Truly wonderful people . . .

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      If I was not working so much I would have LOVED to help to


      Thanks, DM! I appreciate that. 🙂
      This was definitely a spur-of-the-moment thing, and we’d frankly forgotten what a nuisance moving those big panels around can be. If I’d had the sense of a goose I wouldn’t have tackled it that day, but apparently I don’t. 😉 We were just lucky to have the help of grayfire and her mum: if not for them, we’d still have been wrestling with those darned things when the rain returned.

      Next time we’ve got a project of this size, I’m going to plan it ahead a little better. Drat this rain anyway–it sure makes it difficult to get things done outdoors when it’s being perverse! We keep getting sunny days when we both have to work, and rain when we’re off.


        BUT I need the rain to get a few things paid off and my missing Windstones for my collection before they retire


        Dragon Master wrote:

        BUT I need the rain to get a few things paid off and my missing Windstones for my collection before they retire

        Then at least these storms are doing somebody some good! 🙂 Now if only I could persuade them to roll in on the workdays and let us be on my days off.
        –Although I honestly have nothing to complain about today, because despite the clouds we had nary a drop of rain at the house, and I was able to finally get the bantams moved into their new pen! I sure hope they like being outside (instead of stuck in cages in the barn, like they were). There’s definitely some adjusting going on. One of the cochin hens has steadfastly refused to touch the ground: “That’s dirt! Yuck!” And when I locked everyone up for the night, the three Belgian banties had stuffed themselves into the nest box: “It’s cold out here! WTH?!”


          Wow, there really are some awesome people on this forum. I am glad that I have the chance to communicate with you all. The Windstone Forum is the best of the best.


            we do what we can when we can!!


              It just goes to show you there are some really great people in this world

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