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    Sooo, hello!
    It has been quite a while, hasn’t it…time sure flies. I have been having issues with the forum not remembering my password, so I don’t log in too often, but I do skim the topics every once in a while. I remember when I was adamant in posting all the time, and making sure I addressed as many things as I could. lol

    Some updates on my life…I just started my first full time job! It has nothing to do with my degrees, but it is something. I am working for Wells Fargo activating utilities for home preservation purposes.

    Chloe just turned 4…she is so smart, beautiful, and my darling!

    My mom and mother-in-law were diagnosed with cancer just over a month ago. My mom has kidney cancer on her lung, and it is causing her a lot of pain. it is aggressive, and she will finish her round of radiation on Monday. It MIGHT shrink the tumor, but it will probably grow back. They have no other form of treatment that is affective.
    My mother in law was diagnosed with breast cancer, which got in her lymph nodes and is now in almost all parts of her body. She was given 6 months to 1 year…but then it was determined maybe longer because she has a rarer type of cancer…in which chemo, combined with a drug, could be very effective for her. There have been some setbacks, however.

    I just miss being on the forums, and I want to be on it more, I just don’t know if that is too terribly realistic right now. I really hope everyone is doing well. I think about many of you often.


    It’s good to hear from you, though it’s not good news. I hope things go ok with your two moms…

    Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
    I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


      Sorry to hear about the cancer on your loved ones, I know exactly how you feel since my dad (and my mother in law) has simular stuff going on =( Try to enjoy every moment you can with them! If you need a sympathetic ear (or eye as the case may be) I don’t mind >.< HUGS


      Great to hear from you again! Though I wish things were going better for your loved ones. πŸ™

      Drop by when you can!


      It is okay, such is life, I guess, and even though I don’t really feel that nonchalant about it, I just realize that there is nothing anyone can do about it except what is already being done.

      I am going to go see my mom later today…I am trying to think of a good mother’s day gift…but I don’t know what.

      On a quirky note…does anyone remember the ORIGINAL Mighty Morphin Power rangers?? Chloe and I have been watching a marathon on Netflix, and she loves it! It is bringing on some memories too! lol


        *waves back* Nice to hear from you but sorry things are so crappy. I hope they get better.


        Hello again…sorry, it has been a while even after this post was made. More updates…my mom and mother in law have both died. My mom lived locally, and I, along with a few other family members, spent every day with her in hospice. It was torture watching the cancer waste her body. She passed June 22nd. My Mother-In-Law also died…it hasn’t even been a week. She lived farther away, and so it is hard to comprehend that she will never walk this earth again. She passed August 11th..her birthday. They were both so lovely…so positive and friendly and they definitely did not deserve to die so young. They were both in their early 50’s.
        I was hoping for some happy thoughts, or moments…so that is why I am reaching out here. I am so tired of the negative and the depressing times.


        I’m so sorry! Since they were positive influences, I encourage you to celebrate their lives. Sending hugs your way!

        Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
        I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


          Oh god eaglefeathers I’m sorry. I can’t even begin o comprehend your grief…I really wish I could give you a hug.


            My most heartfelt sympathies eaglefeather. No one should have to go through what you did, but sadly, that’s not how the world works.

            Something that works for my stepmother and myself is going to the movies. You can just let yourself get drawn into it and stop thinking for however long it lasts.

            And also, visit us more often! It may sound silly, but letting yourself get interested in non-essential (dare I say frivolous?) things again, it feels good!


            You have a point about the movies…my husband and I went to a couple (We rarely do that nowadays) and it was nice to escape into a different world for a while.
            Life does suck…things like this happen, and it is very upsetting to think about it.

            And you know what? I do miss the forum, and i will do a quick scan every once in a while…but I am now on the hunt for prints, and I bought a couple, so that kinda got me excited. lol


              And you know what? I do miss the forum, and i will do a quick scan every once in a while…but I am now on the hunt for prints, and I bought a couple, so that kinda got me excited. lol


              Do share them when they arrive! πŸ™‚

              You have seen the new classified right? I know that there’s someone selling prints there, and there was also someone who was offering one for trade but I’m not sure it’s still there…


              And you know what? I do miss the forum, and i will do a quick scan every once in a while…but I am now on the hunt for prints, and I bought a couple, so that kinda got me excited. lol


              Do share them when they arrive! πŸ™‚

              You have seen the new classified right? I know that there’s someone selling prints there, and there was also someone who was offering one for trade but I’m not sure it’s still there…

              Okay, sure…I can share. πŸ™‚
              I probably spent a good half hour trying to find the flea market…and then I was looking at tabs when I sawe classifieds. Some things have definitely changed..and I really like the classifieds! More organized that way, πŸ™‚ I posted a wanted add, and I have been in contact with the most recent poster of the prints…so that one is good to go. πŸ™‚

              I had a pretty good day yesterday, until the evening, and then I got pretty sad last night. I woke up late this morning, and took a shower…and I was a littel sad…until i started thinking of finding more prints…so you are definitely onto something about focusing on something like this is alright. I just can’t think about how it wont last forever….yadda…yada…because those were my thoughts last night, and it makes me want to give up on wanting Windstones…or anything for that matter!!


                Depression can easily set in πŸ™ the best things for relieving some of the symptoms is make sure you are getting your vitamins and sunlight especially your vitamin b’s and omegas. When you start feeling anxious and hopeless try changing where you are like going for a walk or try playing a fast paste game that requires your full concentration. It’s going to take a while to start feeling grounded and a bit more normal because your brain needs to play catch up in making stress/depression busting hormones. I hope this info helps.

                I really wish there was was an easy way to recover from grief and that I could help :/ *hugs*


                  I’m so sorry to hear this. Definitely find yourself some distractions, but don’t let those distractions take over. It’s normal and good to grieve.

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