Welcome spdygonzalez2001

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  • #516723

      hmm…peppermint…..never had those….

      he said he was gonna come look for this later (last night)….

      but with everything else he says….I don’t hold my breath or expect anything…..that way if he actually does it…I can be pleasantly surprised….and if he doesn’t well….that’s about normal….


        skigod377 wrote:

        Not yet, but I hope I get them today! I could use some cooookies!

        Can’t we all right about now!!


          CherylKaufman wrote:

          I GET COOKIES TOO!! AWESOME!! I have two sets of chocolate and some cookies coming in the mail to me- I love you guys! This weekend I shall make some of my own- peppermint pinwheels- I dunno if anyone wants any thought but they are tasty and I don’t even like mint.

          What are they I have NEVER heard of them and I LOVE mint


          They are two kinds of batter rolled into a log- one is a sugar cookie and the other is a red sugar cookie that is flavored like peppermint. You cut them vertically once they are rolled up and lay them flat on a pan- they look like pinwheels that are spinning. I can send you some :p


            CherylKaufman wrote:

            They are two kinds of batter rolled into a log- one is a sugar cookie and the other is a red sugar cookie that is flavored like peppermint. You cut them vertically once they are rolled up and lay them flat on a pan- they look like pinwheels that are spinning. I can send you some :p

            That would be killer!!


            Ahh yes, it’s all about priorities!


              no problems with that here. I can’t wait to get back on the 1-9 shift and get more money to get the bills all paid up to date!!
              Then I can also buy my newly missing Windstones!!


              Hey guys this post has been MOD’D, no offense to anyone, but remember that kids (13 and up are allowed) do look here and while we are fairly open folks, sometimes it gets carried a little far. We’ve gotten 2 complaints in the last week. Yipe!

              It’s nothing personal, though. Keep it cleanish!


                very sorry about that it will not happen again from this end. What does MOD’D mean??
                I guess we forget that it can go down to 13


                Dragon Master wrote:

                What does MOD’D mean??

                Heh, it means that a Moderator goes through and edits a topic. Moderated=Mod’d.


                  vantid wrote:

                  Dragon Master wrote:

                  What does MOD’D mean??

                  Heh, it means that a Moderator goes through and edits a topic. Moderated=Mod’d.
                  so modified?? OK don’t want that to happen again!!


                    vantid wrote:

                    Hey guys this post has been MOD’D, no offense to anyone, but remember that kids (13 and up are allowed) do look here and while we are fairly open folks, sometimes it gets carried a little far. We’ve gotten 2 complaints in the last week. Yipe!

                    It’s nothing personal, though. Keep it cleanish!

                    THIS one got modd’d? What did I miss??


                      too much to remember and since it got pulled we would not be able to discuss it here


                        Nirvanacat13 wrote:


                        I’m not bad! I’m just drawn that way! *And more naughty than mean….* *pouts*

                        That’s OK Jessica. We love you anyway.


                        Hey everyone.. thanks for the welcome.. lets see.. a little about me.. hmm.. well I have always had a natural artistic talent.. but I generally paint and draw just about anything you could want.. most people tend to request portraits which is probably my nack.. i guess… umm… Frozen is a good friend of mine and asked me to paint a griffin.. and although I am a bit slow at it.. its about done… few more days and I should have a photo posted of it.. then you can critique me.. haha.. but cut me a little slack.. its my first one.. 🙂 thanks..


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