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      Okay things happen and when they do it is usually not good for me. I currently have my Windstone Rainbows listed on eBay because I am just to stupid to learn how to put pictures up here. πŸ™„ I put them up there. If anyone is interested in them make me a prefrerably good offer. I will pull them down and sell them to anyone here that has the cash. Go there for pictures you will see what I say about them there and I alway try to be honest in my listings . I just tell it like it is good or bad. But if anyone wants them you must let me know soon as the longer that these run the more apt that they will get a bid and then I can’t pull them down. I also have the Standing Spectral in the same condition as these up now. An I made a mistakeon the Emperor I have him also, but I aparently bought him off of eBay because his tag is wrinkled so I doubt that I have his box. But he will have a Emperr Box anyway just not his. I would not ship him with out this box I just would worry way to much. Neither the Emperor or the Standing Spectral are listed yet. I did have offers here to help me list here but as nice as these members were to offer to do this for me. I just don’t want to burden anyone with this task. So thank you for offering though that was just so nice of you. πŸ™‚ Well got to get going. Oh I almost forgot I am poodlesforyou so some here have bought from me I hope all were satisifed. Anyone that is not I will take the item back just like eBay. Thank you all just for looking. :hi:

      WOW I got some explaining to do. These were not purchaced here at all. I found most of my bills and here they sold out fast. The larger ones did come from here. But the others came from Armicks the Fledge 75.00 and Rio Grande the others- Paid 132.00 back then just for the Male Dragon, Hatchling was 50.00 Young was 83.00 and the Mother was a deal at 109.00 well so much for my memory. I must be thinking of the Rubies. But the paper work was all there with the boxes.All bought in 2007 WOW! did not think it was that long ago. 😳
      You have my everlasting gratitude. Thank you everyone for all your help πŸ˜€ !





          What a fantastic collection of Rainbows! πŸ˜€ I’m sorry you have to sell them. πŸ™


            I sent you a PM… for another member! I know she has been looking for one of the dragons you are selling for a long time. πŸ˜€


              PM’d you!

              Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
              Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                syn789 wrote:

                What a fantastic collection of Rainbows! πŸ˜€ I’m sorry you have to sell them. πŸ™

                Thank you syn798
                I used to say I would never sell these as all except the Emperor were bought right here. But I guess trouble for me comes in numbers.
                ( Lots aparently) I just bought a expensive piece here and well some time you just don’t see things comming just one more screw up I did not see comming. They messed up my SSI I just put in for 2 weeks ago. Told me to cut down to 2 gdays a week or I would loose my whole check. Then get it in the mail that I am not put in for it till March and will not get a check till the end of April. OMG those idiots. I was down there for 3 hours today and this cannot be undone. Neither can my giving up my full time. Have 35 leave days built up guess I will be using them all. An with more medical bill coming in and the lawyer bills I paid off and my sons bills, my recent car accident bills from the hospital there now. HELLO WHEN DOES IT END. SOMEONE PLEASE WAKEME UP SOON! This is a bad nightmare. But I swear I will not loose my sense of humor. Sometime when things get so bad you just have to stop and laugh at life. Sure does have a way of catching you off guard. An still trying to get my granddaughter. Never give up, never give up. Can’t stop trying. You just got to do what ever it takes. An of coarse never never give up. :shout:



                  I feel for you, Windstonefan. In my experience, this is par for the course when dealing with a government agency; you can always count on something (or everything) going wrong. πŸ™

                  These beautiful Rainbows will surely sell well and help you out. This is one of those colors I always held off getting; I thought the color was a bit garish in pictures. I finally tried a Fledgling and loved it, so I eventually went for the Rising Spectral in Rainbow. He is just stunning in person. It is hard having to part with any of your Rainbows, much less all of them, but I am sure whoever gets one will be thrilled when they see them. πŸ™‚


                    Hello everyone, Most of these have bids already this morning I saw that. I will never pull one with a bid on it. Just can’t hurt someone like that. The 2 not up yet are the Emperor and that standing Spectral anyone that wants these guys needs to let me know before they go up. The price on these 2 are going to be right around the price start on that OW I have up. These are the same condition believe me you can wait till I post pictures tonight when I get home from work if you want. They will be up on eBay then. Start price sameas the OW.



                    Ooooh, An Emperor, and a Spectral?! I wants!!! I am dying to see their pics. Let me know when you post them!



                      Sometime when things get so bad you just have to stop and laugh at life.

                      I totally agree! Its a cliche but its so true: Laughter is the best medicine.

                      I sent you a PM with a question πŸ˜‰

                      and oohhhh Raaaiiinnnbowww EEemmperrror! My broken one is so sad. One day I need to replace him. Or…ya know, finish repainting his repaired spots.

                      Diana L

                        pm’d you πŸ™‚


                          I am totally drooling over the OW and the Lap. I wish I had the money… πŸ™ Good luck with the sale! πŸ˜€


                            I just wanted to add, I bought my Black Gold Emperor from WindstoneFan back in….October? And even without an original Emperor box, he made it perfectly safe and sound! She ships quickly and does a splendid job packing πŸ™‚


                              Thank you WolfenMachine I for sayiing that. πŸ™‚ Everyone 3 pieces have been pulled so far all were sold to forum members here who have bought from me as a seller on eBay. One that had a bid that was the buyer. The others had no bid placed on them so no one should be hurt. An also I will not feel guilty. Because most of all you should like yourself. Just my feelings.
                              Thank you those that saved me those eBay fees. My creditors will be happy with more money. πŸ™„

                              Update :The Spectral is now sold my good friend a forum member here. πŸ˜€
                              Another update for those that have current bids now on eBay now.The offers made by the buyers here were well over my starting price.
                              A deal even I could not refuse. These to me were that good. Thanks for letting me clarify that. 😳



                                swoltanski30 wrote:

                                I am totally drooling over the OW and the Lap. I wish I had the money… πŸ™ Good luck with the sale! πŸ˜€

                                Good things come to those who wait.Well sometmes they do.


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