USPS is BOGUS!!! A little rant

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    I am thinking that perhaps it was a GOOD thing that the USPS is a protected species and the competition had to charge more.

    What this did was make the competition invent new ways of doing things to make their alternative methods worth the cost to the shipper. Tracking and better accountability to the customer is certainly worth extra, particularly to those who ship a lot of packages to a lot of destinations.

    And once you get started on the path of charging more for a better service, you can have more money to invest in your service and make it even better and more efficient each year.

    Let’s face it, being told, effectively: “You have to charge more, so you get to not have to deliver regular mail, junk mail, circulars, city-wide coupon blitzes, legal notices, catalogs, magazines, and other cheap low profit time consuming items,” must have caused much merriment in the offices of UPS and FedEx when they were fledgling companies.

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