"Three Kings" WIP to Finished Painting

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      So this is a piece of “Three Kings” (Three King Charles Spaniels) but I’m gettin to that ‘too critical’ point, I think! lol.. So my question is, what do ya’ll think of the nose? I see a point already I need to go in and fix, the line up the middle of the nose is too straight, goes too high, and is too wide at the top.. but other than that, honest opinions? – Noses are never my strong quality, and I always end up fussing with them 3x longer than it should take! lol


      Daily Goals

      Day 1.) (Start of goals. Pretty far into the painting by the time the goals started, lol)
      Finish Red Dogs Ears – (I’d say this is a check!) – They need tweaked, but won’t know how much ’till the red dog is more done

      Day 2.)
      Finish the rest of the red markings on the red dog. Tweak ears? Eyes

      Day 3.)
      Finish red dog (White markings, nose)

      Day 4.)
      Finish black markings on top dog.

      Day 5.)
      Finish top dog (White markings, eyes, nose)

      Day 6.)
      Background. Final tweaks? (May not take an extra day but giving it one in case day 5’s goals run long)


        You are really, really good! I guess if I had to look extremely critically at the nose, I’d say that it is facing to far to the right compared to the direction of the muzzle and eyes/face. Or maybe it’s a little too 3-dimensional (I’m not sure, since I’m not overly familiar with this breed) compared with the muzzle. But it’s very, very subtle, whatever it is. Honestly, I don’t know if I’m seeing a flaw or not.


          Thanks 🙂

          Yeah, it’s taken me a lot to make it look like the nose belongs on the dog!
          This is a lil better, but I still dunno if it looks right? I fixed the problem I caught while uploading it, lol.. and a single lil nudge to the left seemed to help a lil.. I also activated the layers with the eyes to help give his face direction. They’re an odd breed for sure! I’ve been having troubles capturing them just right.. less trouble than when I did an Italian Greyhound, though! I nver knew how odd the IG’s eyes were ’till I had to try and paint them! lmao

          Here we are! Minor changes, but sometimes it’s the minor change that makes the biggest difference!

          I’ve oddly noticed if you concentrate on the nose directly that it seems to 3D effect right off the dogs face XD (I’m guessing the black on white is what is causing part of this problem) but if you look at the overall image, it merges pretty well?


            I think the picture looks a little funny, but then I realized it’s because I think the breed in general looks funny, so I’d say you pretty much nailed it. 😀


              I think the picture looks a little funny, but then I realized it’s because I think the breed in general looks funny, so I’d say you pretty much nailed it. 😀

              HAHAHA! XD Awesome! – Yeah, I realized how hard it is to photograph this breed and have them look decent! They’re just one of those oddball breeds, they don’t look that bad in person (a good looking one of them anyway, some DO look bad in person too) but to illustrate them becomes a whole new ballgame! lmao


                wow! You did a great job! I can’t draw, or paint realistic things like you can, so I am amazed! I take it there are going to be 2 other dogs in the painting?


                  wow! You did a great job! I can’t draw, or paint realistic things like you can, so I am amazed! I take it there are going to be 2 other dogs in the painting?

                  Thank you! 🙂

                  Yup, this is cropped in to this one dog so we can see the details.. there is one that’s going to be at it’s top left (placed a lil behind this one) and one on the bottom left (placed a lil over this one, hence the not worrying about that one rough edge, in the final piece it’s hidden)


                    Daily Goal: Finish the ears on the red dog. – Hmm… as finished as I know to get them right now (they’ll require more details once I see the rest of the dog more finished, just the way it works! lol)

                    These took longer today than I thought they would! I had him based out like the top dog is done ‘n the middle dog started like… but I had the ears all wrong, so they got erased and completely redone… and I hit a couple trial and error moments, per usual with my paintings, lol XD

                    What do you guys think thus far?

                    I also figured out the prob with the middle dogs nose.. simple things make a difference.. it was too ‘3D’ because the nose was too bright, lol..


                      They look great! The commissioner will be thrilled!


                      Great Job Kaytana…they are looking really good. I love the way you layed them out. Really nice composition.


                        Thanks! It took me some time to figure out their layout, but I finally got it! lol, I actually started the painting with the top and the bottom dog switched, but it looked weird to me.. thankfully a big advantage to digital, moving them around isn’t hard at all! lol


                        Thanks! It took me some time to figure out their layout, but I finally got it! lol, I actually started the painting with the top and the bottom dog switched, but it looked weird to me.. thankfully a big advantage to digital, moving them around isn’t hard at all! lol

                        Good choice to move the red to the front. It looks really cohesive to have the 2 black on black and the red in front. Really shapes the overall image.
                        I think that tempering the brightness of the nose made a huge difference to the 3-D effect you were getting.

                        It looks like a really pretty offset Puppy Heart!!!!

                        I am no artist at all and these are just my personal views of course. You know what’s best as it is you with the talent and not I. 🙂


                          Thanks! It took me some time to figure out their layout, but I finally got it! lol, I actually started the painting with the top and the bottom dog switched, but it looked weird to me.. thankfully a big advantage to digital, moving them around isn’t hard at all! lol

                          Good choice to move the red to the front. It looks really cohesive to have the 2 black on black and the red in front. Really shapes the overall image.
                          I think that tempering the brightness of the nose made a huge difference to the 3-D effect you were getting.

                          It looks like a really pretty offset Puppy Heart!!!!

                          I am no artist at all and these are just my personal views of course. You know what’s best as it is you with the talent and not I. 🙂

                          I love getting everyones opinions 🙂 Sometimes others see things I completely miss, or I think something looks right but it doesn’t look right to everyone else (I’d rather it look right to everyone else) and sometimes I think something looks awkward or not right and it actually looks just fine XD I’m always getting other peoples opinions while I’m working, I just usually go grab family and ask them.. this round you guys are my ‘is there anything wrong?!” group 😀 haha


                            Looks great . You really do beautiful work .


                              Oook.. I’m getting frustrated with this thing now. Not only am I two days behind on my goals now, I’m undoing and redoing a LOT on this red dog (Trickier dog than I thought it would be!)
                              So I need very honest opinions.
                              Does the middle black dog (Finished) match the detail of what is done on my red dog (Just look at the red markings, the white markings are barely worked on) or am I over-detailing the red dog? – That red is harder to match the style as the black in my opinion and easier to detail out but it *has* to match the middle dog or it won’t look right. – I tried to ask my mother who wanted to see it and her opinion was to make the far back dog less detailed (Close to what its roughed in version is now? Uh. No?) and leave the red alone. But since she told me to leave the back dog more plain, I don’t trust her opinion for the red dog right now x.x


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