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- This topic has 26 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 14 years, 3 months ago by Tina.
December 10, 2010 at 3:35 am #833399
So we went to a Star Trek Convention in Vancouver last June, and I thought I would share a few of the pics since a spambot bomb went off!!
This is Richard, who was one of Genes assistants for 19 or so years, and Adam, one of the creators of Creation Entertainment. Both of these guys knew Gene and Majel, quite well, and had wonderful stories to share!
So here we have Barbara and Gwenyth, the Duras Sisters!
Here we have Jacob, he played young Spock in the new movie:
Max and Chase, or Rom and Leeta from DS9:
And Max and Armin or Rom and Quark:
Just Quark:
Casey and Jeff, who played Damar and Weyoun (Jeff played a few other characters as well)
Casey playing the guitar:
Vaughn, who played Admiral Maxwell Forrest on Enterprise:
Max, Vaughn, Casey, Armin and Jeff put on a “Rat Pack” show that is freaking hilarious!! Which is why they are in tuxes in a couple of pics, LOL. We also had dessert with these 5 as well!
And Connor, who played Trip!
Which leaves Shatner:
And Nimoy:
And me:
And with my iPad that I have Shanter and Nimoy sign!
Last but not least, the one thing I bought for myself, it is only missing Jeri Ryans autograph, and she has just started to do conventions again, so I guess I will just have to go to another one :lol::
I hope you all enjoyed them!
December 10, 2010 at 3:35 am #502061December 10, 2010 at 5:50 am #833400I did! WOW! That is so awesome! I love Voyager the best, do you have any pictures of any of the crew from that one? That is so awesome that Jeri Ryan is doing conventions again! I have never been to one, personally, but I would LOVE to go! You look so happy!!!
December 10, 2010 at 6:10 am #833401Voyager is my favorite too! But none of them were there, we are hoping to go to the one in Vegas for the 45th anniversary, maybe some of them will be there. I really hope that Jeri Ryan is there so I can get her signature on that photo though, I had to buy it with the rest of them though!
December 10, 2010 at 4:46 pm #833402Live long and prosper, girl!
When I was in university, there was a convention in Ottawa. Us poor students didn’t have enough money to all go, so we pitched in and sent my brother. He got me a comm badge! I still have it 😀
This was before the avent of the Internet and ebay. Now these Trekkie items are so readily available…
Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.
http://www.sarahjestin.com/feedbacklists.htmDecember 10, 2010 at 4:53 pm #833403They are but the few I have came from the Star Trek Experience in vegas, lol.
December 10, 2010 at 5:13 pm #833404Ah! I have been to only one Star Trek convention in 1994. I went when I was in high school and living in Germany (my dad was stationed there with the Army). I actually worked the show so I was able to meet most of the stars and spend some different time with them instead of just being a fan (of which I was as well).
There were a big group of stars there:
Majel Barrett-Roddenberry (Gene Roddenberry’s widow and Nurse Chapel from the Original series and Lwaxana Troy in TNG)- She was lovely! So dedicated to her fans and a sweetheart. She stayed at her table until everyone who wanted an autograph or to meet her had done so.
James Doohan (Scotty)- He liked scotch and he was pretty funny!
Marc Lenard (Sarek-Spock’s father)- A wonderful, sweet man as well. He wanted to know how I (an American teenager at the time) ended up at a German Start Trek convention.
Nichelle Nichols (Uhura)- Beautiful singing voice and very nice.
Robin Curtis (Saavik in ST III and IV)- I didn’t really get a chance to speak with her much but she seemed very nice.
Dwight Schultz (he’s been in a bunch of stuff besides ST)- Didn’t get to speak with him much.
John DeLancie (Q)- I never knew just how tall he was until I was standing next to him. (I’m only 5’3″)
Jonathan Del Arco (Hugh the Borg)- I remember he was very cute.
Robert O’Reilly (Gowron)- I didn’t really get to speak with him either.
Richard Arnold- research consultant and writer for ST
Gates McFadden (Dr. Beverly Crusher)- She was the most elusive of the bunch and kept to herself, her autograph and photo sessions were very brief. They said the camera flashes gave her migraines. I didn’t bother trying to get to her when she was doing autograph sessions since she was one of the stars that more people wanted to see and the lines were ridiculous.I got to see a reading from one of the Star Trek books “Q-in-Law” acted by Majel Barrett-Roddenberry and John Delancie (as Lwaxana Troy and Q) which was a lot of fun. That is one of the stories they didn’t make into a t.v. episode.
I went to a couple of panels during the convention and we (all of the people who worked the convention) had a dinner with a number of the stars, which was cool.
There were a bunch of German voice actors there as well, non of whom I knew but the ones I met were very nice.
It was quite an experience.
I vaguely remember that George Takei came to a tiny convention at my college but I don’t think I was able to go to it. I remember seeing him but I think I missed the bulk of the convention due to some other commitment.
I would probably go to another Star Trek convention if I had the opportunity. I would so love to meet Patrick Stewart!
Ah, the memories!! 😳December 10, 2010 at 7:35 pm #833405Thanks for the pics. I’m a Trekkie (or Trekker) and was introduced to the Fabulous world of StarTrek when I was a kid. Dad (the main Trekkie in the house) used to let us stay up to watch The original StarTrek reruns when Mum was out curling. Still remember a few “Mum’s home” races to the bedroom to pretend to be asleep 😀 Voyager was my favorite, DS9 my least favorite, never really got to see Enterprise (stupid work) and haven’t seen the new movie yet 😳 . Have a few toys, DVDs and random stuffs. Have never been to a Convention (am way too chicken to go alone) but they look like fun. The philharmonic Orchestra here did a StarTrek music night that was hosted by Robert Picardo (The Doctor) and John DeLancie (Q) and was planning to go, but work got in the way 😥 Thanks for sharing pics, looks like you had a great time and booya! for getting your IPad signed 😀
December 10, 2010 at 8:09 pm #833406*Green Eyed Monster rears it’s head*
If there’s a convention in Edmonton, I don’t know about it, & have yet to make it to Vulcan for one.
I used to work too much.
Next Summer Vulcan’s may be taken over by a Trip out East.
I are Sad.On the other Hand I’m Trekking my Kids out.
My Son can Identify Stargate Atlantis, StarTrek (“Picard” 😀 ), & StarTrek Voyager.
Soon going to have him learn Andromeda, but it’s on at such an odd time, aka Stupid assed early in the am, or when we’re watching Atlantis(which is what’s on as I found this post).
I’m not a Huge fan of “Kirk”, or DS9, so they often get preempted by other shows.December 10, 2010 at 10:37 pm #833407ForestDragon wrote:Gates McFadden (Dr. Beverly Crusher)- She was the most elusive of the bunch and kept to herself, her autograph and photo sessions were very brief. They said the camera flashes gave her migraines. I didn’t bother trying to get to her when she was doing autograph sessions since she was one of the stars that more people wanted to see and the lines were ridiculous.
Fun fact, did you know that Gates McFadden was the dance choreographer for the movie Labyrinth?? 😀
December 11, 2010 at 4:10 am #833408This was the first ST convention that Creation held in Vancouver for like 13 years, but it was very cool!
Hubby and i decided to give each other Gold Pass tickets to the Vegas Convention for next August! 😀 😀 Very very excited about that!!
Nichelle and George will both be there so I will get them to sign my iPad as well…SQUEE!!
December 11, 2010 at 4:18 am #833409ForestDragon wrote:Ah! I have been to only one Star Trek convention in 1994. I went when I was in high school and living in Germany (my dad was stationed there with the Army). I actually worked the show so I was able to meet most of the stars and spend some different time with them instead of just being a fan (of which I was as well).
There were a big group of stars there:
Majel Barrett-Roddenberry (Gene Roddenberry’s widow and Nurse Chapel from the Original series and Lwaxana Troy in TNG)- She was lovely! So dedicated to her fans and a sweetheart. She stayed at her table until everyone who wanted an autograph or to meet her had done so.
James Doohan (Scotty)- He liked scotch and he was pretty funny!
Marc Lenard (Sarek-Spock’s father)- A wonderful, sweet man as well. He wanted to know how I (an American teenager at the time) ended up at a German Start Trek convention.
Nichelle Nichols (Uhura)- Beautiful singing voice and very nice.
Robin Curtis (Saavik in ST III and IV)- I didn’t really get a chance to speak with her much but she seemed very nice.
Dwight Schultz (he’s been in a bunch of stuff besides ST)- Didn’t get to speak with him much.
John DeLancie (Q)- I never knew just how tall he was until I was standing next to him. (I’m only 5’3″)
Jonathan Del Arco (Hugh the Borg)- I remember he was very cute.
Robert O’Reilly (Gowron)- I didn’t really get to speak with him either.
Richard Arnold- research consultant and writer for ST
Gates McFadden (Dr. Beverly Crusher)- She was the most elusive of the bunch and kept to herself, her autograph and photo sessions were very brief. They said the camera flashes gave her migraines. I didn’t bother trying to get to her when she was doing autograph sessions since she was one of the stars that more people wanted to see and the lines were ridiculous.I got to see a reading from one of the Star Trek books “Q-in-Law” acted by Majel Barrett-Roddenberry and John Delancie (as Lwaxana Troy and Q) which was a lot of fun. That is one of the stories they didn’t make into a t.v. episode.
I went to a couple of panels during the convention and we (all of the people who worked the convention) had a dinner with a number of the stars, which was cool.
There were a bunch of German voice actors there as well, non of whom I knew but the ones I met were very nice.
It was quite an experience.
I vaguely remember that George Takei came to a tiny convention at my college but I don’t think I was able to go to it. I remember seeing him but I think I missed the bulk of the convention due to some other commitment.
I would probably go to another Star Trek convention if I had the opportunity. I would so love to meet Patrick Stewart!
Ah, the memories!! 😳I would love to meet him as well, and so jealous of those that you got to meet that have left us!
December 11, 2010 at 4:20 am #833410Really, really jealous… How fun was that??!? Thanks for sharing pix!
twindragonsmum 😀
December 11, 2010 at 4:21 am #833411Lupin Vulcan is pretty neat, it was winter when we went, but fun too look at none the less!
I want to do a trip out east, we flew to Toronto this summer, but I want to go to newfoundland!
December 11, 2010 at 6:55 am #833412ruffian wrote:but I want to go to newfoundland!
I want to go Home too. 🙁
For something other than to Bring a Family Member Home To Bury ’em, or to see ’em Buried.But if you LIKE Winter & Cold, Labrador is incredibly Pretty in Winter.
Just make sure you have Lots of warm Clothes, & I’d advise maybe even the Thermal Underwear Be Down Filled if you go between November & April. Especially if you go in December or January. 😆 Oh & Water Proof.
If you go to the Island make sure you take a Run up the Great Northern Pen to Lanse Aux Meadows & See the Viking Settlement. While a Stop in St. John’s needs Water Street visited, But more importantly Cabot Tower, & a Whale-Puffin-Iceberg Tour is always Nice if you can tolerate the Boats. Also find somewhere where you can see the Newfoundland Ponies. & St. Johns is a lot of steep hills.
My “Home” is Bonavista Bay(Yes that is a necessary Distinction), but I was raised in Labrador City. Oh & If you are just wandering the Province if I Remember correctly Joe Bat’s Arm is just North of the Dildo’s. 😆 Many Like to get shot’s in front of the Community Signs, for Ahem, what should be fairly obvious reasons. -
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