Well I had the Worst Weekend :(

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      Saturday Luna our 4 month old husky went in for her last vaccines & Koda our year & a half old husky came alone. He wasn’t due for anything, just wanted to go. We had talked to the vet before about the 6 month heart worm treatment shot called ProHeart 6. I had just been waiting for Koda to stop growing. The vet tech pointed out that the shot has a weight range. So we decided to go with it & did the 20lb to 50lb range, Koda is 37lbs & they didn’t think he would get over 50lbs within 6 months. As we’re checking out Koda begins to scream, I’m still having nightmares about it. He flops down on the floor & goes into Anaphylaxis shock. The quick response of the vet & the whole staff is the only thing that saved his life. I’m so gratefully to them all, and counting myself lucky that we where not at home. If we had been at home he would not have made it
      Koda spent all day Saturday at the vet & was then transferred to the animal emergency clinic for overnight observation.

      I’m so happy to report that Koda is doing well. We are now out of the scary 24 hour period. While Koda is not 100% better yet he is doing great, eating & drinking & even playing with Luna.

      Now a waring to all Pet owner:

      I knew a little about the ProHeart 6 before we thought about giving it to Koda, and some of you may know that I’ve worked as a vet tech. Koda has never had a reaction to any type of drug, vaccine, or anything before. If he had I would not have done the ProHeart 6 & the vet would not have recommended it. With that said I do wish I would have read more about the drug, knowing what I know now, aside from Koda’s reaction I would not have given it to him. It was pulled from the market in 2004 because it was killing dogs & making them sick. It was rereleased in 2008, with no changes to the drug or formal, just a new small warning label. Now when it was rereleased in 2008 it was marketed as a “new” drug even though nothing had changed. And when I worked as a vet tech we where never told about any warning or side effects only that it could not be used on dogs over 8 years old & not to use it on dogs with known allergies. Again Koda has no allergies at all. The drug was original created not as a heart worm preventive but an aggressive treatment for dogs that already had heart worms. The side effect was it kept dogs heart worm free for about 6 months, so the name was changed & the formula a very little & it was marketed as a heart worm preventative. Now I don’t know if this is true or not but employes at PetsMart said that the drug was suppose to be pulled again this year. The scary thing is some dogs do fine the first time or even the 3rd, then it’s the 4th time that makes them sick or kills them. My grandmother has her dog on the treatment, but not anymore. So please warning anyone you know that has dogs, or at least let them know the risks involved.


      Thank you so much for the warning! Although I’ve had dogs for years, it is only within the last few years that heartworm has become a problem in our area (southern California) so I am a newbie on heartworm meds. My dog is older (~8) so I will refuse the ProHeart 6 if my vet suggests it. You may have saved my dog’s life….

      I’m glad Koda is doing better. I hope he makes a full recovery. :party:


        You’re very welcome & thanks so much. Koda had blood work done on Monday & while his kidney levels where still high they are going down. There doesn’t look to be any permeant damage.

        yeah here in TX we have such a problem with mosquitoes that I thought the 6 month shot would better protect my pet.

        The risk is not worth the connivance….


          I’m so glad your dog is okay, that sounds terrifying! 🙁 I don’t have a dog yet (somedaaay) but I’m going to try to remember this for when I do. Thank you for the warning!

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            Thanks. What type of dog do you want to get? Hopefully this stuff will get pulled from the market again


              Thanks for the warning. I am glad to hear to Koda is okay.

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                My family and i don’t get vaccines for ourselves or our pets after hearing and reading about a lot of negative side effects of vaccines and people and pets getting ill or dying from them. They also can contain dangerous ingredients like mercury otherwise know as thimerosal in vaccines. We have always been healthy without vaccines and having dozens of pets throughout the years without vaccines, have never had any contract serious illnesses or diseases either.

                Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                  Thanks for the warning. I am glad to hear to Koda is okay.


                  I’ve had a ferret die of a reaction to a vaccine and it’s not something I care to repeat with my dogs…

                  Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
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                    My family and i don’t get vaccines for ourselves or our pets after hearing and reading about a lot of negative side effects of vaccines and people and pets getting ill or dying from them. They also can contain dangerous ingredients like mercury otherwise know as thimerosal in vaccines. We have always been healthy without vaccines and having dozens of pets throughout the years without vaccines, have never had any contract serious illnesses or diseases either.

                    Bad side effects for vaccines are rare (with a VERY few exceptions, such as this one). Far rarer than illness and death in the absence of being vaccinated. Not being vaccinated isn’t just a risk to you, but to everyone around you, especially those with compromised immune systems, such as children, the elderly, pregnant women, cancer patients, and transplant patients. I won’t say any more other than your information is outdated and inaccurate.


                      My family and i don’t get vaccines for ourselves or our pets after hearing and reading about a lot of negative side effects of vaccines and people and pets getting ill or dying from them. They also can contain dangerous ingredients like mercury otherwise know as thimerosal in vaccines. We have always been healthy without vaccines and having dozens of pets throughout the years without vaccines, have never had any contract serious illnesses or diseases either.

                      Main article: Thiomersal controversy

                      In 1999, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) asked vaccine makers to remove the organomercury compound thiomersal (spelled “thimerosal” in the US) from vaccines as quickly as possible, and thiomersal has been phased out of US and European vaccines, except for some preparations of influenza vaccine.[55] The CDC and the AAP followed the precautionary principle, which assumes that there is no harm in exercising caution even if it later turns out to be unwarranted, but their 1999 action sparked confusion and controversy that has diverted attention and resources away from efforts to determine the causes of autism.[55] Since 2000, the thiomersal in child vaccines has been alleged to contribute to autism, and thousands of parents in the United States have pursued legal compensation from a federal fund.[56] A 2004 Institute of Medicine (IOM) committee favored rejecting any causal relationship between thiomersal-containing vaccines and autism.[57] Autism incidence rates increased steadily even after thiomersal was removed from childhood vaccines.[44] Currently there is no accepted scientific evidence that exposure to thiomersal is a factor in causing autism.[58]

                      taken from here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vaccine_controversies

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                        I would suggest you read more about how dangerous and ineffective vaccines actually are. Your information is actually outdated as a lot of evidence has come to light in the last few years about the ingredients in vaccines and how many people actually get very ill or even die from them compared to how many they actually help. A lot of vaccines are completely unneeded as having a strong immune system is your best defense against any illness. I frankly am tired of hearing friends and family talk about being sick for weeks and people getting neurological damage from simple flu shots. I have had the flu only once in my life and never had a flu shot. I am tired of hearing about young girls being paralyzed, getting sever pain for weeks and even dying from the new HPV vaccine. One of the lead researchers in the development of the HPV vaccines recently came forward admitting the vaccines were dangerous and should not be given to young girls because of the dangerous side effects. In the majority of cases if anyone did contract the virus that in over 98% of cases, the immune system destroys it itself and the vaccine only works on 4 out of 40 strains, etc. I could go on about many other vaccines that have been promoted simply to profit the pharmaceutical industry and how many other illnesses and disease can easily be prevented with proper nutrition and enough essential vitamins and minerals in our diets. Read these articles.



                        Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                          Whether or not to vaccinate is a very sticky subject.

                          I vaccinate my kids for everything they will give me a vaccine for – I hate being sick. My kids are completely normal developmentally and very healthy.

                          One of my best friends does not believe in vaccinating and has not vaccinated either of her children or herself, ever. Both of her children are on the autism spectrum and are very unhealthy (lots of illnesses – both ones that could and could not be vaccinated against.)

                          Are we a scientific study? By no means. Is there more at work here than vaccinations versus not vaccinating? I think so.

                          I do think a lot of vaccinations for animals are not tested well enough and don’t work for every breed. It’s important to research and determine which vaccines are generally safe and what, if any, allergies or reactions your breed may have.

                          If your pets never have contact with any other animals or humans, then certainly it’s your decision. However, if you have contact with others, it’s your responsibility to do so safely, including making sure you are not risking others’ health for your personal decisions.


                            I remember reading about ProHeart 6 reactions when I was still a CVT and was kind of glad the vet I worked for immediately stopped offering it when I showed him the article I was reading.

                            As to whether or not you vaccinate your pet, it’s up to you, but if you are in the US, be aware that in some areas/states a rabies vax at the very least is required by law. If your animal bites someone and is not vaccinated it risks a very grisly fate and there will be nothing you can do about it. Most unvaccinated animals are simply quarantined for 10 days, but that’s not always the case. You cannot test for rabies on a live animal.


                              That is terrifying! I’m glad the little guy’s recovering.

                              I don’t trust vaccines, but think they can be immensely valuable in some circumstances. In my personal opinion, to counterbalance their risk, they’re best used for devastating diseases, instead of inconvenient diseases that typically lead to a full recovery.

                              To use human examples, (as I’m not particularly familiar with dog vaccines) I’m all for polio and tetanus vaccines, (the former because of it’s horrible place in history, the latter because I play with rusty metal all too often) But for say… flu, getting injected with who-knows-what on the slim chance that the vaccine makers accurately guessed which strain will go around that year, to avoid the risk of getting knocked out for two weeks by that particular strain, (without being protected from all the others) isn’t worth it for me.

                              Regarding the risk to those with compromised immune systems… If I don’t get the flu vaccine, and I come down with the strain it protects against as a result, I’m not too worried about them. Common sense hygiene is a respectable preventative for the short incubation period, and once symptoms manifest, I’ll be drooling on my couch away from pregnant women and cancer patients anyway. (if someone chooses to get the flu shot, more power to them, but it’s not for me.)

                              The thing that bugs me about the whole vaccine debate, (talking about specialized sources, not this forum) is the anti-vaccine arguments range from cold-hard technical information, down to outright woo-woo, and the pro-vaccine arguments range from sensible reminders of the boon to humanity that some (older) vaccines are, down to repeating ‘nothing to see here’ and indulging in ad-hominem. Given the incredible range of quality and accuracy (and lack thereof) of the information on both sides, it’s difficult for someone without medical training, to be able to make a fully informed decision.

                              When I have kids and have more to worry about than keeping myself current on tetanus, and my pets current on distemper shots, I’ll be doing an immense amount of research, and probably irking my doctor to no end, by asking for this shot, but not that one.


                                When you have kids, many vaccines are required by the school districts in some areas in order to allow them to attend. You can get exceptions based on religion, but generally not because you don’t like vaccines.

                                Not a problem if you homeschool, but difficult if you use a daycare, public school, etc.

                                Rabies vaccines are required for animals most places in the US I believe – especially since rabies is soooo deadly to humans if unidentified and untreated early.

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