Updated sales list

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  • #763719

    I can possibly take short payments. Very interested in trades for items I’m looking for (if you have something you know I’m looking for but don’t see something here feel free to pm too, there are others I have I would be willing to part with for the right trade!). Feel free to make an offer the worst I can do is say no! I need to sell some items please make an offer, I don’t want to e-bay!! 😀

    Male wolf griffin mint $129

    Mint scratching white $225

    Mint white coiled male $115

    Mint emerald hatching emperor $130

    Black gold scratcher $175

    Near mint emerald fledge, small repair on back side, barely noticeable $90

    Violet flame curl $125

    Emerald curl mint $125

    Circle of wolves council candle lamp, two small chips on ear $45

    Rainbow curl mint $175

    Peacock coiled mother- make fair offer, if there’s enough interest I can do an ‘auction style’ offers with a starting point

    Peacock hatching emperor, mint just no need for 2! 🙂 $150

    I can take money orders only preferably, I have someone that will let me use their paypal but you would have to pay the fees (I think it’s 3.9% ?)



    Bump, I just put the prices I would sell them for instead of offers.


    Bump, added some more pieces, please make an offer!




    Do you have pics of any of your pieces?


    Where is your location so I can figure the shipping?
    Also, do you have pics of the two males with chips? I’m interested <3



    Nakase, pm’d you. Purpledragonclaw, I can get pictures if there are certain ones you’re interested in. Thanks!


    Bump 🙂 No one is interested in any of these? 🙁


      Could you post a pic of your Emerald male?


      Could you post a pic of your Rainbow Curl?


      Hi Guys, I don’t know how to post pics and have limited computer access but if you send your e-mail I’d be happy to e-mail you a pic if you’re seriously interested 🙂


        Send the pic to Tink3327@aim.com pls.


        PM’ed you!


          Hi there. I know we have discussed your Emerald Fledg several times and I am finally able to make an offer. Yay! Would you take $75 for him? I can’t remember if the b/g mother is mint with box and tag…. if she is would you take $100?


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