Train (battery powered)/and Pixar cars bedding to my son among many many other things. Husband got XMen3, that Will Farrell Nascar movie, Need for Speed Carbon, and $330 phone (keyboard/internet/all the bells and whistles), cologne, candy, Pixar cars Guido “Pit Stop?”, gift certificates to favorite stores (a bead store and Target), liquor to all the men in my family, wanted to get Blake a Wii, couldn’t find one- gav ehim $300 which he spent on my to get the jewelry box since he realized he couldn’t find one), both Bruce Campbell books “How to Make Love the Bruce Campbell Way” and “If Chins Could Kill: the Confessions of a b-Movie star” and I think that is it.


      vantid wrote:

      My favorite part of Christmas is giving people thier stuff and trying to find that perfect gift for someone.

      So what did everyone give out this year?

      I gave griffins to by bro and sis in law, Polish pottery to my sis, and the 1st $ 2nd season of Murder She Wrote to my mom. I gave my bf a bath rug…a reeeeally nice bath rug, a reeeally nice towel, a bag for his snowboard, a scarf, a bottle of wine that I hope he will like, a candle, and a Jordan shirt, and of course, socks. My son got lots of toys, video games, and board games. I got my gf some hand made wall hangings from Novica…From a guy on Ebay…Just search for Novica National Geographic…I think he’ll pop up. I think thats pretty much it.


        Hmm, to many things to remember but a few are:
        Bare Escentuals makeup and a Windstone Hatching Tortoise to my little sister. The Shield DVD box set and Advent Children Cloud action figure to my older sister. Season 4 DVD of Family Guy plus accessories for his XBOX 360 for my little brother. Interference paint and new paint brushes plus a classic popcorn maker for my older brother. A Coach purse (a few people chipped in for that, they are expensive!!!) and a Disney Classics figurine of Lady from Lady and the Tramp for my sister inlaw. A Coach purse for my brother’s girlfriend (once again, a multiple person gift). My boyfriend has just gotten out of the hospital so he hasn’t recieved his gifts yet but one of them is a designer knife and fudge (he loves fudge).
        My brothers and sisters and I all pitched in money and got my mother gift certificates to Loews and Homedepot. Plus, she’s always wanted to have her kitchen redone but never had the funds and manpower so we dedicated every Tuesday night for the rest of the year to working on it for her.

        And I love giving more than receiving. I usually never give someone something they have on there list, but instead, something I know they will appreciate.


        Lokie wrote:

        My brothers and sisters and I all pitched in money and got my mother gift certificates to Loews and Homedepot. Plus, she’s always wanted to have her kitchen redone but never had the funds and manpower so we dedicated every Tuesday night for the rest of the year to working on it for her.

        Wow, that’s a really nice gift!


          My GF buys everything for the handing out, I just get stuff for her, but I built a new computer for her brother/sister-in-law because their insywinsytiny baby is a week old and we know they’ll be broke for a while … she runs an accounting biz from home so it’ll help them out.

          I bought my GF $100 in certificates from a store she buys a lot of clothes from, and a DVD burner for her comp, annnnnnd … well… something else that I haven’t received yet from an online purchase and if she happens to be reading here then PFFBT not spoiling it cause it’s not here yet.


            well….I gave cookies to star, ski, nirvana, the guys at Windstone and cheryl…(nirvana’s are late)

            I gave anthony an MP3 player, my friend Milagros some shirts from Lucky, anthony’s mom some perfume, and a hair dryer, his brother a shirt, his grandmother a massager thing that sits in the chair, his step dad a shirt, his cousin an outfit for Mass…and probably some other stuff I don’t remember…

            I got my sister Tombraider Legends for PS2….and my dad one of those meat baskets with the cheese and stuff…and for my sister in fort worth and her husband….watches..


            Man, every year i am almost more excited about what i’m giving people than what i’m getting! LOL

            For my dad:

            – Green laser pointer (which i didn’t pay a hundred bucks or more for *smirk*)
            – Nice blue t-shirt of the Avro Arrow (his favourite plane) from the Canadian Aviation Museum
            – Dutch french fry “mayonaise” (it’s not like normal mayonaise, they just call it that… i think it’s gross LOL But it’s a Dutch thing!)
            – As many variety of nuts as my brother and i could find (peanuts, pecans, walnuts, bbq peanuts, sea salt’n’pepper peanuts, almonds…) LOL
            – CDs

            For my mum:

            – about 6 different pill boxes (she collects them, makes sense cos she’s a pharmacist LOL)
            – Sponge toffee (both huge and little packages)
            – Mechanical pencils (she asked for them! LOL)
            – a ton of CDs
            – a calender of one-a-day Siduko (or however you spell it)

            For my brother:

            – Clothing (hoodies, pants, sweaters) that he actually really likes, i am good :> Actually the black hoodie i got him is really neat, it has black on black embroidery of an eagle and an lion in a medieval kind of style ^_^
            – An electronic Siduko (sp?) handheld game LOL
            – puzzle games (like an intertwined 5 piece ring)
            Plus some stuff i am saving for his birthday which is on New Year’s Eve heh heh


              Whats sponge coffee, Sun?


              Well I usually like giving more than receiving if I have enough money.

              I gave my bf a couple of Black Label Society choppers (toy size), a package of picks he wanted, and a guitar that I am still working on paying off.

              I gave my mom a tanzanite stone (My sister actually got it when she was in Africia and then I gave her some money for it). On mother’s day or her birthday we are going to pay for it to be set in what ever she wants.

              For my sister I gave her a lion pottery thing (can’t remember the name of the company).

              For my other sister I am doing a PYO Ki-rin.

              For my nephew I gave him a very CAT Truck that moves by itself and has sounds (very funny because he was kind of scared of it).

              For my dad and step-mom I am going to send them some candle/candle holders that I got from my work party (I would never use them).

              For my bf g-ma I gave her this candy dish, a hand towel, and a big candy bar.

              I still need to figure out what to give my bf’s dad/step mom, and brother.

              I wonder how many people re-gift presents or sell them. hehe


              skigod377 wrote:

              Whats sponge coffee, Sun?

              LOL toffee, sponge toffee my dear

              It’s basically a kind of air-expanded toffee. Here’s a photo of what it looks like:


              It has all those holes in it so it really looks like a sponge but it’s very edible and sweet, like toffee ^_^

              Some chocolate bars have sponge toffee inside them.


              Interesting…I wonder if they only have that in Canada? I’ve never seen anything like that before…


                Oops 😳 Must lern to reed gud. Toffee sounds much better!


                I thought sponge coffee was interesting too… 😆

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