Tips for making Keeper jewelry?

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    There might already be a thread like this and I over looked it, but….

    I want to either buy or make some little charms for my two keepers to hold =) and I was wondering what you all use to make them. I’ve never done it before, but I can surely give it a try!


    I don’t know if you are close to a Michaels or not but they have a great bead and “trinket” section there and I find all sorts of cool stuff. I use jewelry glue on bails ( link–Celtic-Design-Loop-with-8x6mm-Pad-Sterling-Silver-1-Pc_p_1101.html ) and E600 clear adhesive to attach some pieces, drill others and use this kind of Bail (–Ice-Pick-10x8mm-Sterling-Silver-1-Pc_p_1170.html ) and others I string on cord or wire. These links are just examples but there are all types you can use. I can send you pics of stuff I use if you like.


    There is a MIchesls not far, and a HObby Lobby too. =) i’ll have to look around, thanks!


    Welcome. If you do a google search for Jewelry Bails you will get all sorts of place to get them and I think they even carry at Micheals. We don’t have a hobby lobby here but I am sure they will have stuff. I use whatever strikes me and lots of the time my idea for a color scheme comes from a great Keep idea find.


    Well i’ll definitely look for some fruit charms of some sort for my citrus dragon =P


      Glad you posted this – I’m looking for something autumnal for my fall colored KD to hold. Right now, he’s got one of my earrings – a Japanese Maple leaf dipped in coppery alloy – but he can’t keep it! 🙂

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        Check local bead stores too, they often have some lovely things to make little charms out of.


        Don’t forget to check etsy & eBay.

        And think outside the box…way outside it. For example: All my current jewelry projects are based around men’s cufflinks, mostly from the ’50’s and ’60’s. I saw a reverse carved crystal (also known as an intaglio) one day last summer that I couldn’t live without. It took six months to hunt one down (the first was not for sale). It was part of a rather surprising series of collectible cufflinks…and in finding that, I discovered that a lot of those pieces from that timeframe are superb tiny works of art. They also have an amazing variety of stones and crystals set into them…and if you hunt around, you can find them at dirt cheap to semi reasonable prices. And they’re typically pretty easy to convert to other kinds of jewelry.

        Of course, they’re like Windstones. In finding the first one, we ended up with a few dozen of the darn things. Aside from the stash I accumulated for my projects, Hubby now has quite the collection, which I’m not allowed near. LOL!

        Other vintage jewelry is another thing to keep an eye out for. Much of it is available in bulk lots for not a whole lot of money, and it’s a quick process to repurpose it. Or if your mom/grandma/aunts, etc. are like mine, there may be a stash they’re willing to part with! 🙂


          I usually use stones of various types.Some silver pendants too.
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          Every act matters.No matter how small💞
          (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
          Male day🤞Dream on.


          May I ask what you use to hang the stones? Like, what do you put through the dragon’s claw to hold the pretty piece on the end?


            When I made one I made a hook so it was removable. Fish hook style earrings also make good charms.


              I use fishing line or very thin wire,sometimes a thin piece of leather and I push the knot into the hole to secure it.Anything that won’t scratch or chip the paw should be okay.

              Every act matters.No matter how small💞
              (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
              Male day🤞Dream on.


                Often in craft/bead stores you can find some nice satin cord to use as well. The cord comes in many different colours, so you can match with almost any colour scheme 🙂


                Awesome info, thanks! Suggestions for tying it all off? Obviously I know nothing haha

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