Was it this week the chicks were supposed to hatch?

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      I know, I was just trying to defend myself a bit for buying the 3 females.

      Plus, I also think all the time “I could be getting a house any day now” and I honestly want to stock up on a few rare Windstone doubles, cause all I’m going to be able to do once I have a place is trade. If I have 1,000 mortgage to pay, that’s basically double what I pay now sharing a place with my sister now (nevermind the extra utilities). I won’t be able to afford anything new once I move, and I KNOW I won’t be saving any money. It will all be going towards any home improvements or furniture I’m going to have to buy.

      I guess I’m just planning for the future when the other colors come out maybe I can trade a pearl for a black one or a wolf one. It’s like my “insurance” I’ll have a way to keep getting the new pieces when they come out without actually buying them off of ebay since I’ll be comepletely broke! I’ll also be living with my boyfriend so he will know if I spend money too! LOL

      Got a busted Windstone?
      *OPEN for repairs*

      Arc-en-ciel Emperor
      Siphlophis Male Dragon
      Calypso Hatching Empress
      Ivory Moss Sitting Baby Kirin
      Tattoo Mother Kirin
      Emerald Tabby Male Griffin
      Tie Dye + Orion Hatching Royalty
      Indigo Rockfish + Flame Tabby Little Rock Dragons
      Dragon Quail + Obsidian Frost Old Warriors
      Betta Sun Dragon + Male Dragon
      Dreamscape, Orion, Poison Dart, Fireberry, Spangler + Tigerberry Dragons


        I was just curious, you guys! 😆 I am not cutting down anyones view of re-selling on Ebay for a profit. All I can think of is that it could be someone who reeeeally needs the money for one reason or another… vet bills, medical bills, new house… could be anything. I personally dont think its too kosher, but thats not to say I may not do it in the future. It has been sooooo tempting to list my curlies, knowing I can get more later, and make a profit off folks not “in the know.” There has been an instance or two that reeeally got to me and I am trying to remember that this person may not even know that I view what they did as wrong. We each have our own views. I, for one, am glad that everyone will get one. Hopefully that will cut in to the profits of anyone hoping to make a quick buck on these guys.


          skigod377 wrote:

          frozendragon wrote:

          emerald212 wrote:

          That’s okay as long as they are not hoarding them to sell on ebay.

          that would kind of get to me too….
          Im just kind of curious as to why? We are pretty sure thats why BT got 5. Drag0n did the same thing with the momma griffin, and Mipa just sold 3 curlies, ALL for well over production price. Folks were congratulating them….Now its a problem?
          Thank you Ski I knew I was not the only one that felt this way


            Dragon Master wrote:

            Thank you Ski I knew I was not the only one that felt this way

            Well, its probably not the same people congratulating in one thread and being upset in this one. I would have to look, but its not THAT important 😆


              Lokie wrote:

              skigod377 wrote:

              frozendragon wrote:

              emerald212 wrote:

              That’s okay as long as they are not hoarding them to sell on ebay.

              that would kind of get to me too….
              Im just kind of curious as to why? We are pretty sure thats why BT got 5. Drag0n did the same thing with the momma griffin, and Mipa just sold 3 curlies, ALL for well over production price. Folks were congratulating them….Now its a problem?
              Well, not everyone was congratulating them. I’m not a huge fan of that practice if it means that collectors waiting all day and were present at the auction loose out (thankfully Melody is offering the preorder this time). I’ve said that in multiple posts in the past, but keep my mouth shut now when I read new posts about the practice because I’ve already given my opinion.
              OK Folks BT could have bought all of them and now had them on e-bay at twice the price. What if Melody was NOT ever going to make more. You would be paying thru the NOSE to get these guys so why are some getting bashed as Ski said when they are really trying to do a nice thing??


                Ok folks as I was reading thru the last pages of this post since I really can no longer view at work since apparently they are now walking people out the door for non work sites. I was thinking what if this Forum did not exist at this point in time?? What did poeple think of me last year when I bought up all the 23KT Gold Leaf ones??? Why are people seeming to get so hostile towards each other??

                Before this Forum existed we all lived out lives and if we lost something on e-bay we might be upset for a minute or two but WE WOULD GET OVER IT!!
                Why has the suddenly changed?
                I posted about my White SK in 3 posts and got a tongue lashing that made me leave for a week. Is this the message we really want to send out to poeple especially new comers to the Forum???
                We are all adults or close to adults PLEASE do not ruin the good thing we have here and the reason we all came together here.
                E-bay is now hiding bidders names what if they started hiding who won the bids and no one here knew how many what anyone else got and people where all scared to post their new items for fear that they would be put in Exile? How would that realy make you feel??

                Sorry I’m just getting tired of the negative energy that seems to get pointed to some, myself included


                  well i didn’t get one i would like one but i think others here wanted them more, ahead of me. judging by what i have seen, i would have more than likley given up any i won. however had there been more avail i would have probably got a pair and resold or traded one. i don’t think Bt was way out of line or anyone else i already see several people sharing thier good fortune/timing. the rest will get theirs. i guess because i realise, i personally can’t afford and, not willing to make it so i could (giving up others) where 2 for the price of one occurs ie limiteds plus they do seem to hit when i’m broke .. someone could have easily bought out the run and bt may be a seller but also, seems to have a habit to support. i know they seem to be going crazy for that new sun griffin *G* so if they sold a few chicks to help pay so they could get that is it any differnt than when we trade or sell off what we have for something new soemtimes.. again i only detest resellers when they crose the line and wipe out a whole run … and yeah i want a chick 😛 too but i think i have a few dragons ahead on my wanted list … yummy emeralds


                    We argue over this over and over and over and over every time there’s a BIN item that sells out.

                    The same people say they think it’s okay to buy more than one, the same people say they hate it. some of the people who didn’t get one complain, some of the people who actually bought more than one defend themselves…

                    I’m frankly tired to death of hearing about it.

                    Can we make this subject off limits or something? We know that some of you hate it. We know that some of you think it’s okay. Until Windstone has a policy about it, what difference does it make? If you’re so upsest, e-mail Melody and ask her to limit the number you can buy. That’s the only thing that will make any actual difference, and I would really rather not go over this subject yet again every few weeks.

                    Sorry if that upsets anybody, but that’s how I feel. This forum is mostly a wonderful place, full of wonderful people, but lately it seems that there’s a lot more negative stuff on here, and it would be a shame if we descended into constant arguing.


                      In the words of Rodney King…”Can’t we all just get along?” 😀


                        THANK YOU BOTH SPARK AND SKI!!
                        That is basically EXACTLY what I was getting at!!


                        WOW, I missed alot that day of driving, hehe. 😆


                          yes it was a very interesting day!!


                            Melody – LOVE the poad signature and the fact you’re going to let people pre-order on the next batch. Very sweet of you! You’re the best: -)

                            Nessie – a great big thank you for getting me one. I appreciate it! You really didn’t get one for yourself!?! If you want mine, I can try to pre-order from the next batch. It’s up to you.


                              Ok, I didn’t get an email about the chicks coming up on ebay. And what’s with the poads?

                              I’m gonna go back and dig a little…

                              Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                              I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                              Alright, I’m tired of this as well. I hope no-one has a problem with this post. I was not complaining about anyone getting more than one. I said that BTs got 5 because they were at the top of the list, I could have easily recouped what everyone bought. It’s nice that BTs is offering them to the forum for no extra cost.

                              But, I’ll be honest. If I had the money to buy extras and resell them would I? Maybe, maybe not. I’ll probably never know. Yes, I would have complained if I didn’t get one. But, being mature (most days 🙄 ) I would have probably emailed Karen to see if there were anymore. I wouldn’t try to lay guilt trips about not getting one. I felt so guilty about getting the green fledge that I couldn’t enjoy having him. That’s why I sold him. And for less then I ended up paying for him. I am NOT feeling guilty about getting the grif chick. I’m keeping this one.

                              Please can we all act like adults and stop throwing temper tantrums over things like this? It’s about time that we stop making others feel bad about multiple buys. It would be nice if everyone would just buy one, but, we all know that’s not how things work. It’s the American way!

                              Cough cough, wow where did that come from? All right I’m done with the soap box…Next?

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