Oh! Darjeb I am so sorry for the loss of your precious Tristen! It’s so hard to lose a beloved pet, my deepest sympathies to you, know that he is waiting for you across the rainbow bridge. 😥 🙁
I enjoyed all the holiday photos of Tristen in your yard. My condolensces on your loss. 😥 I’m glad he had a good long life (though it never is long enough 🙁 )
I’m SOOOO sorry to read this I know how much you LOVED him. He was a Windstone family member too with all the picture you posted here for each holiday. I can tell he had a wonderful life with you!!
I’m so sorry for your loss. I always enjoyed seeing the wonderful holiday themed pictures with him in them. I can’t offer much, just a shoulder to cry on. 😥 Sending hugs and Kleenex.
My condolences as well. It is so hard to lose someone we love so much. The good memories will help in time, but right now I know the loss just hurts. Big hugs from me and Alf.
😥 Having lost pets too, I know that there are no words that will take away the pain, but I know that Tristen had a wonderful life with you and I’m sure he knew was truly and greatly loved! {{{Hugs from NJ}}}
I’m so sorry, darjeb 🙁 I too will really miss seeing your holiday pics of Tristen. He was a very sweet boy — you could see in the pictures how happy he was. I know he enjoyed his life with you to the fullest. *hugs*