Waiting for my PYO's!

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      I love your eyes! I think i might have to order some for my next PYO!


      I just ordered a PYO Muse! I picked an orange/red eyed one. That will be loads of fun to paint all crazy!

      For all of those who want to see more eyes/irises http://www.artfire.com/users/DreamingTreeStudio And also http://www.etsy.com/shop/dreamingtreestudio Those are my two shops. I now know for a fact that the 11mm size fits those Keeper dragons, and the 6mm size fits the Phoenix. Once I get my Muse, I will tell you all what two odd-eye sizes those are! YES, I will cast them too! I can cast any color, or type for you! If you don’t see any there that you all like, I am happy to take on some more order requests!

      Hopefully, once I have some spare time, I can start on my PYO group. Now I have that Muse I just ordered coming, and the Keeper and Phoenix! I browsed the newest PYO’s in the gallery, and I must say to all of you… 😮 “I am so humbled!” I only Hope mine come out Half-as-Good as all of yours! That new Sparkly clear coat looks soo neat! I love it! Where do you all get it? I would love to try some too!

      In future, I will possibly sell Keeper rings for their claws, for who ever might be interested…I have lots of pretties that would work well for them! I will see how it works out for mine, first of course :yes: .

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